각종 규제 업데이트, 교육 소식, 뉴스, 자료를 이메일로 받아보세요
각종 규제 업데이트, 교육 소식, 뉴스, 자료를 이메일로 받아보세요
소비제 및 리테일 뉴스레터를 통해 전기 및 전자, 하드라인, 섬유 및 의류, 완구 및 유아용품 관련 최신 규정, 표준, GMA 뉴스를 확인하세요.
USA: Oregon revised HPCCCH list for children's products
USA: California OEHHA revised Proposition 65 questions and answers on warning
Japan: bans Methoxychlor Dechlorane Plus and UV328
EU: REACH SVHC candidate list now includes 247 substances
Saudi Arabia: USB Type-C Common Charging Solution
Indonesia: Termination of Directive 109 2024 on Telecom Certification
Vietnam: Circular 212024TTBTTTT on Surveillance Camera Network Security
India: Announcement of Mandatory Implementation of QR Code for Self-ballasted LED Lamp
Argentina: Regulation Provision Issued by Ministry of Economy regarding Resolution 237
USA: EPA amends DecaBDE and PIP (3:1) under TSCA
China: Announcement No.76, 2024 of Radio Management Regulations for 900 MHz Frequency
India: Safety of Household commercial and similar electrical appliances
Korea: Revision of Korean Industrial Standards for Certain Batteries
Mexico: IFT establishes labelling requirements in updated Guidelines
Canada: Health Canada publishes tent regulation SOR/2024-217
USA: California finalised Proposition 65 short-form warning amendments
USA: EPA delays TSCA PFAS reporting deadlines
USA: Minnesota postpones requirements of PFAS Lead and Cadmium in certain products
EU: REACH Annex XVII restriction on PFHxA was published
EU: Lower HBCDD limit under POPs
EU: Methoxychlor Listed under POPs Annex I
USA: California published PFAS enforcement mechanism
Japan: Amended limits of flame retardants under Law 112
France: An updated standard list for Decree No. 95-949 for bunk beds has been published
USA: Rhode Island enacted law on PFAS ban
EU: REACH candidate list includes 241 SVHCs now
EU: POPs draft amendment to include Dechlorane Plus
Japan: Further bans PFOA isomers and PFOA-related substances
Australia: IChEMS online register listed 5 new substances
USA: New Hampshire imposes PFAS ban on certain products
EU: REACH public consultation for the 32nd update of candidate list starts
Taiwan: LP0002 Amendment on expanding 6GHz frequency band for low power radio frequency devices
Indonesia: Technical Standards for Telecommunications Equipment and Short Range Radio Devices
China: Implementation Rules CNCA-C11-22:2024 for Electric Bicycle Chargers
미국: California Proposition 65의 간소화된 경고 문구 제안이 추가적으로 개정
중국: 전자파 적합성 - 제한 - Part 1: 고조파 전류 방출의 제한
필리핀: 필리핀 에너지 라벨링 프로그램(PELP) 지침 개정
사우디아라비아:2023년 5월, 특정 전기전자기기의 대기 및 오프 모드 전력 소비 요구사항 기술 규정
태국: FM 라디오 방송 송신기 표준 NBTC TS 3001-2567, 2024
베트남: 2023년 11월, 주파수 대역 9kHz - 25MHz에서 작동하는 단거리 무선 장비에 대한 국가 기술 규정 승인 (Circular 17/2023/TT-BTTTT)
Indonesia: Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limitations on cellular phones and tablet computers
Korea: Radio Act amendment on self-assessment and local representatives for conformity assessments
Mexico: IFT Graphic label requirements for approved telecommunications products
China: Compulsory Product Certification for Electronic Toilets e-Bike Helmets and Other Products
China: Electromagnetic Compatibility Emission Standard for Equipment in Residential Environments
Thailand: Establishing Industrial Standard 61058 Part 1 switches for appliances general requirements
USA: Maine postponed PFAS ban and revised PFAS notification scope
Germany: Formaldehyde emission limit for wood-based panels aligns with EU regulation
EU: POPs PFOS draft is further revised
Japan: PFHxS is banned for certain imported products
EU: ECHA published enforcement project results on integrated chemical control of products
EU: Commission revises the guidance document for aquatic toys
EU: Market surveillance on unsafe magnetic gadgets
EU: REACH annex XVII restriction – EC adopted EN 1811:2023 for Nickel release
EU: REACH Annex XVII restriction on microplastics was published
USA: EPA published PFAS reporting rule under TSCA
USA: CPSC rule on custom window coverings vacated
USA: California Proposition 65 cases update on PFOA and BPA
USA: California bans fiberglass in mattresses and other furniture
USA: ASTM publishes F963-23 toy safety standard
USA: California Proposition 65 - short-form warnings proposal revived
USA: Guidance for TPCH 2021 model legislation for PFAS and Ortho-phthalates is ready
UK: PFHxS ban under UK POPs regulation published
Argentina: Radars are allowed in 57-71 GHz spectrum portion
China: New compulsory product certification standard for switches and control equipment
EU: REACH public consultation for the 30th update of candidate list starts
Australia: Adoption of the new safety standard for toys for children 3 years old and under
Australia: Updated requirements for care labelling of textile products
USA: California Proposition 65 – Watch out for Bisphenol A in softlines products
China: Catalogue of products subject to compulsory product certification published
Singapore: Technical specification of short range device Issue 1 Revision 3 published
France: Final decision on Green Dot
EU REACH – Annex XVII restriction on Formaldehyde emission was published
USA: CPSC publishes mandatory standard for adult portable bed rails
EU: The 16th amendment to the EU plastic food contact regulation adopted
European Commission to extend the application of RED cybersecurity requirements to 1 August 2025
China: Establishment of new network access permit
China: Compulsory certification of electronic equipment and safety accessories
Brazil: Approving technical requirements for conformity assessment of smart TV boxes
USA: Oregon revised Toxic-Free Kids Act
EU: PFHxS is banned under POPs regulation
EU: Czech Republic repealed legislation on toys and children's products
EU: New food additive authorised in food contact plastic materials
USA: Maine extended PFAS notification deadline
EU: REACH two substances were added to SVHC candidate list
Canada: New federal carriages and strollers regulations are now in force
Canada: Public consultation on regulations of Formaldehyde emission from composite wood products
EU: REACH EC submitted draft PFHxA restriction to WTO
UK: Plastic utensils containing bamboo or similar materials are no longer allowed in commerce
Korea: Establishment of Korean industrial standards on electric cooking appliances
Thailand: Establishment of Standard TIS 60335-2 32 on household and similar electrical appliances
Japan: Regulations for high-powered magnets and expanding toys published
UK: Revised list of toy designated standards published
UK: The government published RoHS exemptions of mercury in lamps
Canada: Health Canada proposes to amend toys regulations
Canada: Health Canada considering changes to the tents regulations
EU: Scientific opinion finalised on the safety of titanium dioxide in toys
Saudi Arabia: TUV SUD approved for SALEEM type 3 certificate in Asia & Australia region
USA: CPSC adopts ASTM F2057-23 as the mandatory standard for STURDY act
EU: REACH Annex XVII restriction on lead in PVC was published
France: Updated standard list of Decree No. 99-777 for deck chairs published
USA: CPSC updates mandatory standard for bedside sleepers
USA: Minnesota enacted law on PFAS ban and restriction on heavy metals in certain products
USA: Washington state adopts rule for safer consumer products
China: Implementation Rules CCRC-C09-001 2022 for Compulsory Certification of IT Equipment
Singapore: Circular published update on safety standard for 13A fused connection units switched
KSA: Amendments to Mandatory Standards SASO 2927:2019 and SASO 2663:2021
Mexico: Agreement on Classification of the 5925-6425 MHz Band
Korea: Revision of Some Korean Industrial Standards for Electrical Appliances
Thailand: Establishment of Industrial Standard TIS 60335-2(23)
EU: launched public consultation on PFAS under REACH Annex XVII
USA: New York amended the ban on PFAS in apparel
EU: European Commission updates EN 71-13:2021 + A1:2022 as harmonised standard for toys
EU: European Commission publishes new classification guidance for toys under and over 3 years of age
Vietnam: Approving National Technical Regulation on Electrical Safety
Korea: Revision of Some Korean Industrial Standards for Electrical Appliances
EU: REACH public consultation for the 29th update of candidate list starts
USA: EPA revised voluntary standards for Formaldehyde emission from composite wood products
USA: safety standards for non-full size baby cribs amended
UK: Defra launched consultation on proposed amendments to UK POPs regulation
EU: Scientific committee finalised opinion on the safety of cobalt in toys
EU: REACH candidate list includes 233 SVHCs now
USA: STURDY act signed into law
EU: a new RoHS exemption entry is granted for Chromium VI in gas absorption refrigerators
France: updated standard list of Decree no 91 1292 for childcare articles published
EU: Commission proposes revisions to food contact plastic regulation
Canada: CGSB publishes the revised standards for flammability for textiles and mattresses
USA: CPSC updates safety standard for gates and enclosures
EU: PFHxS and Dechlorane plus will be proposed under POPs instead of REACH
EU: European Union adopted the limit value for Hexachlorobenzene under POPs regulation
USA: federal standard for infant walkers updated
EU: European Union POPs draft updates of PFOA PFOS HBCDD PCB and newly listing PFHxS
USA: New York published its final program policy for Organohalogen flame retardants
USA: CPSC publishes final rule for safety standard for clothing storage units
USA: CPSC updates safety standard for infant swings
USA: CPSC proposed to amend the standard for the flammability of clothing textiles
Philippines: New Technical Regulation Concerning Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment and Station
EU: EU launched public consultation on MCCP under REACH Annex XVII
EU: the European Commission adopts new regulation for food contact recycled plastics
USA: CPSC publishes final rule for new federal safety standard for magnets
USA: Federal standard for sling carriers updated
USA: New federal standards coming for button cell and coin batteries
AUS: ACCC Seeks Feedback For Infant Sleep Products
USA: California Proposition 65 first case on BPA in socks is settled
USA: CPSC updates safety standard for frame child carriers
UK BEIS updates designated standards for toy safety
USA: revision to safety standard for infant bouncer seats
EU: REACH public consultation for the 28th update of candidate list was launched
USA: CPSC updates mandatory standard for baby changing products
USA: Maryland passes law banning PFAS from certain products
EU: REACH WTO draft restriction on Formaldehyde
USA: Crib bumpers and infant inclined sleepers will now be banned
Canada: Proposed prohibition of certain toxic substances regulation, 2022
Australia: ACCC publishes consultation paper on furniture toppling
USA-CPSC publishes the final rule on safety standard for crib mattresses
Portugal enacted the decree on the use of ‘leather’ and related terminologies
EU: EC ends certain RoHS mercury exemptions in lamps
USA: California identified PFOA as carcinogenic chemical under Prop 65
Australia: Review of safety standard for toys up to and including 3 years old
EU REACH: Public consultation for the 26th update of candidate list launched
France: Childcare articles standards under decree No. 91-1292 updated
Australia: Amended Consumer Goods (Projectile Toys) Safety Standard was published
Japan: The Radio Act Enforcement Regulations was amended
Mexico: Approval of Standard No. NMX-I-62368-1-NYCE-2020 on electronic equipment
Canada: Formaldehyde emissions from composite wood products will be restricted
EU: Enforcement action on bamboo additives in food contact plastics has landed
USA: Maine bans PFAS in products
USA: FTC publishes final rule for 16 CFR 323 “Made in USA” labeling
USA: California Proposition 65 reformulation updates
EU: New REACH Annex XVII restriction on PAHs in granules and mulches was published
EU REACH candidate list includes 219 SVHCs now
India Extends the implementation date for mandatory BIS plug socket standards
Vietnam List of potentially unsafe ICT products subject to certification update
KSA New implementation date for SASO IEC 6236812020
Singapore NEA to enhance Minimum Energy Performance Standards for refrigerators
EU: European Commission adopts aniline restriction in toys
USA: ASTM updates F2123-19 standard practice for tree-stand instructions to F2123-21
USA: CPSC publishes new regulations on infant sleepers
USA: California adopted carpets and rugs with PFAS as a priority product
Canada: Health Canada published new notice to stakeholders on use of flame retardants
USA: CPSC amends the standard for the flammability of mattresses and mattress pads
EU: Launched public consultation on dechlorane plus under REACH Annex XVII
India: Extends the effective date of the three footwear quality control orders
USA: CPSC updates Safety Standard for high chairs
EU REACH: The European Commission updates nickel release testing method
USA: Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a direct final rule on the Standard for the Flammability of Upholstered Furniture
Austria: Results of compliance check for food contact materials
Japan: Perfluorooctanoic acid banned for certain imported products
USA: EPA postponed Compliance Date of PIP (3:1) under TSCA
UK: The BSI updates the Community Face Coverings Specification (BSI Flex 5555 v2.0)
Canada: Health Canada updates Industry Guide to the Glazed Ceramics and Glassware Regulations
Jordan: New Telecommunications Technical Rules and Specifications for terminal equipment
Mexico: Approval of the Conformity Assessment Procedure for telecommunications and radio equipment
Belgium: The New Royal Decree on Food Contact Metals and Alloys
EU REACH: Public Consultation for the 25th update of the Candidate List
USA: Oregon Toxic-Free Kids Act reached final implementation phase
New features on Product Services Certification Finder
EU: Market withdrawal of harmful food contact bamboo-melamine plastics
EU: Recent updates to marking requirements for single-use plastic products
EU: REACH SVHC Roadmap 2020 is completed
India: approves Footwear Quality Control Orders mandating certification requirements
EU: POPs sets a limit for Pentachlorophenol
Colombia: extends validity of Technical Regulation for Lighting and Public Lighting (RETILAP)
Thailand: establishment of Industrial Standard TIS 902-2(5) on floodlights
USA: TPCH Updates Model Toxics in Packaging Legislation
EU REACH: Candidate list contains 211 SVHCs now
USA adopts the California’s TB 117-2013 as federal flammability standard for upholstered furniture
USA: CPSC updates safety standard for infant swings
USA: EPA bans five PBT chemicals
USA: California moves to limit the use of Proposition 65 short-form warning
France: Updated standard list for decree no 96 333 on portable ladders and step stools
EU REACH: Various entries of annex XVII are updated
EU: Toy flammability standard EN 71 2 updated to 2020 version
EU: CEN published CEN TR 15071 2020 for national translations of warnings and instructions for toys
EU: Standard EN 71 4 2020 for toy experimental set published
EU: The commission announces new marking specifications for single use plastic products
USA: Massachusetts passes bill to ban toxic flame retardants
France: Updated standard list for decree no 2006 1129 on lighters
Mexico: Standard NMX-J-521-2-31-ANCE-2018 on safety requirements for cooker hoods
KSA: TÜV SÜD Middle East has scope extension for SALEEM scheme
USA: EPA updates TSCA formaldehyde in composite wood requirement
Panama: Refrigerators and freezers energy efficiency and labelling requirements in force
Vietnam: TÜV SÜD PSB successfully signs MoU with Vietnam Certification Centre QUACERT
EU REACH: Public Consultation of the 22nd update of Candidate List
USA: New Hampshire bans flame retardants in upholstered furniture
Germany: The list of standards and other technical specifications under ProdSG updated
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