TÜV SÜD in The Netherlands is accredited by the Dutch council for accreditation Raad voor Accreditatie as Inspection Body Type A according to ISO/IEC 17020:2012 with registration number I 301, for Assessment Body according to the CSM-REA regulation (EU) 2013/402 and Independent Safety Assessment activities according to the CENELEC standards and as a Certification Body for products with registration number C635 according to ISO/IEC 17065:2012, and in accordance with the Technical Document MNB - Assessment scheme, 000MRA1044 V 2.0 of the European Union Railway Agency for Notified Body and Designated Body activities according to the Interoperability Directive (EU) 2016/797.
Moving people and goods to where they need to go, puts the rail industry at the heart of the global economy. Its viability hinges on four critical factors: reliability, availability, maintainability and safety. Whether you are a manufacturer, operator or rail authority: TÜV SÜD’s services ensure that you fulfil each of these criteria.
As a full service provider we are offering NoBo, AsBo, DeBo and ISA services. We work with you at every stage throughout the entire lifecycle of your project. As one-stop shop we deliver efficient and competent solutions for certification and assessments. Thereby we help our customers to play their part in creating an attractive, interoperable and safe system, without matching costs and timing targets.
Why choose us?
Our multidisciplinary experts understand the complexity and interlinking nature of various rail tasks. With experience in international projects we offer worldwide competence for assessments and certifications in the rail industry. Furthermore we can offer broad ERTMS experience on-board and trackside. Due to our expertise today we can refer to a strong market position.
With years of experience we create added value to your business and deliver worldwide accepted certificates and technical reports. Our solutions are backed by best practice case scenarios and realisation of an effective and efficient certification process. Our flexible attitude leads to short response times which make the project execution even more efficient.
We operate a reliable network of international and local experts in all key markets worldwide, providing you with global knowledge of processes and procedures, as well as standards and regulations in the rail sector. Furthermore we offer strong knowledge in local European regulations. Our strong global reputation as an independent third-party technical service provider means that you can be assured of objective, reliable and technical suitable reports which supports you in your decision making process.
The following services have to be intended limited to the inspection, testing and certification services and could also be performed via experts of other legal entities of TÜV SÜD Group.
Note: training activities are related to standards and/or regulations and are therefore project-independent. (For independence and impartiality)
Note: training activities are related to standards and/or regulations and are therefore project-independent. (For independence and impartiality)
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