Your regular update for technical and industry information
Your regular update for technical and industry information
The Consumer Products & Retail E-ssentials covers the latest regulations, standards and Global Market Access news relevant to electrical & electronics, hardlines, softlines and toys & children’s products.
Argentina: Regulation Provision Issued by Ministry of Economy regarding Resolution 237
USA: EPA amends DecaBDE and PIP (3:1) under TSCA
China: Announcement No.76, 2024 of Radio Management Regulations for 900 MHz Frequency
India: Safety of Household commercial and similar electrical appliances
Korea: Revision of Korean Industrial Standards for Certain Batteries
Mexico: IFT establishes labelling requirements in updated Guidelines
Canada: Health Canada publishes tent regulation SOR/2024-217
USA: California finalised Proposition 65 short-form warning amendments
USA: EPA delays TSCA PFAS reporting deadlines
USA: Minnesota postpones requirements of PFAS Lead and Cadmium in certain products
EU: REACH Annex XVII restriction on PFHxA was published
EU: Lower HBCDD limit under POPs
EU: Methoxychlor Listed under POPs Annex I
USA: California published PFAS enforcement mechanism
Japan: Amended limits of flame retardants under Law 112
France: An updated standard list for Decree No. 95-949 for bunk beds has been published
USA: Rhode Island enacted law on PFAS ban
EU: REACH candidate list includes 241 SVHCs now
EU: POPs draft amendment to include Dechlorane Plus
Japan: Further bans PFOA isomers and PFOA-related substances
Australia: IChEMS online register listed 5 new substances
USA: New Hampshire imposes PFAS ban on certain products
EU: REACH public consultation for the 32nd update of candidate list starts
Taiwan: LP0002 Amendment on expanding 6GHz frequency band for low power radio frequency devices
Indonesia: Technical Standards for Telecommunications Equipment and Short Range Radio Devices
China: Implementation Rules CNCA-C11-22:2024 for Electric Bicycle Chargers
USA: California Proposition 65 short-form warning proposal is further updated
Customer Success Day: Nearly 50 participants explore cutting-edge topics and innovations at TÜV SÜD
China: Compulsory product certification for household and similar appliances
China: Electromagnetic compatibility - Limits - Part 1: Limits for harmonic current emissions
Philippines: Amendment to the Philippine Energy Labelling Program (PELP) guidelines
Saudi Arabia: Requirements for standby and off mode electric power
Thailand: FM radio broadcasting transmitters standard
Vietnam: Approving national technical regulation on short-range radio equipment
Indonesia: Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limitations on cellular phones and tablet computers
Korea: Radio Act amendment on self-assessment and local representatives for conformity assessments
Mexico: IFT Graphic label requirements for approved telecommunications products
China: Compulsory Product Certification for Electronic Toilets e-Bike Helmets and Other Products
China: Electromagnetic Compatibility Emission Standard for Equipment in Residential Environments
Thailand: Establishing Industrial Standard 61058 Part 1 switches for appliances general requirements
USA: Maine postponed PFAS ban and revised PFAS notification scope
Germany: Formaldehyde emission limit for wood-based panels aligns with EU regulation
EU: POPs PFOS draft is further revised
Japan: PFHxS is banned for certain imported products
EU: ECHA published enforcement project results on integrated chemical control of products
EU: Commission revises the guidance document for aquatic toys
EU: Market surveillance on unsafe magnetic gadgets
EU: REACH annex XVII restriction – EC adopted EN 1811:2023 for Nickel release
EU: REACH Annex XVII restriction on microplastics was published
USA: EPA published PFAS reporting rule under TSCA
USA: CPSC rule on custom window coverings vacated
USA: California Proposition 65 cases update on PFOA and BPA
USA: California bans fiberglass in mattresses and other furniture
USA: ASTM publishes F963-23 toy safety standard
USA: California Proposition 65 - short-form warnings proposal revived
USA: Guidance for TPCH 2021 model legislation for PFAS and Ortho-phthalates is ready
UK: PFHxS ban under UK POPs regulation published
Argentina: Radars are allowed in 57-71 GHz spectrum portion
China: New compulsory product certification standard for switches and control equipment
EU: REACH public consultation for the 30th update of candidate list starts
Australia: Adoption of the new safety standard for toys for children 3 years old and under
Australia: Updated requirements for care labelling of textile products
USA: California Proposition 65 – Watch out for Bisphenol A in softlines products
China: Catalogue of products subject to compulsory product certification published
Singapore: Technical specification of short range device Issue 1 Revision 3 published
France: Final decision on Green Dot
EU REACH – Annex XVII restriction on Formaldehyde emission was published
USA: CPSC publishes mandatory standard for adult portable bed rails
EU: The 16th amendment to the EU plastic food contact regulation adopted
European Commission to extend the application of RED cybersecurity requirements to 1 August 2025
China: Establishment of new network access permit
China: Compulsory certification of electronic equipment and safety accessories
Brazil: Approving technical requirements for conformity assessment of smart TV boxes
USA: Oregon revised Toxic-Free Kids Act
EU: PFHxS is banned under POPs regulation
EU: Czech Republic repealed legislation on toys and children's products
EU: New food additive authorised in food contact plastic materials
USA: Maine extended PFAS notification deadline
EU: REACH two substances were added to SVHC candidate list
Canada: New federal carriages and strollers regulations are now in force
Canada: Public consultation on regulations of Formaldehyde emission from composite wood products
EU: REACH EC submitted draft PFHxA restriction to WTO
UK: Plastic utensils containing bamboo or similar materials are no longer allowed in commerce
Korea: Establishment of Korean industrial standards on electric cooking appliances
Thailand: Establishment of Standard TIS 60335-2 32 on household and similar electrical appliances
Japan: Regulations for high-powered magnets and expanding toys published
UK: Revised list of toy designated standards published
UK: The government published RoHS exemptions of mercury in lamps
Canada: Health Canada proposes to amend toys regulations
Canada: Health Canada considering changes to the tents regulations
EU: Scientific opinion finalised on the safety of titanium dioxide in toys
Saudi Arabia: TUV SUD approved for SALEEM type 3 certificate in Asia & Australia region
USA: CPSC adopts ASTM F2057-23 as the mandatory standard for STURDY act
EU: REACH Annex XVII restriction on lead in PVC was published
France: Updated standard list of Decree No. 99-777 for deck chairs published
USA: CPSC updates mandatory standard for bedside sleepers
USA: Minnesota enacted law on PFAS ban and restriction on heavy metals in certain products
USA: Washington state adopts rule for safer consumer products
China: Implementation Rules CCRC-C09-001 2022 for Compulsory Certification of IT Equipment
Singapore: Circular published update on safety standard for 13A fused connection units switched
KSA: Amendments to Mandatory Standards SASO 2927:2019 and SASO 2663:2021
Mexico: Agreement on Classification of the 5925-6425 MHz Band
Korea: Revision of Some Korean Industrial Standards for Electrical Appliances
Thailand: Establishment of Industrial Standard TIS 60335-2(23)
EU: launched public consultation on PFAS under REACH Annex XVII
USA: New York amended the ban on PFAS in apparel
EU: European Commission updates EN 71-13:2021 + A1:2022 as harmonised standard for toys
EU: European Commission publishes new classification guidance for toys under and over 3 years of age
Vietnam: Approving National Technical Regulation on Electrical Safety
Korea: Revision of Some Korean Industrial Standards for Electrical Appliances
EU: REACH public consultation for the 29th update of candidate list starts
USA: EPA revised voluntary standards for Formaldehyde emission from composite wood products
USA: safety standards for non-full size baby cribs amended
UK: Defra launched consultation on proposed amendments to UK POPs regulation
EU: Scientific committee finalised opinion on the safety of cobalt in toys
EU: REACH candidate list includes 233 SVHCs now
USA: STURDY act signed into law
EU: a new RoHS exemption entry is granted for Chromium VI in gas absorption refrigerators
France: updated standard list of Decree no 91 1292 for childcare articles published
EU: Commission proposes revisions to food contact plastic regulation
Canada: CGSB publishes the revised standards for flammability for textiles and mattresses
USA: CPSC updates safety standard for gates and enclosures
EU: PFHxS and Dechlorane plus will be proposed under POPs instead of REACH
EU: European Union adopted the limit value for Hexachlorobenzene under POPs regulation
USA: federal standard for infant walkers updated
EU: European Union POPs draft updates of PFOA PFOS HBCDD PCB and newly listing PFHxS
USA: New York published its final program policy for Organohalogen flame retardants
USA: CPSC publishes final rule for safety standard for clothing storage units
USA: CPSC updates safety standard for infant swings
USA: CPSC proposed to amend the standard for the flammability of clothing textiles
Philippines: New Technical Regulation Concerning Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment and Station
EU: EU launched public consultation on MCCP under REACH Annex XVII
EU: the European Commission adopts new regulation for food contact recycled plastics
USA: CPSC publishes final rule for new federal safety standard for magnets
USA: Federal standard for sling carriers updated
USA: New federal standards coming for button cell and coin batteries
AUS: ACCC Seeks Feedback For Infant Sleep Products
USA: California Proposition 65 first case on BPA in socks is settled
USA: CPSC updates safety standard for frame child carriers
UK BEIS updates designated standards for toy safety
USA: revision to safety standard for infant bouncer seats
EU: REACH public consultation for the 28th update of candidate list was launched
USA: CPSC updates mandatory standard for baby changing products
USA: Maryland passes law banning PFAS from certain products
EU: REACH WTO draft restriction on Formaldehyde
USA: Crib bumpers and infant inclined sleepers will now be banned
Canada: Proposed prohibition of certain toxic substances regulation, 2022
Australia: ACCC publishes consultation paper on furniture toppling
USA: California Prop 65 Lists PFOS and its related substances as Carcinogens
Canada: Quebec repeals the act respecting stuffing and upholstered and stuffed articles
USA: OEHHA adds PFNA to the California Proposition 65
USA: New York bans flame retardants in furniture, mattresses and electronic displays
EU REACH: Public consultation for the 26th update of candidate list launched
France: Childcare articles standards under decree No. 91-1292 updated
Australia: Amended Consumer Goods (Projectile Toys) Safety Standard was published
Japan: The Radio Act Enforcement Regulations was amended
Mexico: Approval of Standard No. NMX-I-62368-1-NYCE-2020 on electronic equipment
EU: European Commission adopts aniline restriction in toys
USA: ASTM updates F2123-19 standard practice for tree-stand instructions to F2123-21
USA: CPSC publishes new regulations on infant sleepers
USA: California adopted carpets and rugs with PFAS as a priority product
Canada: Health Canada published new notice to stakeholders on use of flame retardants
USA: CPSC amends the standard for the flammability of mattresses and mattress pads
EU: Launched public consultation on dechlorane plus under REACH Annex XVII
India: Extends the effective date of the three footwear quality control orders
USA: CPSC updates Safety Standard for high chairs
EU REACH: The European Commission updates nickel release testing method
USA: Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a direct final rule on the Standard for the Flammability of Upholstered Furniture
Austria: Results of compliance check for food contact materials
Japan: Perfluorooctanoic acid banned for certain imported products
USA: EPA postponed Compliance Date of PIP (3:1) under TSCA
UK: The BSI updates the Community Face Coverings Specification (BSI Flex 5555 v2.0)
Canada: Health Canada updates Industry Guide to the Glazed Ceramics and Glassware Regulations
Jordan: New Telecommunications Technical Rules and Specifications for terminal equipment
Mexico: Approval of the Conformity Assessment Procedure for telecommunications and radio equipment
Belgium: The New Royal Decree on Food Contact Metals and Alloys
EU REACH: Public Consultation for the 25th update of the Candidate List
USA: Oregon Toxic-Free Kids Act reached final implementation phase
New features on Product Services Certification Finder
EU: Market withdrawal of harmful food contact bamboo-melamine plastics
EU: Recent updates to marking requirements for single-use plastic products
EU: REACH SVHC Roadmap 2020 is completed
India: approves Footwear Quality Control Orders mandating certification requirements
EU: POPs sets a limit for Pentachlorophenol
Colombia: extends validity of Technical Regulation for Lighting and Public Lighting (RETILAP)
Thailand: establishment of Industrial Standard TIS 902-2(5) on floodlights
USA: TPCH Updates Model Toxics in Packaging Legislation
EU REACH: Candidate list contains 211 SVHCs now
USA adopts the California’s TB 117-2013 as federal flammability standard for upholstered furniture
USA: CPSC updates safety standard for infant swings
USA: EPA bans five PBT chemicals
USA: California moves to limit the use of Proposition 65 short-form warning
France: Updated standard list for decree no 96 333 on portable ladders and step stools
EU REACH: Various entries of annex XVII are updated
EU: European Commission adopts extended lists of regulated allergenic fragrances in toys
EU: Toy flammability standard EN 71 2 updated to 2020 version
EU: CEN published CEN TR 15071 2020 for national translations of warnings and instructions for toys
EU: Standard EN 71 4 2020 for toy experimental set published
EU: The commission announces new marking specifications for single use plastic products
USA: Massachusetts passes bill to ban toxic flame retardants
France: Updated standard list for decree no 2006 1129 on lighters
Mexico: Standard NMX-J-521-2-31-ANCE-2018 on safety requirements for cooker hoods
KSA: TÜV SÜD Middle East has scope extension for SALEEM scheme
USA: EPA updates TSCA formaldehyde in composite wood requirement
Panama: Refrigerators and freezers energy efficiency and labelling requirements in force
Vietnam: TÜV SÜD PSB successfully signs MoU with Vietnam Certification Centre QUACERT
EU REACH: Public Consultation of the 22nd update of Candidate List
USA: New Hampshire bans flame retardants in upholstered furniture
Germany: The list of standards and other technical specifications under ProdSG updated
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