With a vast global network and a wide array of accreditations at both the local and international level TÜV SÜD America can test and certify to nearly any product safety certification requirement, including competing certification marks such as UL, ETL, CSA, IEC and others.
We are an OSHA recognized Nationally Recognized Test Laboratory (NRTL), a Certified Body and Inspection Body with SCC (Standards Council of Canada), an accredited EMC Testing laboratory with A2LA, and many others.
Please click on a heading below to review more of our accreditation and certification services.
TÜV SÜD America Inc. is authorized by OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration) as a NRTL (Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory) capable of performing product safety testing to UL/ANSI Standards to the scope listed below.
TÜV SÜD America offers a wide variety of EMC testing capabilities from our A2LA ISO 17025 - Accredited Testing Laboratories that are capable, and competent to perform conformance testing in the areas of Electromagnetic Compatibility testing (EMC) and telecommunications.
Listed below is the scope of accreditation for these laboratories. For additional, general information, view the A2LA website.
A2LA Accreditation Information
A2LA scopes of accreditation can be found by searching by organization: "TUV SUD America Inc.", "TUV SUD Canada Inc." or by the certificate number listed below. Click here for A2LA Scopes of Accreditation Information.
A2LA Certificate Numbers
FCC (Federal Communications Commission)
TÜV Süddeutschland Holding AG and/or its subsidiaries perform in several European Union (EU) roles including Competent Body and Notified Body. It is authorized to the conformity assessment procedures for the following EU Directives:
TÜV SÜD Product Service is authorized to test and certify in accordance with the Equipment Safety Law and to issue the GS Mark. In the non-regulated Product Safety and EMC areas, the certification body for products is accredited through the German Accreditation System by BAM and the certification body for QA Systems by TGA and ZLS. The EMC laboratory of TÜV SÜD Product Service holds accreditation through DAR. We also hold CB Testing Laboratory status in the international IECEE (CB Scheme).
In addition, TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH, Munich, Germany, is also a Recognized NRTL, providing services to the following scope.
TÜV SÜD Product Service is an international product testing and certification company without boundaries. We owe our global presence and success to our global network of offices as well as the many partnerships and cooperative agreements we maintain with prominent organizations around the world:
United States |
UL, NAmSA, and Laboratory Accreditation Bureau |
Germany | DIN CERTCO, GZE and VDE |
Italy | CESI |
Japan | JQA |
Singapore | SISIR |
Switzerland | SEV and SQS |
United Kingdom | BABT and BEAB |
The Agreements and Accreditations We Maintain Cover a Variety of Product Areas:
We understand that regulations, marketing trends, as well as testing and certification responsibilities are continuously changing. This is why we commit to recognizing and adapting to your needs. The result: value-added services for you and a constant commitment from TÜV SÜD Product Service.
New Zealand
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