Tiếp cận thị trường toàn cầu TUV SUD Việt Nam

United Arab Emirates

Capitalise on the market opportunities in United Arab Emirates

Capitalise on the market opportunities in United Arab Emirates

United-Arab-EmiratesMost products entering the United Arab Emirates (UAE) market must meet the relevant requirements of the authorities depending on the product scope. Product safety requirements and regulations are put in place to reduce risks, improve quality of life and ensure fit for use. 

Regulations and compliance requirements can however pose challenges to companies exploring new markets. You can ensure that your products successfully meet the UAE standards by working with a market leader, TÜV SÜD. 

TÜV SÜD fully understands the local requirements and procedures applicable in the UAE. You can rely on our expertise and knowledge to help you access key markets efficiently while at the same time, be assured of our objectivity, integrity and professionalism.


  • Plug Types

    Type C

    Plug C 

    Type D

    Plug D

    Type G

    Plug G

  • Electrical Safety

    Regulatory agency

    The Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technologies of the United Arab Emirates (MOIAT)


    • Under the Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme (ECAS), registration of regulated products is required.
    • MOIAT will issue an ECAS Registration Certificate for the product when conformity to the relevant standards is demonstrated.
    • Manufacturers may also request for the Emirates Quality Mark
    • Printed labels with ECAS mark will be required at the beginning of January 2019 for all certified products.


    • Registration on MOIAT website
    • Apply for a certificate of conformity
    • Upload the Required Document
    • Documents review
    • If the product fulfils all the requirements, system will notify the clients
    • Obtain a certificate of conformity
    • Apply for EESL (applicable to the products included in EESL schemes)

    Applicable product categories

    • Cables and telecommunication cables
    • Drones
    • Lighting fixtures and luminaries
    • Low voltage equipment

    To determine if a particular product is subject to the above regulations, please contact us.

    Our services at a glance

    TÜV SÜD has the experience and capability to support manufacturers in attaining compliance with UAE requirements and obtaining the necessary approval. TÜV SÜD is designated as a Notified Body (0017) by MOIAT to issue MOIAT certificate.

  • Energy Efficiency

    Regulatory agency

    The Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technologies of the United Arab Emirates  (MOIAT) 


    Energy efficiency:

    • The UAE Energy Efficiency Standards & Labeling Program (EESL) is supervised and managed by the MOIAT, which is the authorised government agency responsible for the development of standards.

    UAE RoHS:

    • The UAE regulation to control hazardous substance in electrical and electronic devices was published in the UAW official gazette on 27 April 2017. Its intention is to control or limit presence of the following hazardous substances on electrical and electronic devices:
      1. Lead (Pb)
      2. Mercury (Hg)
      3. Cadmium (Cd)
      4. Hexavalent chromium (VI)
      5. Polybrominated biphenyls (PBB)
      6. Polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDE)
      7. Bis (2-ethyhexyl) phthalate (DEHP)
      8. Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP)
      9. Dibutyl phthalate (DBP)
      10. Diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP)


    • Local representative required

    Certification procedure:

    • Submit application and testing report. The performance test report should be from an ISO 17025 certified laboratory.
    • Evaluation of Annual Energy Consumption (EER).
    • Equivalent star rating is assigned if the product meets the minimum requirements.

    Applicable product categories

    Energy efficiency:

    • Commercial and central air conditioners
    • Dishwashers
    • Electric pumps
    • Electrical storage water heaters
    • Lighting
    • Non-ducted room air conditioners
    • Refrigerating appliances
    • Television sets
    • Washing machines and dryers

    UAE RoHS:

    • The UAE RoHS regulation covers all electrical and electronic equipment with a voltage rating not exceeding 1000 volts for alternating current and 1500 volts for direct current.

    To determine if a particular product is subject to the above regulations, please contact us.

    Our services at a glance

    TÜV SÜD has the experience and capability to support manufacturers in attaining compliance with UAE requirements and obtaining the necessary approval. TÜV SÜD can also support manufacturers in obtaining voluntary endorsement labels.

  • Telecom & Wireless

    Regulatory agency

    Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA)


    • The registered manufacturer, importer or distributor of telecommunications equipment must obtain Type Approval for the telecommunications equipment before being offered or sold in the UAE, according to the technical standards approved by TDRA and the Type Approval requirements
    • The registered manufacturer or importer of telecommunications equipment shall provide TDRA Declaration of Conformity Card (Type Approval Regime Conformity Mark) on the equipment box in a clear, readable and non-removable format before offering, selling or making the equipment available in the UAE market. TDRA Declaration of Conformity Card shall be placed under the display platform of telecommunications equipment in retail stores in a way that is clear and readable to users.

    UAE TDRA Mark



    • A local representative is required.
    • Equipment is required to be registered with the TDRA before it can be supplied in the UAE.
    • The Type Approval certificate is valid for 3 years and is renewable.

    Applicable product categories

    In general, all telecommunications terminal equipment connected to a public network and all radio equipment shall be registered with the TRA before it can be supplied in the UAE. To determine if a particular product is subject to the above regulations, please contact us.

    Our services at a glance

    TÜV SÜD has the experience and capability to support manufacturers in attaining compliance with UAE requirements and obtaining the necessary approval.

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