Global Market Access


Capitalise on the market opportunities in Indonesia

Capitalise on the market opportunities in Indonesia

IndonesiaProduct safety requirements and regulations are put in place to reduce risks of injury, ensure safety and improve quality of life. Most products entering the Indonesian market must meet the relevant requirements of the authorities depending on the product scope.

These regulations and compliance requirements can however pose challenges to companies who are exploring new markets in Indonesia. You can ensure that your products successfully meet the Indonesian standards by working with a market leader, TÜV SÜD.

TÜV SÜD fully understands the local requirements and procedures applicable in Indonesia. You can rely on our expertise and knowledge to help you access key markets efficiently while at the same time, be assured of our objectivity, integrity and professionalism.


  • Plug Types

    Type C

    Plug C

    Type F

    Plug F

  • Electrical Safety

    Regulatory agency

    National Standardization Agency of Indonesia


    • Both Ministries each regulate a list of electrical and electronic equipment.
    • Importer/Manufacturer who possesses NPB shall affix the NPB underneath SNI mark and/or other recognized conformity mark, onto their products or packages. Example as,

    • Product testing by accredited in-country test laboratory and factory quality system control is required.
    • Certificates should be issued by an accredited CB.
    • Compliance with Indonesia National Standards (SNI).


    Certification procedure*: 


    • Submission of application and essential documents.
    • Product testing by random sampling.
    • Factory inspection.
    • Obtain certification.
    • Appropriate usage of SNI Mark.


    • Importers/Local producers shall apply for K3L Product Registration by themselves and later receive a Letter of Registration issued by MoT, after that the related registration number shall be labeled on the products, packaging and/ or labels that are easily read.

    * 1. Prior to apply for SNI certificate, the trademark shall be registered in Indonesia.

    2. A Certificate of Conformity (CoC) shall be issued for products tested to comply with SNI XXX and having passed the Factory Surveillance successfully. This CoC is known as SPPT-SNI.

    3. After SPPT-SNI (COC) issued, Goods Registration Letter (SPB) application shall be submitted to the Director General of Foreign by the importer.

    4. A SPB will include NPB (Goods Registration Number). SPB shall be obtained for every import activity.

    Applicable product categories

    SNI product list can be found here

    K3L product list can be found here.

    To determine if a particular product is subject to the above regulations, please contact us.

    Our services at a glance

    TÜV SÜD has the experience and capability to support manufacturers in attaining compliance with Indonesian requirements and obtaining the necessary approval. 

  • Energy Efficiency

    Regulatory agency

    Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Republic of Indonesia (MEMR)


    • Mandatory MEPS and energy label for controlled E&E equipment:
      • Application of Minimum Energy Performace Standards for Energy Consuming Appliances and Equipment (MEMR Regulation No.14/2021)
      • Air conditioner - MEMR Decision No. 103, 2021
      • Fans - MEMR Decision No. 114, 2021
      • Refrigerator - MEMR Decision No. 113, 2021
      • Refrigerator Display Cases - MEMT Decision No. 126, 2023
      • Rice cooker - MEMR Decision No. 115, 2021
    • The energy label shall be affixed on the product after certification.

    indonesia energy label


    Certification procedure*:

    • Submission of application: The applicant needs to be a local company
    • Testing in lab which is accredited by KAN or designated labs
    • Approval of certification
    • Product labelling as appropriate

    *After test report issued, the manufacturer or importer must issue a written DoC stating his products comply with the relevant standard and submit to MEMR before labeling. Otherwise, it’s not allowed to import into Indonesia.

    Applicable product categories

    To determine if a particular product is subject to the above regulations, please contact us.

    Our services at a glance

    TÜV SÜD has the experience and capability to support manufacturers in attaining compliance with Indonesian requirements and obtaining the necessary approval.

  • Telecom & Wireless

    Regulatory agency

    Directorate General of Posts and Informatics Resources (SDPPI)


    • Certification by type approval of regulated products is required.
    • Product testing should be performed by an in-country test laboratory.*
    • Communication and Informatics Ministry Regulation Number 7 of 2018 (PM Kominfo No 7 Tahun 2018) certification is issued by SDPPI.
    • Products must be marked with SDPPI label and QR code. Besides SRD product, Warning label must be affix on the product.

    PLG ID NumberWarning Label

    • The product label photo must be upload within 30 days after the certificate issued.


    Certification procedure:

    • Submission of application. The applicant needs to be a local company. The applicant should apply for Online Single Submission(OSS) system by their Business License Number(NIB).
    • Proceed to test in SDPPI-accredited test Lab, which could be in-country SDPPI-accredited test lab or foreign SDPPI-accredited test Lab.
    • SAR requirement is mandatory by stages starting with cellular phone from December 1st 2023.
    • Approval of certification.
    • Product labelling as appropriate.

    Applicable product categories

    To determine if a particular product is subject to the above regulations, please contact us.

    Our services at a glance

    TÜV SÜD has the experience and capability to support manufacturers in attaining compliance with Indonesian requirements and obtaining the necessary approval. 




TÜV SÜD has the expertise and laboratory infrastructure to support manufacturers in obtaining the necessary approvals and compliance in accordance to the Indonesia's standards and requirements. TÜV SÜD test reports are accepted for safety approval and recognised by relevant authorities internationally. TÜV SÜD also supports manufacturers in obtaining voluntary endorsement labels.








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