Playing a central role in European flow measurement research
Playing a central role in European flow measurement research
TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory has played a central role in European flow measurement research for many years. Currently collaborative European research in this field is delivered primarily through the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR).
The European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) coordinates research projects to address key industry challenges and focuses on innovation and accelerating the uptake of research outputs. The Programme enables European metrology institutes, industrial organisations, and academia to collaborate on a wide variety of joint research projects within specified fields including industry, energy, and the environment.
As the UK’s Designated Institute for Flow Measurement, TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory is a partner in a number of EMPIR Programme projects, providing flow measurement expertise and facilities for research:
The project aims to improve and develop the metrology for LNG custody transfer measurements, leading to smaller measurement uncertainties, reduction of financial risks of transactions and more transparency in the trade of LNG, whilst lowering the cost of calibrations.
Multiphase Flow Reference Metrology II
MultiFlowMetII aims to provide intercomparison testing, providing Europe with greater confidence in its multiphase flow measurement infrastructure through harmonisation of multiphase flow measurement methods and data.
Metrology for Hydrogen Vehicles
MetroHyVe aims to tackle the measurement challenges associated with meeting measurement requirements for light vehicle refuelling (set by European legislation) through the development of new methods and standards.
Advancing Measurement Uncertainty
In the EMUE project, the focus is on supplementing state-of-the-art measurement and research with best practice in measurement uncertainty evaluation.
Metrology for Real-World Domestic Water Metering
MetroWaMet aims at establishing a metrological infrastructure which will enable an integral characterization of domestic water meter performance close to real-world conditions, most specifically with the transient and pulsating flows that occur with real usage.
Energy Gases Joint Network Project
The European Metrology Network (EMN) for Energy Gases provides a centralised point of contact for the metrological needs of society and industry to support the energy transition to renewable gaseous fuels.
Flow Metering of Non-Conventional Gases
NEWGASMET is investigating gas flow meter accuracy for renewable gases in national distribution networks for compliance with the EU Measuring Instruments Directive.
Metrology for Drug Delivery
The objective of MeDD II is to improve drug dosing accuracy and to enable the traceable measurement of volume, flow and pressure in existing drug delivery devices and in-line sensors operating at very low flow rates.
An EMPIR-funded research project
A two-year project to develop subsea sensor technologies.
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