National Measurement System

National Measurement System UK Industrial Strategy

Boosting productivity and earning power

Boosting productivity and earning power

What is the UK Industrial Strategy?

The UK’s Industrial Strategy (UKIS) sets out a long-term plan to boost productivity and earning power across the UK.  Through the Flow Programme, TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory are working on several of the Grand Challenges identified for the future, to put the UK at the forefront of the industries of the future.

What are the Grand Challenges?

Its four Grand Challenges are: growing the artificial intelligence (AI) and data driven economy; clean growth; the future of mobility; and the ageing society.

AI and the Data Driven Economy

Putting the UK at the forefront of the artificial intelligence and data revolution:

  • Effective use of flow meter diagnostics and steps towards condition-based calibration
  • Development of virtual metering capability 
  • In-situ verification of multiphase flow meters

Clean Growth

Maximising the advantages for UK industry from the global shift to clean growth:

  • Standards activities related to water
  • EMPIR project on pulsed flow effects on water meters
  • Produced water capabilities relating to reducing environmental impact
  • Flow metrology for CO2 for carbon capture and storage, which is linked to hydrogen generation via steam methane reforming to give an overall minimised carbon footprint

Future of Mobility

Becoming a world leader in the way people, goods, and services move:

  • Flow metrology for clean fuels
  • UK Primary Standards for flow measurement
  • Flow metrology for LNG
  • Flow metrology for hydrogen, including creation of a primary standard for the UK
  • Research to increase the efficiency, and lower the emissions, of internal combustion engines through controlled (flow) injection of fuels

Ageing Society

Harnessing the power of innovation to help meet the needs of an ageing society.

How are TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory activities aligned to UKIS?

We have created a strategic roadmap which aligns our research activities to the UKIS Grand Challenges, to ensure that we focus on the challenges for industry today and in the future.



The Measurement Uncertainty on Hydrocarbon Allocation

Conducting a detailed uncertainty analysis on an allocation system.

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The Technology Gap in Produced Water Quality Measurement Subsea

A two-year project to develop subsea sensor technologies.

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Tackling the Production of Heavy Oil

Evaluation of a Multiphase Flow Meter in Emulsified Flows.

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