
Principles and Practice of Flow Measurement Training Course

Face to face Training3 DaysAdvanced

“To Measure is to Know”

“When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind.”

“If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.”

These are three quotes by Lord Kelvin, successful inventor, wealthy businessman and perhaps the most important physicist of the 19th century. The man after whom the SI unit of temperature is named.

The quotes emphasise the importance of good measurement in any scientific or technological undertaking, and they are as relevant to the field of fluid flow measurement as any other industrial measurement.

The industries which affect all of us every day be it water, pharmaceutical, food and drink or energy (oil and gas, hydrogen, nuclear or carbon capture), rely on good fluid flow measurement in order to operate safely and efficiently, and without a sound metrological underpinning we would not be able to trade globally.

This in-depth course will enable delegates to appreciate the underlying sciences which contribute to an understanding of fluid flow measurement, provide an unbiased view of the various technologies available, and furnish the attendees with the basic knowledge required to make informed choices. Key aspects of measurement uncertainty, flow measurement, meter types, metering applications and metering systems will be discussed and explained.

If the course is conducted at the TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory in Scotland, the UK’s Designated Institute for fluid flow measurement, it will include a guided tour of the facilities including the oil, water, gas, density and advanced multi-phase fluid calibration systems (half day)

Net Price (excl. VAT)
£ 1,750.00

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