Your regular update for technical and industry information
Your regular update for technical and industry information
On 1 October 2019, France published the Decree No. 2019-1007 of September 30, 20191 harmonising the safety requirements for various non-food consumer products, the marketing of which is subject to specific safety requirements - in terms of product design, testing, technical file, marking.
The Decree No. 2000-164 of the 23 February 20002 on the safety of bedding articles is also amended by the Decree No. 2019-1007 of September 30, 2019. The amendment mainly removes the marking requirement of bedding articles. The original version of the Decree 2000-164 required bedding articles to be marked with the statement "conforme aux exigences du décret no 2000-164 du 23 février 2000" and now this marking is no more required.
The changes became effective from 1 October 2019, however, products conforming to the previous version of the Decree prior to the entry into force of this decree, may be on the market until 1 October 2020 and be marketed until stocks are exhausted.
The bedding articles those are under the scope of the Decree No. 2000-164 of the 23 February 2000 are still required to meet the following requirement -
Non-ignitability test which can be assessed using the standard NF EN ISO 12952-1 (burning cigarette test)
Bedding articles that have feathers or down must meet the hygiene requirements which can be assessed by evaluating following test
Oxygen index
Microbiological states
Hygiene requirements can be assessed using the standards which have been published in the Official Journal of the French Republic, i.e, NF EN 1162, NF EN 1164, NF EN 12935.
The name or business name responsible for placing the product in the market shall be indicated either on the product itself, on its packaging or on an accompanying document.
Each bedding article shall have recommended care instruction to maintain its original product characteristics.
When no standards are applied, the article shall bear a certificate of compliance issued pursuant to the required examination either by a French organisation or another Member State of the European Union or another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or Turkey. Such organisation shall be accredited for testing the products as specified in the Decree.
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