Supported by the UK Government's National Measurement System
Supported by the UK Government's National Measurement System
The Measurement Focus Group is supported by the UK Government's National Measurement System (NMS) and is managed by TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory on its behalf. The group focuses on flow measurement and flow-related issues in industry.
Previous presentations are available for download below:
Coriolis meters – Zero doesn't necessarily mean “nothing”
Chris Mills (TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory)
Smart water meters – are they so smart?
Andy Godley (WRC)
Multiphase measurement in CO2 enhanced oil recovery - liquid and gas phase hydrocarbon & CO2 measurement
Alan Parker (M-Flow Technologies)
CO2 flow measurement at TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
Gabriele Chinello (TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory)
Natural gas flaring and emissions quantification - The regulatory landscape, the challenges and FlareSURE, the TÜV SÜD flare optimisation solution
Colin Lightbody (TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory)
Reducing flare mass flow uncertainty
Tony Skelding (ABLE)
Impact of calibration gas uncertainty on fiscal risk in energy billing
Jonathan Britain (EffecTech)
Tony Skelding (ABLE)
Adam Wood (nZero)
Venturi Meter Odds and Ends – Miscellaneous Comments on Venturi Meters
Richard Steven (Kelton)
Creating Next Generation High-Accuracy Coriolis Flow Meters – Breaking Through Current Technology Barriers
Martin Nese (Cignus Instruments AS)
Using Microwave Resonance Water Cut for Custody Transfer
Craig McWhorter (KAM Controls, Inc.)
Calibration transferability of turbine and ultrasonic flow meters in water and dense phase CO2
Russell Brown (TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory)
CCUS requirements within the Emissions Trading System – implications for measurement uncertainty
David Graham (Uniper)
Hydrogen in natural gas – analytical considerations
Douglas Pettigrew (Emerson)
High-Pressure hydrogen flow metering standards
Marc MacDonald (TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory)
Some considerations when using clamp-on transit time difference measurements on PVC pipes
Steve Dixon (Warwick University)
Prognosis: The wet gas pattern and how it varies with beta ratio
Patrick Arnould (i-Vigilant Technologies)
Russell Brown - TÜV SÜD
The need for automatic sampling in CCUS
Pieter Verloop – KPSNL
20 Years of flow metrology at the National Engineering Laboratory
Norman Glen - TÜV SÜD
NSTA expectations on flare gas measurement
Douglas Griffin - North Sea Transition Authority
Aim 4 journey of BP, lessons learned
David Newman – BP
Sandy Black - TÜV SÜD
Successful Completion of NZTC Project: Combustor for methane emission reporting from flares
Phil Stockton – Accord
Flares - getting a better understanding on their relevance to climate change
Richard Withnall - British Flame Research Committee / Greens Combustion Limited
Quantifying methane emissions using drones - why measuring the wind matters so much
Bettina Knudsen - Explicit ApS
Realtime methane emission quantification and reporting with upstream flaring
Jacob Freeke - Baker Hughes
Hydrocarbon Management
Peter Coulson - Energy Institute
Presentation to Oil & Gas Focus Group
D Griffin - North Sea Transition Authority
Coriolis meters – Zero doesn't mean “nothing”
Chris Mills - TÜV SÜD UK
Phil Stockton - Accord
Analysis for CCUS – An Analyser Supplier’s Perspective
Dan Guymer - Emerson Gas Analysis
Global Flow Measurement Workshop
Colin Lightbody - TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
Sure-Cut North Sea Brownfield Deployment
The Value of Field Data in Improving Measurement
M-Flow Technologies
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance based Multiphase & Admixture Gas Measurement
Spin-Echo NMR Flowmeters
Fit for the future?
Andrew Wrath - Sick
Detecting the Presence of Unwanted Components in a Single-Phase Flow Using Data-Driven Models
Sandy Black - TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
Field Trial Experience of Testing the Adjustable Cone Wet Gas Meter
Saketh Mahalingam - Aramco Europe
Accurate Coriolis Mass Flow and Density of Bubbly Liquids
Nigel Webster - CorVera LLC
NSTA Update
Douglas Griffin - NSTA
Howden M4R Project Measurement of Gas Flows Through Screw Compressors
Colin Lightbody - TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
Allocation for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS); Requirements, Issues and Considerations
Phil Stockton - Accord Energy Solutions
Flow Measurement Challenges of Drug Dosing and Ultra-low Flow Rate Intercomparison
Chris Mills - TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
Coriolis Meter measurement Challenges Addressed Using Prism Signal Processing
Manus Henry - Coventry University and the University of Oxford
Measurement & calibration across the hydrogen rainbow
Richard Berka - SGS
Fit for the future?
Andrew Wrath - Sick
Carbon capture, utilisation & storage (CCUS)
Gabriele Chinello - TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
Allocation for carbon capture and storage (CCS); requirements, issues and considerations
Phil Stockton - Accord
Research projects at NEL
Chris Mills - TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
Living life on the edge
Anwar Sutan - I-Vigilant Technologies
M-Flow - At the heart of the digital oilfield
Giles Edward - M-Flow Technologies
Installation and Orientation Effects on Coriolis Mass Flow and Density Outputs
Harry Clark - TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
Non Intrusive Laser MPFM
Stuart Ellison - Exnics
MetroHyVe II - Metrology for Hydrogen Vehicles
Marc MacDonald
Inov8 Systems Technology and Product Description
Russell Hempsey - Inov8
European Metrology Network for Energy Gases
David Learmonth - Euramet
Hydrogen Field Test Standard for Light Duty Vehicles
Revata Seneviratne - TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
CCS: The Role of Flow Measurement in Enabling Net Zero
Dr Gabriele Chinello - TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
Hydrogen Domestic Gas Meter Test Facility
Dale Anderson - TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
The Nett Oil Conundrum
Eur Ing Michael MacKay C.Eng MIET MInstMC
CFD Simulations of Flare Gas Systems to Verify Flaring Emissions
Marc Laing, Sandy Black - TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
David Newman - bp
Challenges in Wet Gas Ultrasonic Flow Measurement
Erwin Doorenspleet & Jonathan Humphrey - Endress + Hauser
A New Clamp on Multi-Path Ultrasonic Flow Meter
Xsens - Flow Solutions
Welcome Measurement Focus Group Meeting
Assessing LNG Sampling Systems
Matt Hammond, Effectech
Smart Rotary Multiport Selector Valve
Rami Helal, OGM
SKIDM Multiphase Well Test
Danieli Guimares, Ludovic Gelly, METIS
Calculation of Pressure Loss Ratio
TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
Composition uncertainty: does covariance make a difference?
Flow Measurement Challenges for Drug Dosing and Ultra Low Flow Rates
Emmelyn Graham, TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
Geochemical Production Allocation An Overview
Paul Taylor, Merlin Energy Resources Ltd
Changes in Multiphase Flow Patterns Due to Pressure
Sandy Black, TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
Flare Optimization
Dorus Bertels, Baker Hughes
Hydrogen Domestic Gas Meter Facility
Marc MacDonald, TÜV SÜDNational Engineering Laboratory
Quality Measurement Issues in a Hydrogen Economy
Matt Hammond, EffecTech
Microwave Water Cut Meter
Saketh Mahalingam, Aramco Overseas
Overview of Hydrogen Related Activities at TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
Martin Hanton, TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
Evaluation of New Mixing Method for Pipeline Sampling at TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory Flow Facility
Erik Verloop, KPS
Permanent Well Monitoring as a replacement for Test Separation
Giles Edward, M-Flow
Raman Spectroscopy for Oil & Gas Analysis
Koen Roelstraete, Endress + Hauser
Advanced Multiphase Facility
Aidan White, TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
How to Optimise Calibration Intervals of Measuring Instruments?
Nadya Pashnina, Emerson Process Management
The Effect of Zero Stability and Turndown on Coriolis Flowmeter Performance
Chris Mills, TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
OGA Update
Douglas Griffin, OGA
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