Your regular update for technical and industry information
Your regular update for technical and industry information
German Chemical Prohibition Act (ChemVerbostV1) included DIN EN 16516 as a new testing method of formaldehyde emission for wood-based materials. This amendment will apply from 1 January 2020.
Formaldehyde in coated or uncoated wood-based materials e.g. chipboard, blockboard, veneer boards, and fibreboard are regulated under ChemVerbostV. The concentration of formaldehyde in wood-based materials should not exceed 0.1 ml/m3 tested using a chamber.
This update2 was published in the German Federal Register on 26 November 2018. On top of the new test method, the previous reference method according to DIN EN 717-1 is still accepted. However, the concentration of formaldehyde must be multiplied by a factor of 2 after 1 January 2020. Derived methods e.g. EN ISO 12460-3 would be suitable for production control only.
The following testing methods are valid until 31 December 2019:
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