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Your regular update for technical and industry information

Malaysia: Mandatory Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) requirements enforce

march 2018 - Relevant for:Electrical & electronics INDUSTRY

On 1st Mar 2018, Suruhanjaya Tenaga (ST) published the Guide of Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) Requirement for washing machines, air conditioners and refrigerators. The mandatory date of compliance is:

  • Air Conditioner: 1st June 2018
  • Refrigerator: 1st June 2018
  • Washing Machine: 1st September 2018

All manufacturers, distributors, importers, and retailers of above product shall comply with the MEPS requirements in the Guide. A copy of MEPS test report should be provided to apply for a Certificate of Approval. TUV SUD is able to test according to Malaysia MEPS requirements and support to apply CoA as one stop solution. Please contact us if you have any question regarding Malaysia energy efficiency.

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