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US: Infant bouncer seats standard ASTM F2167-19 published

JUNE 2019 - Relevant for: Toys and children's products

Recently, the standard ASTM F2167-19 safety specification for infant bouncer seats was published replacing its previous version ASTM F2167-2017.

In this revision, the major changes include the clarification of test method and updates on marking and labelling. Highlights of the revisions to ASTM F2167-19 is summarized as follows.

  1. Section 7. Test Method
    - Added more criteria on how to judge the warning visibility when newborn dummy restrained in seat under subsection 7.11 Fall Hazard Label Visibility Test. A figure is also provided to show the allowable area for warning label placement.
    - A Noted was added to clarify that the placement of the warnings is only applicable to the English language portions of the warning label.
    - Moved the figure of fall hazard warnings to Section 8 Marking and Labelling.
  2. Section 8. Marking and Labelling
    - Updated the warning statements for fall and suffocation hazards;
    - Moved the instruction warning statements to Section 9 Instructional Literature
  3. Section 9. Instructional Literature
    - Accepted the instruction warning statements under subsection 9.2 Warning statements with the instructional literature from Section 8.

[1] Standard ASTM F2167-19


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