Cập nhật thông tin kỹ thuật và thông tin của ngành
Cập nhật thông tin kỹ thuật và thông tin của ngành
On 16 December 2020, the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) published the technical report CEN/TR 15071:20201, which supersedes its previous version published 5 years ago. Some new warnings and corrected translations have been included in the updated document.
The technical report contains a compilation of translations of warnings and instructions for use in the EN 71 series of standards:
*The new version EN 71-2:2020 is published on 9 December 2020.
It also contains warnings that are listed in the Toy Safety Directive 2009/48/EC. The translations are given in 27 languages that are being used in Europe.
Manufacturers, importers, surveillance authorities and test laboratories may refer to this technical report for the correct wording of warnings and instructions for use on toy products, packaging and in accompanying instructions.
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Middle East and Africa