Visualize your data and effectively drive your loss control process
Visualize your data and effectively drive your loss control process
GRC Connect is our state-of-the-art database housing all your risk data in one place. With real-time updates and interactivity powered by Microsoft Power BI, your team can use GRC Connect to keep track of every site inspection, risk recommendation, COPE information, loss exposures, including Loss Exposure Reduction. It provides access to all loss prevention information on Fire, Boiler & Machinery, Infrared, Jurisdictional and Natural Hazards and more.
With GRC Connect, risk managers can access all the data they need to share with brokers to help determine how to best deliver their risk profile to the insurance markets and why they should bet on their risk portfolio. It has the reports, charts, graphs, documents, project reviews, and summary analysis to visually show insurance panels that you’ve analyzed potential hazards and made changes to better protect your property.
GRC Connect is now using Microsoft Power BI, allowing risk managers to drill down into their data to perform an in-depth analysis of their risk portfolios. Slice-and-dice your data however you see fit to best capture your successes for the market. For example, you can view all risk engineering recommendations in one place, rank them by potential impact, and determine how much loss exposure reduction you can achieve by making appropriate changes. This is also a great tool to help determine where best to spend your Cap-Ex in order to get the best return on your investment while reducing your overall risk.
Using an assigned User ID and password, you can access important documents, such as current and archived reports, plan & project reviews, loss estimates, COPE data, servicing & scheduling information, management reports and more. Multilevel access lets you control who can access specific information based on your company’s needs: corporate (all), division (as identified) and location (by user/by location). Database connectivity is available online and easily and securely accessed via the TÜV SÜD GRC web site ( using a single login process.
Risk Improvement charts show the risk improvements over the life of the program as well as a rolling 5-year period.
Corporate users have access to all information, while Division and Facility level users have access only to divisional or site-specific data. You control the level of access based upon the user’s needs. Access can also be limited to documents (reports and diagrams to facilitate information sharing with markets).
Users at this level have access to all program charts and reports, as well as data mining and extracts capabilities for all TÜV SÜD GRC provided services where data is collected for each individual facility. Access can be restricted by user’s need.
Users at this level have access to all charts, reports, and data extracts at the Facility level.
Mining and managing data related to loss prevention becomes easy and convenient through online tools.
These tools allow:
User can manage and respond to recommendations directly through GRC Connect, using the Auto-Rec Response feature.
Facility Rating Trending allows you to see how your overall corporate risk is improving year-to-year.
All IR survey reports are available, depicting the equipment surveyed, the actual infrared image, along with the analysis of the recommendation and recommended action. Full IR information loading allows multiple summary reports to categorize issues uncovered by category, severity, and impact.
Specific reports for site assessments cover Wind, Earthquake, and Flood exposure. We also provide summary reports and identify trends and common issues to mitigate loss exposure.
Status reports, object inventory, open violation summaries, and inspection history are available for view and download.
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Use business intelligence to manage your loss control information
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