Chain of Custody (CoC) Certification of forest products based on the FSC® system
Chain of Custody (CoC) Certification of forest products based on the FSC® system
TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o. is is an impartial organization performing the assessment and certification of forest products processing chain in accordance with FSC requirements and is accredited for FSC Chain of Custody CoC certification.
More information available on the ASI website.
Clients can send their requests regarding FSC® trademark approval to our FSC Certification body department: [email protected]
The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is a global, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of responsible forest management worldwide. FSC defines standards based on agreed principles for responsible forest stewardship that are supported by environmental, social, and economic stakeholders. To learn more, visit
International certification system Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) was founded in 1993 on the initiatives of representative of international environmental organizations, wholesalers and retailers of timber, foresters, wood industry, associations of indigenous people, trade unions and certifications bodies from all around the world. The basic idea of FSC® organization is to promote
forest management worldwide and thus help to protect vanishing, vulnerable and devastated world forests. It was created to protect forests around the world and to prevent their devastation, which unfortunately still occurs. FSC® certificate holder provides the evidence to final consumer that products made of wood, paper, or other forest products originate from responsibly managed forests taking into account nature protection requirements, considering social conditions of workers, local communities welfare and legality of harvested timber.
Products from certified forests go through chain of harvesting, processing, manufacturing and trading entities before they reach the final customer. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the flow of the material to keep the origin of the wood clearly demonstrable. This is called chain of custody (CoC). As the prove of wood origin, CoC certification links the forests certified according FSC forest management certification demanding modern rigorous environmental, social and economical on forest management requirements with the certified forest products.
Chain of custody certification is carried out by independent, qualified and accredited certification body such as TÜV SÜD. All processors, manufactures and traders who take legal possesion of the certified products must have the FSC® CoC certificate to provide credible guarantee of the origin of wood in the product.
CoC certification is intended to processors, traders, distributors of wood, paper or others forest products but also packaging industry and printers.
The whole system and its requirements are described in normative documents developed by FSC® organization. The key documents for forest products processors and traders is FSC-STD-40-004 FSC Standard for Chain of Custody Certification and FSC-STD-40-005 Standard for Company Evaluation of FSC® Controlled Wood. Information about the system, standards, lists of certified subjects can be found on FSC web pages: Document Centre | FSC Connect.
For information about the certified companies and its products please visit the online database
Details about operation of TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o. can be found in the annual report.
Details about operation of TÜV SÜD Group can be found in the annual report.
Dokumenty a normy ke stažení / Documents and standards for download
Pozn. Certifikační poplatky FSC jsou pouze částečnými náklady na audit. Kromě toho certifikační orgán účtuje poplatky FSC, tzv. „Roční administrativní poplatek“ (AAF). AAF je stanoven FSC International a zveřejněn v FSC-POL-20-005 - dokument je dostupný na těchto stránkách.
Prosím, kontaktujte nás, pokud chcete obdržet nabídku na certifikaci FSC
Fees charged for an FSC certification are the costs for the audit. In addition, the certification must also charge the fees for FSC, the so called “annual administration fee” (AAF). The AAF fee are determined by FSC International and published in the document FSC-POL-20-005 – find the document here.
In order to get a quotation for an FSC certification, please contact us.
Všeobecné podmínky v ČJ, AJ a NJ naleznete níže / You will find our Terms and conditions in english, czech and german language below:
Všechny relevantní dokumenty můžete stáhnout na webu FSC.
TÜV SÜD Czech na požádání zašle všem zájemcům aktuální informace o struktuře certifikačního orgánu FSC®, jeho komisích a jména jejich členů.
All relevant standard documents can be downloaded from the webpage of FSC.
TÜV SÜD Czech on request provides all stakeholders with updated information on TÜV SÜD Czech FSC® certification body structure, its committees and names of their members.
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