Achieve a smooth roll out of your automated technologies
Achieve a smooth roll out of your automated technologies
As highly automated driving and autonomous vehicles further develop, there is a parallel expectation among consumers and regulatory authorities that these technologies be thoroughly tested to ensure their overall safety, as well as assessment of their cyber security and data privacy due to the increased variety of software and communication interfaces used.
To achieve widespread consumer acceptance, the industry must be confident of the safety of both drivers and the environment. Communication within the vehicle, with other vehicles (V2V), the infrastructure (V2I) and the environment including communication with other devices (V2D) and other networks (V2N) must therefore be assured. New autonomous vehicle testing approaches, combining real-word and virtual simulation tests, and respective regulations have to be developed for setting industry-wide standards to enhance the roll-out of driverless technologies.
As autonomous driving technology progresses, gaining passengers’ trust, confidence and acceptance are necessary to foster the development of autonomous driving technologies to be used on public roads with thorough self-driving car safety tests. TÜV SÜD is supporting the smooth roll-out of automated Technologies for automated driving and connected vehicles by providing solutions that:
TÜV SÜD has been working with top automotive OEMs and suppliers globally and has been at the cutting edge of vehicle testing for over 100 years. In the era of highly automated driving, we can draw on our extensive experience in testing and benchmarking of advanced driver assistance systems.
In addition, we participate in standardization committees to facilitate the roll out of automated driving technologies by defining the legal framework and regulations for type approval, as well as in various global projects to develop and establish appropriate testing methodologies to ensure the safety and cyber security of autonomous vehicles. Within our international network of commercial companies, universities, regulatory bodies and research institutes we support you in the safe development and smooth global roll-out of your automated technologies.
We are closely involved with a range of global highly autonomous driving projects:
Our global team and network of multidisciplinary experts work with you to address new industry challenges:
To ensure an appropriate homologation, our development teams develop efficient solutions for safety and security assessments, including functional safety testing, quality analysis and performance assessment.
As real-world vehicle testing will no longer be sufficient to model the wide ranging scenarios of autonomous vehicles, new assessment criteria must be defined, using a combination of virtual simulations, physical ground or field testing, and additional data (e.g. field and accident data).
TÜV SÜD is therefore developing a simulation and testing framework, which allows multiple scenarios, environments, system configurations and driver characteristics to be tested and analysed.
As connectivity levels increase, the risk of hacker attacks on electronic vehicle systems, which could impact road safety and data privacy, will also grow. Harnessing TÜV SÜD’s international IT expertise, new solutions for hazard and risk analysis and data privacy are being developed to address the new threats.
To facilitate the roll-out of your automated driving technologies, TÜV SÜD participates in standardisation committees which are revising existing and developing new global autonomous vehicle regulations.
TÜV SÜD supports the approval of automated vehicles, prototypes and experimental vehicles by providing various technical advice services, preparation of relevant documents, insights into safety concept and test catalogue, creation of checklists of requirements and AV permits.
AAI's ReplicaR is the world's first ADS simulation platform certified by TÜV SÜD's VIVALDI procedure as fit for purpose.
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Gain market access with regulatory compliance for intelligent speed assistance system according to (EU) 2021/1958
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Get an overview of the current status and developments in highly automated driving legislation
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Towards a probabilistic SOTIF analysis as basis for road release
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Why and how ethics matters for the implementation of autonomous driving
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A closer look at the approval for connected and automated vehicles, with a focus on cybersecurity
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Assessment of a development process for test scenarios, used for the safety evaluation of ADS according to ISO/DIS 34502 and the PEGASUS method.
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Gain insights into UNECE R157 and scenario-based test approaches
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A case study of the development of test procedures for Europe’s first self-driving kiosk
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TÜV SÜD experts helped HYUNDAI AUTRON to develop a preemptive safety design
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