Automotive E-ssentials

Automotive E-ssentials

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TÜV SÜD invests in the future of vehicle inspections with PTI Lab

The disruptive changes in the mobility sector are having concrete effects on the core services provided by inspection organizations. Among other responsibilities, they ensure traffic safety through the main inspection (HU), known in English as Periodical Technical Inspection (PTI). In this context, TÜV SÜD is currently establishing a PTI lab at the Fürstenfeldbruck location. In this real-life laboratory, TÜV SÜD experts are testing digital tools for conducting the HU and digitizing processes to evaluate new vehicle technologies during the HU and further enhance the customer experience.

Patrick Fruth, CEO of the Division Mobility at TÜV SÜDTraffic congestion assistants, software updates over the air, autonomous driving, Car-2-X communication – new technologies are increasingly being integrated into today's and tomorrow's vehicles. In this light, a central testing lab is currently being developed in Fürstenfeldbruck for prototypes of testing instruments as well as for pilot projects and partnerships focusing on the advancement of the main inspection. A significant advantage: In the neighboring TÜV SÜD Service Center (TSC), new insights and methods can be immediately put to the test: “Direct user feedback from officially recognized experts as well as from customers and partners guarantees that new tools can be quickly aligned with real measurement results,” says Patrick Fruth, CEO of the TÜV SÜD Division Mobility, adding: “Digitalization and efficiency enhancement – these are the key words for the sustainable restructuring of all around 400 TÜV SÜD Service Centers. We are working on this in our PTI Lab in Fürstenfeldbruck.”

Developing Innovative Tools for Experts

Topics should also aim to enhance customer service related to the main inspection and improve quality in processes such as appointment scheduling or payment. More than six million main inspections per year – this imposes a special commitment for vehicle safety in general on us as TÜV SÜD.

Commitment, for instance, to streamlined, traceable processes. New digital inspection and support tools will contribute to this, such as the latest digital HU voice assistant, which not only assists experts in documenting identified defects but also increases efficiency in creating inspection reports. Ann-Christin Mainz, MOTION Product Innovation Manager PTI 4.0, states: “Through digital transmission and storage, we can also close any remaining gaps that could lead to errors – a major plus for the quality of our processes.”

Additional key tasks for experts in the PTI Lab include establishing and validating methods that enable the testing of assistance systems in vehicles. “It will remain a crucial task to inspect the mechanics of cars, for sure. However, software is playing an increasingly significant role. To ensure the safety of increasingly software-based vehicles throughout their lifespan – for this, we are testing completely new instruments for TÜV SÜD experts,” explains Mainz.

For the validation of new inspection methods, a floor threshold for damping element testing created by Fahrzeugsystemdaten GmbH (FSD) is currently in use at the PTI Lab. This comes into play whenever irregularities arise during the visual inspection as part of the HU. The FSD floor threshold can be utilized for this supplementary inspection – according to Annex VIII to the StVZO No. 6.5.

Gathering Insights for Sustainable TSCTest lab for prototypes of testing instruments as well as for pilot projects and partnerships focusing on the advancement of the main inspection.

TÜV SÜD is not lagging behind with our sustainability strategy, but rather leading the way. Experts are closely monitoring new technologies, developments, and legal requirements. Two notable topics are battery testing (keyword: New Battery Regulation) and Euro 7. Regarding battery testing: The catalyst here is the EU Directive 2023/1542, which establishes how the CO2 footprint throughout the entire lifecycle of batteries should be determined in the future.

In addition, the team is examining the implementation of sensors for testing instruments to facilitate especially easy and quick maintenance. Sustainability is also a premise for construction: The environmental program for the model lab includes an innovative heating system with three energy sources.

Collaboratively Developing Standards

TÜV SÜD is also part of initiatives aimed at defining standards for data exchange. These standards are essential for addressing current and future challenges in the automotive industry and fostering supply chain connectivity. This enables the establishment of sustainable value chains and a successful circular economy, allowing for informed statements regarding software statuses and software integrity in vehicles. An example of such standards is the definition of data shared through a digital product passport, such as the battery passport. This will be mandatory starting in 2027 and is a crucial tool for ensuring and advancing the sustainability and safety of vehicles. The battery passport could also include safety assessments within the framework of PTI or results of damage evaluations following accidents.

Caption 1: Patrick Fruth, CEO of the Division Mobility at TÜV SÜD

Caption 2: Test lab for prototypes of testing instruments as well as for pilot projects and partnerships focusing on the advancement of the main inspection.


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