Accredited testing laboratory
Accredited testing laboratory
General Motors (GM) GMW3097 is a general specification for electrical/electronic components and subsystems, electromagnetic compatibility which specifies the EMC requirements for all automotive products.
Manufacturers of new electrical and electronic modules for General Motors must demonstrate compliance in accordance with the specifications of GMW3097. This standard covers conducted/radiated emissions, conducted/radiated immunity, conducted transient immunity/emissions, and electrostatic discharge. GM GMW3097 refers to International EMC standards whenever possible, occasionally including internet test procedures when necessary.
GM requires that the supplier must send by email an in-process summary report after the completion of each separate phase of testing, i.e upon completion of radiated emissions, or conducted transients, ESD, etc. Additionally, when the supplier sends the data summary report to the GM, the supplier must also “cc” copy the EMC test lab confirming the summary report email was transmitted. EMC labs are required to confirm that validation data was sent after each test and within five days of completion of each phase of testing.
TÜV SÜD’s automotive EMC labs are accredited to ISO 17025 and can help ensure your automotive electrical/electronic systems and sub-assemblies comply with global OEM and industry EMC standards.
TÜV SÜD’s EMC lab in Plymouth MI is recognized by GM for all test methods per GMW3097 (2019) and historical revisions. All sign off data submitted by a supplier to GM must be carried out at a recognized lab. All sign off data must be conducted in strict adherence to an EMC Test Plan submitted and approved by GM prior to the start of testing.
During Sign Off tests GM requires that the supplier must send by email an in-process summary report after the completion of each separate phase of testing, i.e. upon completion of radiated emissions, or conducted transients, ESD, etc. Additionally, when the supplier sends the data summary report to the GM, the supplier must also “cc” copy the EMC test lab confirming the summary report email was transmitted. EMC labs are required to confirm that validation data was sent after each test and within five days of completion of each phase of testing.
TÜV SÜD’s comprehensive testing and certification services ensure you comply with all major industry standards. Our global network of testing labs and industry experts use the latest industry methods to support all necessary OEM Design Verification Plan and Report (DVP&R) requirements for materials, durability, shock & vibration, electrical, and EMC performance testing. TÜV SÜD is your single source for testing and certification services that will accelerate your time to global markets.
In addition to meeting OEM requirements for automotive component testing and compliance automotive testing ensures maximum safety for customers and protects brand reputation protection. Product testing can provide early detection of faults, enabling manufacturers to improve products and secure their reputation as a provider of quality components.
Ensure that electronic or electrical components do not create harmful interference with other vehicle components or electrical devices
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