Identify potential loss exposures in your business-critical electrical equipment
Identify potential loss exposures in your business-critical electrical equipment
Infrared thermography is one of the most effective and efficient non-destructive testing programmes available. Infrared thermographic surveys help to detect areas of abnormal temperature, diagnose problem areas and determine their severity in electrical systems and mechanical equipment. TUV SUD Global Risk Consultants (GRC) offers comprehensive services to meet your IR thermography needs.
Electrical problems that are not identified and repaired at an early stage may cause untimely shutdowns, resulting property losses, lost production, increased operating costs, dissatisfied customers and lost profits. Infrared Thermographic (IR) inspections are the single most preventative measure a business can implement.
Implementing an Infrared Thermographic imaging programme can achieve overall cost savings. In fact, such a programme can deliver savings many times greater than the amount required for development and implementation.
A proper infrared thermographic imaging programme can deliver savings many times greater than the amount required for development and implementation. Our experts utilise the latest techniques and infrared and airborne ultrasound technology to provide you with comprehensive reports, severity and impact ratings, ultrasonic testing, arc-flash testing, thermographic imaging analysis and immediate delivery of findings.
We utilise infrared and airborne ultrasound technology to detect abnormal or unexpected thermal patterns that may cause equipment failure (i.e.“invisible” threats).
Our formal comprehensive reports not only locate problems with extreme precision but also recommend cost-effective solutions.
We provide severity and impact ratings for each finding. This includes a summary of findings, equipment inventory listing, trending and business impact analysis, all of which is made available through our online data management system.
Ultrasonic testing is an additional tool that enables us to identify critical loss exposures such as internal and external tracking/arcing problems in high voltage equipment that are not detectable when using infrared imaging.
Thermographic imaging analysis is used to diagnose problem areas and determine their impact and severity. It also enables us to pinpoint abnormal temperatures and resolve variances and deficiencies.
Clients can access comprehensive on-site reports through our online client data management system. These include a quantifiable operational cost-saving action plan as well as severity and impact ratings for each finding.
Learn about the commercial advantages of new NDT approaches and how to implement them
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Keep your facility and employees prepared against arc flash hazards
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