Customized Loss Control Training

Customized Loss Control Training

Improve your loss prevention programs to reduce the possibility that a loss will occur and reduce the severity of those that do occur

Improve your loss prevention programs to reduce the possibility that a loss will occur and reduce the severity of those that do occur

Developing an effective risk management program is just one part of the challenge. Implementing and executing the strategy is as important. That is why TÜV SÜD Global Risk Consultants (GRC) has developed individual and customizable training programs to help you to effectively implement and maintain your risk management practices.


TÜV SÜD GRC continues to respond to clients’ requests for improvements to their loss prevention programs by providing them with a qualified and experienced service team. In addition to the traditional services provided, we now offer training services designed to effectively implement and maintain the client’s risk management practices through live training courses, webinars, and train-the-trainer programs.

Some of the benefits of investing in customized loss control training programs include:

  • Increased knowledge of NFPA codes and best practices for fire protection in a variety of occupancies
  • Improved Risk Levels
  • Increased effectiveness of site programs to prevent fires and/or control hazards
  • Personnel respond appropriately to site emergencies
  • Allowing the facility to meet requirements (internal company standards, NFPA, AHJ, or other standards)


There are numerous instructional packages available to help you improve your loss control programs:

  • Live Training

Traditional, in-person training with an experienced instructor continues to be one of the most effective methods for delivering training. The ability to have interactivity between the student and instructor combined with immediate feedback is the standard by which the effectiveness of all other training is measured. Combining live training with hands-on demonstrations, discussion, and problem solving ensures that the students leave the session with a greater understanding of the subject.

Live training opportunities include:

  • Arc Flash Training
  • Fire Protection Systems Training
  • Webinar Based Training

Just as information technology has revolutionized how people communicate, it has also revolutionized training. With the use of live webinars, TÜV SÜD GRC can provide remote training services to your employees and contractors. We are able to provide many of our training programs through an online, live webinar.

  • Webinar-based training opportunities include:
  • Hot Work Fire Safety
  • Managing Fire Protection Impairments
  • Managing Change
  • Overview of NFPA 25
  • Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Sprinkler Systems, Fire Pumps and Common Components and Valves
  • Introduction to Hazards including Flammable and Combustible Liquids, Combustible Dust, Wind and Flood Hazards
  • Understanding Property Valuation
  • Train-the-Trainer

Our highly trained Consultants, with years of expertise, can work with a client directly to create a specific training package to address any need. In order to make sure we meet the client’s unique requirements, the goals and objectives of the program are developed jointly with the client. At completion of development, TÜV SÜD GRC would then provide the program and, if needed, train the people who will deliver the live training on-site. Once developed, these valuable training tools can be used repeatedly throughout the company to train employees.


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