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The certification mark is intended for promotion of mechanical safety and chemical safety of bicycle trailers with and without stroller function.
The certification is based on the TÜV SÜD PPP 61010 standard.
This voluntary TÜV SÜD certification mark demonstrates that the product has been tested and certified by a third-party organization. The certification mark is only awarded to bicycle trailers that undergo inspection by TÜV SÜD Product Service and comply with the criteria quoted below.
The safety of the bicycle trailer is always the priority. This is determined by TÜV SÜD during safety checks in accordance with EN 15918.
EN 15918 is the product standard for bicycle trailers listed under the Product Safety Act. In EN 15918, the bicycle trailer is checked for safety and durability. In addition to the dynamic endurance test and static loads, this also includes checking whether the children to be transported can be transported safely. Here the possible reachability zones of the children are a point of verification. The drawbar itself and the connection to a bicycle are also examined. The chassis itself must withstand defined lateral forces.
EN 15918 and EN 1888 are the product standards for bicycle trailers and prams listed under the Product Safety Act. In EN 15918, the bicycle trailer is tested for safety and durability. In addition to the dynamic endurance test and static loads, this also includes checking whether the children to be transported can be transported safely. Here, the possible accessibility zones of the children are one point of the check. The drawbar itself and the connection to a bicycle are also examined. The chassis itself must withstand defined lateral forces.
EN 1888 comes into play when the bicycle trailer can be converted into a buggy and is pushed by hand.
EN 1888 contains the necessary dynamic, static and special tests for small children to ensure the safe transport of children.
For the statement "Toxic tested", TÜV SÜD tested the bicycle trailer for hazardous substances and verified that any harmful substances present in the product complied with, or remained under, the relevant limits. The test is based on legal requirements, with TÜV SÜD defining even stricter criteria in some cases.
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