Chemical, Petrochemical, Oil and Gas Industry Safety

Risk Assessments for Chemical, Petrochemical, Oil & Gas Operations

Minimize risk with property loss control solutions

Minimize risk with property loss control solutions

Chemical, Oil and Gas Industry Hazards

The Chemical, Petrochemical, Oil and Gas industries are vulnerable to a wide variety of occupational and property hazards that could threaten the safety of employees and property. It is critical to identify all risks and implement property risk engineering and property loss control programs to reduce the risk of catastrophic accidents, equipment failure, and worker injuries.

In the chemical and energy industry, TÜV SÜD Global Risk Consultants has delivered the following results:

  • $51.2 billion in loss estimate reduction for our clients since 2004
  • 8,847 facility inspections since 2007
  • 27,745 recommendations to improve risk management processes since 2003 

Comprehensive Chemical, Petrochemical, Oil and Gas Industry Risk engineering 

 Risk Assessments for Chemical, Petrochemical, Oil & Gas OperationsSpecific loss control expertise in the Chemical, Petrochemical, Oil and Gas industries is essential due to the unique challenges presented by the manufacturing processes and environments, along with the interdependent business relationships between customers.

Common risks include:

Fire and Other Explosion Hazards:
Managing fire and explosion risks is a critical component of any property risk engineering program for protecting personnel, facility assets, supply chain and market share. The chemical, petrochemical, oil and gas industries face fire hazards stemming from multiple sources including:

Process Safety Risks:
Our engineers and account managers work with every client to learn more about their unique businesses, process safety, and personal protective equipment (PPE) needs. Each process safety and process safety management program is uniquely tailored to the client’s facilities, safety protocols, employees, and specific industry standards and product compliance needs.

High Pressure Equipment:
Hazards from pressure vessels and other high-pressure equipment are also present in the industry. Mitigating against these risks is critical to avoiding threats to employee safety and property damage. Boiler and Machinery Engineering experts can evaluate your equipment and build a property risk engineering plan that addresses risks in that complex equipment.

Electrical Hazards:
Electrical hazards can unexpectedly shut down your facility or expose workers to unsafe conditions. Businesses must take proactive steps to ensure their electrical equipment is safe and optimized. Implementing programs such as, infrared thermography surveysarc flash assessments and electrical safety training can help keep your personnel safe and operations running smoothly.

Supply Chain and Global Business Resiliency Risks:
Identifying business interruption risk, quantifying the potential impact to your company, developing mitigation strategies, and preplanning for a disaster are the keys to risk engineering. Our experts will use our knowledge of your company, industry, equipment, production bottlenecks, and exposures as the key components of the BCP process and work to help you foresee and mitigate market and supply chain risks.

Expertise in Managing Risks Unique to Your Industry

In addition to the experiences gained by working closely with our clients, TÜV SÜD Global Risk Consultants (GRC) also attends and contributes to numerous conferences and seminars within the industry in order to gain further education and industry knowledge.

We are familiar with inherent risk associated within the industry and maintains this knowledge through interactions with clients and conferences. GRC is involved with the following professional organizations:

  • Member - American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AlChE)
  • Member - Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE)
  • Professional Engineering Designation (PE)

The continuous education and training undertaken by our dedicated staff is critical in maintaining the qualifications necessary to perform high-quality loss control surveys and consulting. In addition to our team of consultants who consistently attend the noted seminars and conferences, we also provide additional unique resources to help clients meet their corporate loss prevention goals. These resources include:

Vapor Cloud Explosion (VCE) Analysis: TÜV SÜD GRC has specific software packages that allow us to use different methods to calculate the effects of a VCE. These are the Breeze Incident Analyst® and the SwissRe Extool® version 3 modeling programs. These provide our clients with the flexibility to tailor the VCE calculation to requirements that suit their needs.

Process Safety Management (PSM) Audits: Members of the TÜV SÜD GRC Chemical group have received formal PSM Auditor training and have the expertise to assist our clients by conducting PSM audits at facilities with PSM programs in place. Our team members also assist our clients with development of a PSM program from the ground up.

Your Trusted Industry Advisor

TÜV SÜD Global Risk Consultants (GRC) works with leading companies in the Chemical, Petrochemical, Oil and Gas industries. We inspect their facilities for a wide range of hazards and offer detailed recommendations to reduce potential loss.

We have reduced client risk by a combined $51.2 billion. What can we do for your business? Contact us to learn more.


Process Safety

Process Safety

Combine management and engineering efforts to mitigate accidents involving hazardous materials

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Arc Flash

Guide to Arc Flash Assessments

Find out if your facility requires an arc flash assessment under NFPA 70E and NFPA 70

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Detecting Boiler Problems at Your Facility

Catch problems early to prevent failure

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