Zajistěte rychlejší a přesnější posouzení bezpečnosti již během vývojového cyklu
Zajistěte rychlejší a přesnější posouzení bezpečnosti již během vývojového cyklu
pozn. tato bílá kniha je pouze v anglickém jazyce
The rapid integration of advanced technologies in automobiles and automotive components has dramatically increased pressure on vehicle and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to speed the development process for new vehicles. In this environment, the demand for efficient, accurate and cost-effective testing of prototype vehicles and components is resulting in a greater emphasis on virtual simulations based on finite element analysis (FEA) principles and non-destructive component testing. It is also leading to the development of state-of-the-art non-destructive component testing solutions that can more accurately simulate the effect of full-scale crash testing, thereby reducing development time as well as the expense associated with such testing.
Middle East and Africa