Undergoing tests is a critical step in the process of transforming an innovative design into a reliable and marketable product
Undergoing tests is a critical step in the process of transforming an innovative design into a reliable and marketable product
There are regulatory, ethical and financial reasons why cybersecurity must be considered and ensured in medical devices, IVDs and their accessories. For example:
Globally, there is an increasing awareness of cybersecurity for medical devices from the regulatory bodies. For example, the FDA, the European Commission and Health Canada have published guidelines on how to meet cybersecurity regulations. These guidelines rise awareness on the necessity to carry out vulnerability scans, penetration tests or other security tests throughout the whole life cycle of a medical devices. Securing a medical device starts in the design stages and includes
The primary means for the verification and validation tasks are penetration testing, vulnerability scanning and fuzz testing, security feature testing and source code review. Additional tests can be performed to identify components with known issues.
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Our testing labs, supported by a global team of over 750 healthcare and medical device testing experts, offer a comprehensive range of services to test and assess the cybersecurity of your medical devices. TÜV SÜD security tests are performed under accreditation according to IEC/TR 60601-4-5 ensuring the highest possible competence and expertise in medical device penetration testing. These services include:
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