The “5 Whys” QM Method
The course titled 'The '5 Whys' QM Method' is designed with the primary objectives of introducing participants to the '5 Whys method,' demonstrating its practical application through a detailed case study, and imparting insights into potential pitfalls associated with its usage.
Throughout the program, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of how this method, rooted in root cause analysis, can be effectively employed in problem-solving scenarios. The course emphasizes the application of theoretical knowledge to real-world situations, fostering a nuanced comprehension of the '5 Whys' QM Method.
Benifici del Corso
Upon completion of this course attendees will be able to:
- Understand the "5 Why" methodology
- Apply the questioning technique to your problem solving efforts
Before we can solve a problem, we first need to determine its actual root cause. Frequently, we tend to focus on the most obvious cause and then wonder why the problem persists. The “5 Whys” QM method counters this phenomenon by guiding us to the crux of the problem.
In this course you will learn the results-oriented “5-Whys” technique to quickly and reliably identify the root cause of a problem.
This course illustrates how to employ the “5 Whys” technique whenever and wherever convenient. You will be able to test your knowledge by completing the quiz offered at the end of the course.
- Introduction to the “5 Whys method”
- Use the method in a case study
- Inform you about the pitfalls involved in using this method
- Specialistsand executives in the field of quality management
- Those interested in enhancing problem solving skills
For more information, see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on e-learning courses.