Global initiative to generate systemic change in the mobility sector
Global initiative to generate systemic change in the mobility sector
16 September 2024
TÜV SÜD and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) have teamed to launch the SustainMobility initiative. The initiative focuses on developing a holistic impact assessment framework for sustainable mobility systems, which will support attainment of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Representatives of TÜV SÜD and IEEE and partners will present the initiative at the UN summit “Driving Sustainable Mobility: Collaborative Impact Assessment Framework for Sustainable Transportation Systems in Alignment with UN SDGs.”
Attending the session on 16 September 2024 (held at 7 pm, New York time), will provide access to discussions on the roles of various stakeholders in the transition to sustainable mobility and how they can collaborate effectively.
Dr Celine Bilolo (Convenor, TÜV SÜD); Alexander Kraus (Speaker, TÜV SÜD); Dr Elena Diekmann (Speaker, Imperial College London); Dr Himani Jain (Speaker, CEEW); Dr Aleksandar Damyanov (Speaker, Green NCAP); Dr Hermann Brand (Speaker, EEE); Doreen Orishaba (Speaker, BaisGo); Dr Jan Hegner (Speaker, Dromos GmbH); Leonis Petschmann (Speaker, Vindelici Advisors AG); Pascal Mast (Speaker, TÜV SÜD)
The link opens a sign-up form for the summit, followed by access to the session.
Press-contact: Vincenzo Lucà
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