bim model

TÜV SÜD BIM model check

Check the quality of your open BIM/IFC project against ISO 16739 or your customised BIM project specification

Check the quality of your open BIM/IFC project against ISO 16739 or your customised BIM project specification

TÜV SÜD is the trusted and independent partner of choice for BIM model check, BIM certification and 3rd party BIM review. Our BIM experts develop and apply both customised and standardised open BIM / IFC model check. We combine 60-100 rules to detect if your BIM project is compliant with ISO 16739 (IFC) and if your all trade BIM models are properly developed, coordinated and managed. Specific BIM reviews are catered to various design stages, complexity and stakeholders of the project. We aim to enable open BIM / IFC based project quality control and BIM certification with customised and ready-to-run Solibri model check beyond clash detection. 



We apply BIM knowledge and best practices to every stakeholder and their personal KPIs. The general benefits include: 

  • Optimise BIM authoring, coordination and management for open BIM / IFC projects
  • On-the-job BIM training through the impartial BIM model check results
  • Save time on discussion with TÜV SÜD proven best practices for open BIM / IFC projects and ISO 16739
  • Compact and replicable BIM model checks for close-knit BIM project management thanks to the combination of the most important quality and risk benchmark
  • High credibility and neutral BIM review by TÜV SÜD supported by well-known experts with the best-in-class Solibri technology knowledge
  • Easy to understand outputs for building owners and investors through TÜV SÜD project certificate
  • Digitally ‘plug-n-play’ issue reports based on Solibri’s coordination report and BCF for consultants and contractors

As a normative and pragmatic framework, TÜV SÜD BIM model check and project certification ensures that your BIM projects and models are compliant with international standards. This allows projects to be certified and stakeholders to understand the international benchmark for BIM standards.

Building owner

  • Reduce approximately 30-50% of the BIM management and QA/QC costs through project review automation
  • Reduce time needed for quality and risk reporting per data drop from 1-3 weeks to 1-3 days
  • Ensure maximum QA/QC plausibility of the Quality & Risk report

  • Reduce approximately 25-40% of the time needed for technical meetings thanks to visual and detailed reporting and the digital BCF reports



  • Avoid approximately 25-40% of the traditional cost overrun
  • Maximum design/project reliability towards the Project Sponsor Bid without the traditional delta of 20-70% CAPEX forecast


 Project Manager

  • Reduce labour cost needed to run BIM projects
  • Increase your internal productivity by 30-50%
  • Detailed BIM analysis without time investment


 Architect/ Engineer/ Consultant

  • Save 2-6 hours of BIM coordination productivity per data drop with TÜV SÜD 'plug-n-play' BCF report
  • Free BIM training for your BIM authors and BIM coordinators through BIM model check
  • Get certified by globally recognised TÜV SÜD BIM Excellence Certification



  • Save approximately 2 to 3 man-days per project takeover
  • Rapid qualifying and checking of technical/ VDC items that can affect the constructability, schedules and processes of your project
  • Impartial 3rd party validation for your project involvement



BIM model check for open BIM / IFC projects is a proven solution to ensure digital BIM quality, risk management and ISO 16739 compliance. The solutions are globally used:  

  • Read more on open BIM (IFC) project check and certification


    Most building owners from the public sector request BIM projects under IFC setup. This means that BIM models from different authoring tools are exported, imported and coordinated based on ISO 16739 (open BIM, IFC). TÜV SÜD BIM model check and open BIM project certification include reviews and checks on BIM authoring, BIM coordination and BIM management levels. The solution is co-developed by TÜV SÜD and Solibri and is based on Solibri (“SMC”) Technology. TÜV SÜD BIM model check for open BIM / IFC projects goes beyond just clash detection. It is made for BIM project / BIM model certification according to ISO 16739 and general virtual design and construction quality.

    Open BIM projects often lack proper BIM implementation and common (IFC) model authoring across all trades according to ISO 16739/ Building Smart nomenclatures. Thus, the coordination ability of all trade models such as clash detections, quantity take-offs or required design for maintainability (and many other use cases) are usually unattainable or require huge time and quality risks. Many projects use Solibri to process clash detection as a single item of the BIM models. Based on TÜV SÜD BIM Management expertise, Solibri Technology is a powerful and complete project review. In combination of Solibri Technology and neutral TÜV SÜD BIM project certification, all stakeholders will get to enjoy optimal and complete quality and risk management for their open BIM / IFC projects.

    TÜV SÜD BIM model check powered by Solibri and open BIM project certification help building owners, project managers, consultants and contractors improve quality and identify risks. We aim to achieve best-in-class open BIM (IFC) project outcome. TÜV SÜD BIM experts have developed Freemium BIM model check based on Solibri that covers all four quality and risk areas. It also rapidly verifies 65-100 critical quality and risk items in every single IFC BIM model of your project. 


  • BIM model requirements for an accurate BIM model check

    1. Specify the world coordinate in X, Y and Z format which defines the project base point for all open BIM / IFC models of your BIM project.

    2. Specify the rotation to the north in degree format. This is important to combine all the open BIM / IFC models in the TÜV SÜD Solibri dashboard.

    3. If an EIR (Exchange Information Requirement) has been created, attach the list of required elements and parameters in Excel format. This is essential especially if you have chosen the extended TÜV SÜD BIM model check. EIR-based LOIs are relevant to benchmark your project against ISO 16739 and execute a BIM review against your BIM project requirements.



    1. Clear and full trade name or abbreviation (e.g. SAN, ELT, STR, HVAC) in the IFC file name so that your trade models can be technically identified in TÜV SÜD Solibri dashboard.

    2. Export the shared grid and make it visible in every open BIM model and IFC file.

    3. Ensure that the 3D body is available at the common project base point of each IFC model. This ensures that all trade models can be federated as accurate Solibri project model.

    4. Create all breakthroughs as openings (not as objects) in the host wall / ceiling of your open BIM / IFC model. Thus, all openings designed by the individual trades must only be modelled and delivered in the structural or architecture IFC models of your BIM project.

    5. Export IFC file from the authoring software according to the relevant trade definition in the IFC export settings (e.g. sanitary, fire protection, structure, mechanical equipment, etc.). This is to ensure that a basic ISO 16739 setup is enabled.

    6. Model all HVAC elements in 3D and assign them according to their mechanical system.

    7. Model all pipes and ducts with their respective connections to each other.

    8. Model the elements such as pipe and duct insulation, radiators, cable routes, suspended ceilings, sprinklers, smoke detectors and fire detectors in 3D, to enable TÜV SÜD model check to detect issues on them.

    9. Identify walls and ceilings with component activation by their name or by a parameter to ensure that TÜV SÜD model check can identify all elements during the check.

    10. Define the opening direction of emergency exit doors by a parameter so that the custom Solibri rulesets by TÜV SÜD can detect issues within these trades. 

  • What can you expect from TÜV SÜD BIM model check?

    TÜV SÜD combines visual benchmarks with plug-n-play digital items such as BCF and coordination reports to provide information for technical project members as well as easy-to-read reports for project owners and investors.

    TÜV SÜD BIM model check will deliver:

    1. BIM model check: 60-100 most important “Dos & Don’ts” for optimal BIM structured in four checking categories that address bot technical and commercial aspects of your project.

    2. Risk assessment based on ISO 31000: Neutral and independent TÜV SÜD report highlights the risk level of findings, quality issues, focus items and items that need immediate attention.

    3. Solibri coordination report enables a plug-n-play takeover of all open BIM / IFC findings. The Solibri-based is the complete and extensive technical result roadmap for BIM authors, coordinators and managers. Based on your selected BIM model check package, TÜV SÜD BCF report will also be delivered.

    4. BIM project review report and project certificate by TÜV SÜD: The extensive report summarises the status and optimisation aspects of your open BIM / IFC project. For ISO 16739, TÜV SÜD BIM project certificate is issued to endorse best-in-class BIM execution. 

  • What is the best time and frequency to check your open BIM / IFC models?

    Every project has its unique use cases and project dependencies on technical/engineering, technology, process and workflow. TÜV SÜD’s experience and the use of the reliable Solibri model checker has shown great effects towards digital quality and risk management for BIM projects in the following project stages: 

    Design development

    Technical design

    Handover and close out

    Check focus

    Initial open BIM / IFC VDC modelling from the conceptual design stage needs to have a correct setup for updatable and reusable BIM models, especially on PSet level towards ISO 16739.

    BIM models shall be utilised as a single source of truth and “construction blueprint”. Thus, IFC models need to be fully coordinated and fitted with common nomenclatures and LoI across all trade models.

    IFC / open BIM models serve as an accurate and complete digital documentation for setting up of operational systems and processes as well as initiating facility and asset management service tenders.


    If modelling is set up incorrectly (about 90% of projects), there is a time risk for planning (not only for BIM) e.g. IFC models have to be completely re-modelled. There is also a risk for technical design accuracy and cost determination such as duplicate or missing elements.

    If IFC / BIM models have quality and coordination issues, it poses incompleteness and technical compliance risk. This may affect the building lifecycle such as constructability risks, CAPEX-OPEX ratio, fire safety and maintainability.

    If open BIM / IFC models lack proper federation and information management, it may incur additional As-Built BIM development fees and time (3-8 weeks on average). It may also result in the loss of information, especially for the legal compliance of the building.

    Check frequency

    3 checks


    3 checks


White paper


Real-life case study to showcase positive impacts of BIM on both construction project and operating costs

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bim model checker

BIM model checker

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Building Information Modeling (BIM)

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