Delivering real business benefits across key segments
Delivering real business benefits across key segments
The safety of household consumer and garden products encompasses factors such as chemical content, mechanical operation and electrical safety. Home and garden products testing involves putting a product through a number of relevant laboratory tests to ensure it can be used safely under normal conditions, as well as factoring for potential misuse. Testing will reveal usage of banned substances and also reveal any design faults early, helping manufacturers make the required adjustments before going to market.
Furthermore, safety testing and supply chain assessments may be a procurement requirement for major retail customers. Such testing might cover quality assurance or supply chain management issues and may also include post-market surveillance to identify potential safety and quality concerns.
Consumer trust is key when you manufacture or retail products that are part of everyone’s daily life
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An online customer portal that provides you easy access to product testing and certification services, audits and inspections.
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Find out what the ETSI EN 303 645 standard is and why it’s important for consumer IoT products and devices.
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