Battery Safety Testing

Dynamic Impact Test For Electric Vehicle (EV) Batteries

Develop safer batteries through comprehensive impact tests.

Develop safer batteries through comprehensive impact tests.

aBout Dynamic Impact Tests

A dynamic impact test simulates a real vehicle accident to determine the true safety performance of the battery when the car body is deformed.

Current safety standards for high-voltage batteries do not accurately simulate what happens during an actual vehicle crash. In order to assess the safety performance of batteries in severe crashes more realistically, a comprehensive series of dynamic impact tests with properly defined parameters is required.

The high-voltage batteries used in electric vehicles face many challenges in terms of functional safety and crash safety. In order to address these challenges, vehicle OEMs and battery systems manufacturers need to have reliable information on the safety of the product during accident conditions. To ensure that the battery is as safe as a conventional fuel tank, it is necessary to test electric vehicle batteries by modelling the actual conditions of a crash that may cause major deformation of the battery.

How Dynamic impact tests are conducted

The tests are conducted at our crash test facility, which utilizes impactors with variable mass and geometry. The tests can be customized according to a wide range of technical parameters such as mass and velocity to simulate different test scenarios.

Dynamic impact tests can be conducted using two different test methods:

  • The moving impactor hits the battery attached to a rigid barrier.
  • The moving battery hits an impactor attached to a rigid barrier to expose the battery, including the battery management system, to real deceleration.

A comprehensive technical test report is provided upon completion of the tests.

Your trusted automotive and battery expert

TÜV SÜD can perform dynamic impact tests for electric vehicle batteries and provide advice on the optimum test design. We have a modern, fully equipped crash testing facility staffed by a dedicated team of automotive and battery experts who collaborate with you to support your development needs.

TÜV SÜD is one of the first providers to offer a comprehensive range of services to support the development of e-Mobility. We have a team of multidisciplinary experts who work collaboratively with top industry players to develop and test e-Mobility technologies. Our experts are extensively trained in high-voltage technologies and have experience in the automotive, infrastructure, battery and alternative energy concepts. TÜV SÜD also has a global network of accredited laboratories, which enables us to provide comprehensive testing services for the e-Mobility industry.


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