Hygiene Audits Commerce and Trade

Hygiene Audits for Businesses

Compliance with COVID-19 hygiene requirements

Compliance with COVID-19 hygiene requirements

Comply with COVID-19 Hygiene Requirements

On the backdrop of COVID-19, the well-being and health of both your employees and your customers is of highest priority. Based on applicable hygiene and safety measures, TÜV SÜD offers a hygiene audit to help assess your compliance to the regulatory framework. The TÜV SÜD Hygiene Audit is valuable both for businesses in operation and businesses which are re-opening after a lockdown.

Our hygiene audits provide you with the following benefits:

  • Assess the hygiene status of your business
  • Document your hygiene efforts
  • Ensure compliance with applicable safety measures

Watch the video below to learn more about the scope of our hygiene audits.

Whether your business had to close for a few weeks because of COVID-19, or it has remained open throughout the pandemic, compliance with all applicable hygiene and safety measures will be essential for companies of all sizes both now and in the time to come. Measures such as shutdowns and social distancing prove the importance of hygiene measures to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. To further reduce and contain infection rates, the infections chains needs to be disrupted – both at work and at home.

The framework of COVID-19 safety measures include the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as regulations issued by national and local authorities. Based on the applicable regulations, TÜV SÜD has developed an extensive list of requirements for business in trade and commerce. These requirements are applied by our experienced and qualified auditors for the assessment of your company’s compliance.


  • Commitment of top management
  • Clarification of responsibilities
  • Internal and external communication
  • Compliance with regulations
  • Health protection and hygiene measures for employees, customers and third parties

The Steps to a Hygiene Audit for Commerce and Trade

The TÜV SÜD Hygiene Audit is valuable both for businesses in operation and businesses which are re-opening after a lockdown.

Scoping and on-site audit: Based on a defined set of criteria the audit checklist will be adjusted taking into account the existing conditions in a specific industry sector.

Audit Report: After completion of the hygiene audit, we will send you a TÜV SÜD audit report with an overview of your company’s hygiene status.

Action list: You will also receive an action list with opportunities for improvement identified by our auditors, which you can use for independent improvement of your hygiene status.

Communicate: To conclude the hygiene audit, we issue a one-page summary audit report which you can use in your communication with employees and customers, and display in your salesrooms.

We Provide Expert Auditing Services for Your Business

  • Our hygiene audits address the essential requirements, while also dealing with aspects specific to your field of business and industry
  • We have highly experienced and qualified auditors
  • Add value. Inspire trust. Rely on our expertise and long-standing experience in management audits

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