Sports and Playground Surface/Turf Testing Services

Sports and Playground Surface Testing

Maintain a safe surface for all your sport activities

Maintain a safe surface for all your sport activities

Playground Surface Testing

Playground Surfaces utilized under and around Playground Equipment, both at home and on commercial sites such as parks, schools, churches, etc, should meet requirements for g-max and HIC (Head Injury Criterion) as set forth in ASTM Standards, as well as the CPSC (Consumer Product Safety Commission) Handbook for Playground Safety.

Indoor wall/feature padding testing

To ensure safety of padding used on walls and other facility features, in and around playing area that an athlete might contact during play, ASTM F2440 Standard Specification for Indoor Wall/Feature Padding was developed. TÜV SÜD America can verify that your new or reconditioned padding product will meet impact specifications of this standard. G-max and HIC (Head Injury Criterion) values are measured from a drop height of 4 ft (192.5 ± .9 in/s) utilizing test method outlined in ASTM F1292.

We can evaluate these surfaces in the field based on fall height of equipment that has been installed; however, each surface system should be evaluated to determine the maximum critical fall height of a surface material prior to installation in the field. We can also provide this testing in our state-of-the-art test facility.

Sports Field Testing

 Sports and Playground Surface TestingTÜV SÜD can evaluate Synthetic Sports Fields to ASTM F355 Shock Absorbing Properties of Playing Surface Systems and F1936 Standard Specification for Impact Attenuation of Turf Playing Systems as Measured in the Field Utilizing “A” Missile Test Device to ensure finished product installations meet the required g-max as stated in manufacturer’s warranty.

The regularity of testing is often dictated by the original contract between field owners and field installers. Your contract may indicate testing before use of your field,and then every two years for the length of the contract.

Where there are no contract requirements for testing, it is certainly in the best interest of the field owner to have this test performed at least every 2 years to verify continued compliance, and to maintain a safe surface for all your sport activities.

Standards we test to

  • ASTM F1292 - Standard Specification for Impact Attenuation of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment
  • ASTM F2075 - Standard Specification for Engineered Wood Fiber for Use as a Playground Safety Surface Under and around Playground Equipment
  • ASTM F1936 - Standard Specification for Impact Attenuation of Turf Playing Systems as Measured in the Field
  • ASTM F355 - Standard Test Method for Impact Attenuation of Playing Surface Systems and Materials
  • ASTM F1081 - Standard Specification for Competition Wrestling Mats
  • ASTM F2440 - Standard Specification for Indoor Wall/Feature Padding
  • F1162/F1162M - Standard Specification for Pole Vault Landing Systems
  • ASTM F2949 - Standard Specification for Pole Vault Box Collars

Turf inspections

TÜV SÜD America can test and certify a wide variety of Sports and Play surfaces for G-max/HIC including but not limited to: playground surfaces, field turf systems, playing surface systems, wall padding, wrestling mats, pole vault box collars, and pole vault landing systems.

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