Firefighters preparing equipment next to a fire truck

Fire Fighters lifts



Fire Fighter’s lifts are an essential safety requirement for all modern buildings, they have a range of features and equipment that allow them to operate under extreme conditions.

All mechanical and electrical equipment requires maintenance and can be susceptible to failure. The consequences of failures with firefighting equipment can be catastrophic.

This webinar provides a brief insight into the history of firefighting lifts in high rise buildings, the special features associated with this type of lift and the causes of failures. We discuss the maintenance arrangements that can be put in place to reduce the likelihood of failures and to ensure the lifts are available and operating correctly when the fire and rescue services need them.

Target Audience

  • Property/Building Managers
  • Construction Managers
  • Maintenance Managers

Allan Jarvis Lift ConsultantAllan Jarvis
Lift Consultant

Studied Electrical and Electronic Engineering then Corporate management at Postgraduate Level. 30 years experience within Lift Industry.

View Full Expert Profile





Related Real Estate Training Courses:

Introduction to ISO 19650 Training Course

BIM & Digital Construction Fundamentals E-Learning Course

LOLER Responsibilities for Conventional Lifts E-Learning Course



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