Meeting Industry 4.0 Cyber Threats Head-On
Meeting Industry 4.0 Cyber Threats Head-On
Manufacturers seeking greater efficiencies, increased synergies, and lower operational costs are finding them in today’s Industry 4.0-standard technology. Present and upcoming generations of manufacturing infrastructure showcase greater convergence and integration between information technology (IT) and the industrial control systems that cover operational technology (OT).
This narrowing gap brings its own risks. Without an integrated approach to safety and security, facilities may be vulnerable to hackers, advanced persistent threats (APTs) and ransomware attacks, among others, pinpointing OT security weak spots like hard-to-secure legacy equipment.
In the long run, industrial security vulnerabilities can compromise operator safety and disrupt the production process, with billions of dollars worth of output and critical infrastructure in the balance. Not to mention, the potential for long-term damage arising from intellectual property and reputation loss.
The genie can’t be put back in the bottle: today’s production facilities depend heavily on complex computer systems and similar technologies. A facility’s continued capacity relies on its IT processes and the cybersecurity resources at its disposal.
To keep production running smoothly, manufacturing companies like yours must proactively address the following issues relating to cybersecurity:
Your security decision-makers must comply with a staggering variety of regulations and standards. Some are specific to the industry you operate in – automobile manufacturers must adhere to standards for automotive cybersecurity (ISO 21434), on top of the more generalised IEC 62443 (formerly ISA-99, covering cybersecurity for cyber-physical systems). Beyond the production line, companies must also fulfil rigorous security regulations in their tendering and purchasing processes.
You have to implement and regularly review security measures to address vulnerabilities in the manufacturing environment. In the absence of constant vigilance, you risk suffering breach-related consequences, including production outages, loss of intellectual property, and damage to the company’s reputation.
Demonstrating cybersecurity expertise and ongoing compliance with regulations can be a potent competitive differentiator in these volatile times. Investors and customers alike will appreciate your ability to maintain production with no fear of disruption, nimbly deal with regulatory changes, and minimise the impact of penalties that stem from cybersecurity incidents.
By partnering with TÜV SÜD, you’ll be able to implement and scale up digital technologies throughout your manufacturing facility, without compromising operations or safety.
Our security expertise and experience with manufacturing safety concerns can help you better protect your products and systems against a wide range of risks. Whether you want to minimise your risk profile, stay informed about new regulatory requirements, or gain access to international standardisation committees, TÜV SÜD can provide the right level of service for your needs. Our global offices can serve clients in their local language and share expertise in country-specific regulations, guidelines and culture.
Our customer base worldwide, industry accreditations, and past references attest to the high quality of TÜV SÜD’s service, and the trust our customers place in TÜV SÜD.
Limited transparency over infrastructure security
Industry 4.0 network perimeters include a wider range of nodes, including cloud platforms, mobile devices, industrial IoT devices (IIoT), and OT sensors and controls. This complexity has hampered visibility over securing facilities, machinery, and devices.
Lack of trained cybersecurity personnel
Manufacturing facilities often suffer from a cybersecurity talent gap, depriving your organisation of updated guidance to mitigate security and safety issues. Third-party security partners must offer advice that’s tailored to the manufacturing technology and OT onsite.
Unclear management roles
Cybersecurity standards can’t keep up with the new technology being adopted in heavy industrial facilities. As a result, you may lack clarity regarding roles and responsibilities over IT and OT infrastructure, and have no clear path forward to strengthen your position as a technology enabler.
Mitigation of production interruptions
Today’s volatile business conditions have increased production interruptions. To keep manufacturing processes up and running, you must adapt processes to favour resilience, either through more robust security measures or by deploying data-driven tools that can help mitigate future events.
Providing reliable products and secure connected solutions
In the absence of expert advice, you may have difficulty selecting reliable, safe, and secure systems for your production floor, resulting in low overall asset utilisation and higher levels of reactive maintenance.
Regulatory compliance for safety and security
Production managers must satisfy a growing and evolving range of regulations, practices and standards–with multiple jurisdictions providing an extra layer of complexity. The latter requires adherence not just to different national standards but also global manufacturing compliance standards.
Our process puts your manufacturing security through a comprehensive cycle of security testing (penetration testing of systems/components /products/applications) that cover the full design and production cycle. This includes a Smart Industry Cybersecurity Readiness Index (SICRI) that systematically evaluates current cybersecurity practices (especially regarding Industry 4.0 adoption) and penetration testing that hardens infrastructure against malicious hacker attacks.
We deliver classroom-based and online programmes that cater to your specific requirements. Our classes cover safety and security training that establishes the foundation for manufacturing cybersecurity knowledge—Security Awareness, Information Security, and Industrial Security.
Our experts can ensure the safety, security, profitability, and sustainability of plants, installations, and infrastructure with third-party engineering and test services that address manufacturing cybersecurity issues. SecureSafety combines our conventional safety services with additional expertise in OT security.
Secure your knowledge and information in a systemic way
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