Manufacturing Transformation through Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI)
Manufacturing Transformation through Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI)
The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Economic Development Board of Singapore (EDB) together with McKinsey, Siemens and TÜV SÜD have jointly embarked on a project to proliferate the global adoption of the Smart Industry Readiness Index (SIRI) as the internationally recognized framework to help the manufacturing community accelerate digital transformation by adopting Industry 4.0 (I4.0) globally.
The goal is to establish a single standardized framework for manufacturers worldwide to evaluate and benchmark their manufacturing facilities to start, scale and sustain their I4.0 transformation. To proliferate the global adoption of SIRI, McKinsey, Siemens and TÜV SÜD committed to conduct 1,000 SIRI Assessments in 2021 by Certified SIRI Assessors.
From our experiences and market analysis, most companies struggle to start and scale a systematic transformation due to:
SIRI enables manufacturing companies to act on I4.0 through effective initiation of I4.0 transformation spanning process, technology and organization by
SIRI comprises of a 2-day workshop with the factory’s leadership team.
Improving these focus areas would have the biggest impact on the factory’s performance. The workshop is conducted by a Certified SIRI Assessor and one supporting function.
To initiate Industry 4.0 transformation and implement SIRI for your organization, find out more here.
April 15, 2021
Joining the World Economic Forum as Platform Partner
TÜV SÜD has joined the World Economic Forum as a Platform Partner, covering areas within advanced manufacturing and production and focusing on the four initiatives of CO2 Reduction in Production, Additive Manufacturing, Smart Industry Readiness Index and Smart Safety in Connected Manufacturing.
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