Forestry Consulting Services

Forestry Consulting Services

From timberland management to forest inventory & analysis, we meet all your forestry consulting needs.

From timberland management to forest inventory & analysis, we meet all your forestry consulting needs.

TÜV SÜD provides a wide range of forestry consulting services from some of the most highly trained professionals in the field. They include the following.


Timberland Management

TÜV SÜD provides the full suite of professional forest land management services to timberland owners ranging from small family ownerships to NGOs to large corporate ownerships. Our clients’ goals range from recreational use to restoration to sustained yield harvesting, and we have the capacity and experience to plan and manage projects from start to finish. TÜV SÜD especially excels in regulatory compliance, providing clients with peace of mind and building the trust of stakeholders. Our timberland management services include:



Timber appraisal

Forest Management Plans

  • Timber harvest and fuels reduction planning and permitting pursuant to the CA Forest Practice Rules and other applicable regulations (THPs, NTMPs, Emergencies and Exemptions)
  • Timber sale preparation and administration
  • Fuels reduction planning and permitting, including Smoke Management Plan and Burn Permit preparation for prescribed burning
  • Cost-share program application and administration
  • Water quality monitoring and reporting
  • Archaeological surveys for CAL FIRE projects


GIS Services

TÜV SÜD employs a suite of ESRI software for its mobile data collection, database management, online services, spatial analysis, and cartography.  Maps and data can be shared in real-time with clients via ESRI’s cloud infrastructure.  Our GIS services include:

Field data collection with up to < 1 cm accuracy
Spatial analysis such as risk assessment, land cover stratification, and other land use planning
Web-based map applications
Custom mobile inventory and data collection solutions
GIS database management
Professional cartography


Forest Inventory and Analysis

We believe in data-driven decision-making when it comes to the manipulation of forest ecosystems. Forest inventory is among our niche expertise, having designed, implemented, or verified dozens of inventories on properties ranging from a handful of acres to hundreds of thousands of acres. From design to measurement to analysis, TÜV SÜD delivers inventory data with the appropriate intensity and statistical confidence for your project. TÜV SÜD provides a broad range of forest and vegetation inventories:

Forest vegetation
Growth and yield modeling with the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) and FORSEE
Fuels including fire effects modeling with FVS and the Fire and Fuels Extension (FFE)
Forest carbon
• Utility right-of-way (ROW) 


Timberland Conversion

Development of private and public timberland requires environmental analysis of project impacts per CEQA and/or NEPA, as well as additional permitting that must be completed by a Registered Professional Forester on private lands. TÜV SÜD has proven experience in providing Timberland Conversion services.

NEPA/CEQA Analysis
Mitigation development
Timberland Conversion Permits and exemptions



UAV Survey and Assessment

TÜV SÜD staff maintains UAV drone credentials to fly commercially under FAA's Small UAS Rule (Part 107).  We design a flight plan for our DJI Mavic 2 Pro to capture images to suit our client’s project goals. Capabilities include:

Landscape image capture (20 MP)
4K video capture
Photo stitching for high-resolution mapping with georeferencing
Stereo-pair analysis for 3D mapping and elevation profiles
Visible Atmospherically Resistant Index (VARI): “greenness” as a proxy for plant health
Examples of output spatial data include geotiff, LAS, and kml; outputs can be customized and transformed for clients’ desired use


Forest Carbon

Forest Carbon

We verify forestry projects in the California compliance offset program as well as voluntary programs throughout North & South America.

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carbon markets image

Carbon Markets

Accredited across major voluntary and compliance programs, we excel in diverse project types.

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Ensuring Integrity On The Path To Net Zero

Ensuring Integrity On The Path To Net Zero

Supporting our clients’ carbon and environmental initiatives

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