IEC 62443 and Industrial Security

Mitigate Security and Safety Risks with IEC 62443

Discover the impact cyber-physical systems are having on industries globally

Discover the impact cyber-physical systems are having on industries globally

Mitigate Security and Safety Risks with IEC 62443

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The increased prevalence of cyber-physical systems is having a significant impact on industries globally, as these types of systems are implemented to enable higher efficiencies, unsurpassed flexibility and innovative business models.

For manufacturers distributing these types of machines this new connectivity also translates into a switch in the risk landscape, as cyberattacks become increasingly widespread. Connected industrial application safety breaches can potentially put a whole facility, or even people, in danger and repercussions throughout could be very damaging. It is imperative that suppliers and system integrators optimize cyber resilience by improving development, integration and support processes.

Cybersecurity vulnerabilities can appear throughout the component or system lifecycle, planning ahead and implementing security first is unavoidable. Component suppliers must consider how cyber resilience of connected devices can be optimized throughout its lifetime. System integrators must take automated solution threats into consideration. Suppliers and integrators are required to alleviate hazards, even when threats are unknown. Full transparency should be shown from the beginning to enable full trust from machinery end-users in the security capabilities on offer.

The international standard series, IEC 62443, aims to minimize risks for industrial networks by supplying a structured procedure for cybersecurity. This is a collection of multi-industry standards focused on methods and techniques, initially developed for the IACS supply chain. Now considered as the leading industrial cybersecurity standard across industries.

Through established process requirements, IEC 62443 ensures all relevant security and system aspects are addressed in an organized manner, including a methodical approach to cybersecurity through stages of specification, integration, operation, maintenance and decommissioning.

The application of IEC 62443 also delivers some competitive superiority to suppliers and system integrators, corresponding certifications are available to system integrators and product manufacturers based on IEC 62443 series.

From combining strengths of online and offline worlds, cyber-physical systems have the capacity to significantly intensify industry performance, facilitate new products and be the catalyst to innovative business models. IEC 62443 provides a comprehensive approach to help mitigate security and safety risks and provides increased confidence and assurance that string industrial security has been achieved.


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IEC 62443 Industrial Security Standards

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