Automotive E-ssentials


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Your regular update for technical and industry information

Mobility Study 2022: What car drivers wish for

There are still many reservations against electric mobility among the population. Every fourth person who was asked is thinking about buying an electric car or even considers it to be “very likely”. For all others, an e-car is currently out of the question, as shown by the current Ipsos survey on behalf of the TÜV Verband.

Charging electric carCar ownership is still popular - if it is not an electric vehicle. Only around every fourth person questioned is thinking about a purchase or even considers it to be “very likely”. That is the result of a representative Ipsos survey on behalf of the TÜV Verband. For everyone else, an electric car is currently out of the questions. The reasons are mainly insufficient range and high purchase costs. 44 percent also consider the charging infrastructure to be inadequate.

Despite the current boom in electric vehicle sales, the population still has many reservations against electric mobility. A campaign for more charging stations, more targeted financial support and more attractively priced e-cars for everyone are required to eliminate these. The consumers must also be better informed about the contribution that electric mobility can make for the environment and climate protection.

Driver assistance systems

From July 2022, a range of driver assistance systems must be installed in new vehicle types, including emergency brake assistant, a driver alert system and intelligent speed assistance. Even assistance systems can suffer from wear: The sensitive sensors can be impaired by parking bumps or improper repairs. If the sensors are damaged or incorrectly aligned, they can cause system malfunctions. Safety systems then become an accident risk. It is therefore important to check the function and effect of assistance systems regularly as part of the general inspection (German Periodical Technical Inspection). 75 percent of those asked are in favour of assistance systems being tested by independent bodies. Among those polled, who are in favour of regular checking of driving assistance systems, a clear majority of 60 percent are for a check as part of the periodical technical inspection.

Graph future of Periodical Technical Inspection PTI

As digitally connected vehicles are technologically more complex, the question arises as to whether the current arrangements for the technical inspection are still appropriate. The overwhelming majority of 74 percent of those polled approve of extending the periodical technical inspection. A large majority, 70 percent, also agreed that the TÜV should not only test digitally networked vehicles, but also the infrastructure necessary for communication between the vehicles.

Data improve safety

A current topic that is the subject of controversial discussion is the use of vehicle data and data generated while the vehicle is moving. It was therefore asked, for which purposes car drivers would agree to the storage and evaluation of their vehicle data. Those polled named as their top priority the clarification of accidents, a general improvement in traffic safety and individual route planning or the avoidance of traffic jams. A quarter of those polled would consent to data processing if it was used to improve vehicle safety or would enable useful vehicle services. Twelve percent are generally against the storage and evaluation of their vehicle data.



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