Adding value with our service portfolio
Adding value with our service portfolio
The Microgeneration Certification Scheme (MCS) is the independent government backed scheme that certifies microgeneration products such as photovoltaic panels in accordance with consistent standards. If a householder or an organisation purchases a MCS-certified product, government grants are available to the purchasers and it is possible to sell any excess electricity generated back to the National Grid. This is part of the government funded ‘feed in tariff’ programme and is an element of the UK’s overall effort in meeting EU 2020 Renewable Obligations targets.
Certification is achieved by demonstrating compliance with the requirements set out in the MCS standards through product testing and a factory production control audit. These results are then submitted to an accredited MCS certification body, which assesses them and has the authority to recommend certification to the scheme licensee. If successfully certified, the product is affixed with the MCS logo.
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