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AS/EN 9100, AS/EN 9110, AS/EN 9120 Certification Services

Aerospace Management System Certification

Aerospace Management System Certification

Within the aviation, space and defence (ASD) industry, maintaining high safety levels is the foremost challenge. Even the smallest flaws in products or services can have fatal consequences. This has led to high expectations for quality, safety and reliability of parts, systems and services, which your company must achieve across the entire ASD supply chain. Every organisation working in the ASD industry must therefore demonstrate its commitment to quality and reliability.

What is AS/EN 91XX?

The AS/EN 91XX (AS/EN 9100, AS/EN 9110 and AS/EN 9120) quality management systems are based on ISO 9001, with specific requirements on aviation, space and defence industries. Published by the International Aerospace Quality Group, the AS/EN 91XX standards unify various competing quality documentation and requirements to a standardised benchmark.

The standards cover, but are not limited to:

  • Configuration Management
  • Project Management
  • Risk Management
  • Special Processes
  • Control of work performed outside the supplier’s activities

AS/EN 9100

AS/EN 9100 is a quality management standard for the ASD industry published by International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG). The AS/EN 9100 quality standard is based on ISO 9001, adding requirements specific to the ASD segment, while striving to meet the needs of stakeholders. Prior to AS/EN 9100, various corporations followed different competing quality documentation and requirements, creating challenges for the industry in terms of enforcement and compliance.

AS/EN 9110

The AS/EN 9110 standard pays special emphasis on the requirements critical to the maintenance of all (commercial, private and military) aircrafts. In addition to the requirements present in AS/EN 9100, this standard includes additional criteria for maintenance repair and overhaul facilities for organisations serving the industry. Some areas the AS/EN 9110 standard cover are detection and prevention of unapproved and counterfeit parts, human factors, as well as safety management systems.

AS/EN 9120

The AS/EN 9120 standard was developed for distributors and suppliers working with original equipment manufacturers. The standard focuses on product safety and reliability, and addresses critical product performance, conformity to specifications and airworthiness. It covers the chain of custody, traceability, stock control and availability of records as well.

Why is AS/EN 91XX important?

The adoption of the AS/EN 91XX quality management system allows the company to commit to a long-term goal. To achieve it, the decision-makers of the company will have several considerations, including the strategy and direction the company will take, the measures to identify and minimise risks, and compliance to the standard.

Beyond gaining a competitive advantage and global recognition, certified suppliers achieve a significant improvement in quality and safety while reducing cost throughout the value stream. They also reap benefits from the enhanced processes and achieve continual improvement. For instance, global airplane manufacturers such as Boeing, Airbus, Rolls Royce and Pratt & Whitney view the AS/EN 9100 standard as a key factor when selecting and evaluating suppliers.

Why choose TÜV SÜD

TÜV SÜD is a leader in management systems standards. We have decades of experience in developing solutions that provide quality and reliability to the ASD industry. Our global network of auditors is familiar with the various specific scopes and legal requirements for the region(s) in which you may operate.

By partnering with us, you benefit from the international acceptance of a TÜV SÜD certificate and the global recognition of the TÜV SÜD certification mark. Our high profile within the industry makes us the preferred service provider for many major aircraft and equipment manufacturers. We offer both German and American certificates to support clients requiring certification to do business in both markets. In addition, the clients we certify will be registered in the IAQG/OASIS database, raising their marketability in the ASD industry.

Our services at a glance

We offer services to support your company in all matters pertaining to the AS/EN 9100, AS/EN 9110 and AS/EN 9120 series of standards, which is becoming a requirement for all major aerospace manufacturers.

As part of our commitment to deliver unparalleled service quality, TÜV SÜD can provide you with a certification mark upon completion of a successful audit. This allows customers to quickly identify that the established ASD system have evaluated by one of the most recognised names in quality and safety.

Your benefits at a glance

  • Increase international acceptance and sales - with widely recognised TÜV SÜD certification marks and certificates that effectively demonstrate your quality commitment to the international market.
  • Minimise risk - by achieving the level of quality and safety necessary to obtain certification, improving the safety performance of your products and reducing the chance of malfunction.
  • Gain a competitive edge - through reduced costs and better service by embracing a continuous improvement culture.
  • Benefit from an expert partnership - that leverages the skills of experts who understand your industry and improve your business...


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