The Measurement Focus Group is supported by the UK Government's National Measurement System (NMS). The group focuses on flow measurement and flow-related issues in industry. Club members are invited to attend technical club meetings.
Delegates are primarily from the UK, but we often have presenters from USA, Norway and other parts of Europe. It's typically operators, consultants, manufacturers, service companies and also delegates from the UK Oil & Gas Regulator. The Measurement Focus Group is supported by the UK Government's National Measurement System (NMS). The group focuses on flow measurement and flow-related issues in industry. You can view the presentations from the previous meetings here.
09:30 Registration and networking
10:00 Chairperson introduction, Chris Mills (TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory)
10:10 Coriolis meters – Zero doesn't necessarily mean “nothing”, Chris Mills (TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory)
10:35 Smart Water Meters – are they so smart?, Andy Godley (WRC)
11:00 Coffee and networking
11:30 Multiphase measurement in CO
2 enhanced oil recovery - liquid and gas phase hydrocarbon & CO
2 measurement, Alan Parker (M-Flow Technologies)
11:55 CO
2 flow measurement at TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory, Gabriele Chinello (TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory)
12:20 Lunch and networking
13:00 Natural gas flaring and emissions quantification - The regulatory landscape, the challenges and Flare SURE, the TUV SÜD flare optimisation solution, Colin Lightbody (TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory)
13:25 Next Generation Flare Tip Combustion and Destruction Efficiency Evaluation, Simon Kretzschmar (Greens Combustion)
13:50 Coffee and networking
14:05 Reducing flare mass flow uncertainty, Tony Skelding (ABLE)
14:30 Impact of calibration gas uncertainty on fiscal risk in energy billing, Jonathan Britain (EffecTech)
14:55 Chairperson’s Closing Remarks
15:00 Close
The full agenda can be
downloaded here. If you have any questions please email
[email protected].