Rail power supply

Rail Power Supply Services

Put safety at the heart of your railway operations

Put safety at the heart of your railway operations

What are rail power systems services?

Rail power systems services support the railway industry with independent verification in optimising their railway power supply systems to accommodate rising energy demands, ensure constant availability and meet energy efficiency requirements. Due to growing challenges, ageing assets and complex operating environments, manufacturers also have to ensure that new components and complete systems are designed with reliability, availability, maintainability, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electrical safety in mind. Testing services for rail power systems involve safety assessment and management, safety assessment of design and interoperability, traction power simulation, specification of main equipment and design review conducted by independent experts

Why is the testing of rail power systems important?

A comprehensive assessment and verification of rail power systems provides multiple benefits:

  • As railway infrastructure manager and operator ensure service reliability by utilising third-party services to establish power supply systems that meet operational parameters and applicable standards
  • As an equipment and rolling stock manufacturer facilitate access to global markets

  • Save time and money by establishing an overall energy quality control to ensure minimal downtime and avoid costly interruptions

  • Verify the reliability and functionality of your rail power systems and ensure its reliable and safe operation

  • Promote a green environmentally conscious image by improving energy efficiency

TÜV SÜD is a global leader in rail energy efficiency testing

With decades of experience in the rail sector, TÜV SÜD offers proven capabilities backed by international recognition. Railway infrastructure managers, manufacturers and operators can ensure service reliability and safety by utilising our independent third-party inspection, testing and certification services to establish power supply systems that meet relevant energy legislation and standards as well as environmental targets.

Leveraging our international presence, we support your business by applying global expertise together with local knowledge of key markets. We provide witness testing service in third party facilities and on-site. Through our close collaboration with railway authorities and other stakeholders, we can test your rail power supply systems on the latest regulatory requirements and industry trends. As part of our certification services, we offer TÜV SÜD certification marks that are globally recognised and synonymous with quality and safety.

TÜV SÜD’s testing Services for rail power systems

TÜV SÜD offers comprehensive testing services for rail power systems, while also taking increased power demands, energy efficiency requirements, interoperability according to TSI, maintainability, availability and safety, as well as ageing assets into account:

Traction power demand studies and subsequent specification of main equipment

  • Specification of the equipment to meet operational requirements (transformer power, number of cables and voltage requirements, contact line design, feeding configuration)

EMC Studies

  • Verification and validation traction power equipment, earthing and bonding installations to ensure compatibility of the equipment in its operating environment
  • Electric and magnetic field measurement

Design review

  • Design review services to ensure design standards, alignment and diligence throughout the course of your equipment design phase
  • Assessment of energy consumption and energy supply systems

Safety assessment of design for rail power supply installations

  • Verification of the design of rail power supply systems
  • On-site isnpections to ensure that the actual construction of the installation meets safety requirements


  • ISA and EC-certification of subsystem energy


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