Learn how to be aware of possible cyberattacks and ensure functional safety at the same time
Learn how to be aware of possible cyberattacks and ensure functional safety at the same time
When it comes to your business’ cybersecurity, the development and monitoring of embedded systems used in safety-critical operational technologies (OT) requires a great deal of IT expertise. The responsible employees will need to be aware of possible cyberattacks, while also possessing a good working knowledge of related subject areas such as functional safety. With every upgrade, update or new development, security vulnerabilities can arise that can get companies into big trouble. Sensitive data can fall into the wrong hands, and software, people and technical equipment can be damaged.
Developers of embedded systems for the automotive or industrial sectors must strive for a secure design and implementation that ensures data security and reliability throughout the entire lifecycle. Security gaps in a company's own cybersecurity and product cybersecurity environment must be prevented or detected at an early stage. Our functional safety and cybersecurity course can help you to pinpoint these weaknesses and learn how to overcome potential challenges.
The target audience of the workshop is primarily project/security managers, cybersecurity experts and IT managers, as well as security engineers and developers with or without functional security experience. If this is you, you may want to know more about cybersecurity requirements for embedded components in the field of security applications.
We offer different functional safety and cybersecurity training modules and workshops covering various experience and knowledge levels, either if:
Whatever your needs, we are happy to assist you in choosing the right workshop for your experience level, or alternatively, we can create a tailored functional safety/cybersecurity workshop based on your individual needs.
Here you can find some examples of workshops we can provide.
Please note, if more relevant, you are able to choose and combine different modules.
Successfully achieving the safety and flexibility balance
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A compact overview of the functional safety regulation landscape
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Learn how to avoid functional safety errors in future safety projects.
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Learn about common misunderstandings and how to avoid such errors in future
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Learn more about the safety challenges for autonomous machinery
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Learn about current trends and challenges and get an overview about opportunities offered by functional safety.
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Get an overview of the functional safety standard and learn how to achieve compliance.
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Find the right software tools for your functional safety projects
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