Product Carbon Footprint Calculator

Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) Calculation Tool

Validating the algorithm of an automated product carbon footprint (PCF)-tool

Validating the algorithm of an automated product carbon footprint (PCF)-tool

Approach of validating the algorithm of a PCF-tool

The product carbon footprint (PCF) algorithm gets analyzed in the course of interviews with staff responsible for development, distribution, and technical support offsite and onsite.

In Stage 1 Audit (remote), the algorithm PCF will be presented by the staff. The basic criteria will be checked and discussed. The further procedure will be declared. As result of Stage 1 Audit some potentials or open topics will be appointed, which has to be clarified in Stage 2 Audit.

In Stage 2 Audit the complete criteria list will be checked, and the results are evaluated. The PCF-algorithm will be inspected in order to prove that the system can be run successfully. All results of the audits are validated with criteria based on ISO 14067 referencing ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 and the GHG Protocol.

The certification process is governed by requirement of recognized certification body of TÜV SÜD. An expert of the Validation and Verification body, will independently review the validation report of the automated PCF-tool. On successful completion of validation, TÜV SÜD issues assurance certificate in line with ISO 14064-3. The certificate is valid for 3 years, provided no change in methodology/algorithm. After first year, an obligatory surveillance audit is necessary annually with review of sample projects. In case, any period of time there is change in methodology/algorithm TÜV SÜD shall be notified, and re-validation shall take place by TÜV SÜD. In this scenario, new certificate will be issued and old certificates will be obsolete. 


Product Carbon Footprint Calculator

Fig. 1: Certification mark „validating the algorithm of a PCF-calculation tool“


Assurance audit and Certification, (One time)

  • Review of calculation methodology/algorithm of the automated PCF calculation tool in terms of calculation principle, applied boundaries, relevance, consistency, coherence, accuracy, allocations, assumptions and transparency
  • Review of sample projects from different product categories to validate and verify the algorithm of tool
  • Review of emission factors sources and justification of adjustments
  • Review of monitoring principles of the calculation tool
  • Review of data acquisition methods from value chain (supplier, logistic and ERP system)
  • On successful completion of validation, TÜV SÜD issues assurance certificate in line with ISO 14064-3
  • The certification process governed by requirement of recognized certification body of TÜV SÜD


Exclusive disclaimers

  • The scope of assurance is herby solely the algorithm integrity for an automated PFC-calculation tool. There will be no statement regarding the results and outcome of the PCFs itself.
  • The functionality of the PCF tool will be reviewed by sample PCFs done by the calculation tool. The tool source code will not be subject of the audit.
  • The PCF tool needs to be set up with a version. Updates need to be communicated to TÜV SÜD. Validation report and certification mark are only valid for validated software version.


Surveillance and Revalidation

The certification will be valid for 3 years. After the first and second years, an obligatory surveillance audit is necessary with a review of sample projects.



The key deliverables of TÜV SÜD Group shall be as described below:

  • Final validation report
  • Assurance statement
  • TÜV SÜD validation certification mark
  • Revalidation statement (after surveillance audits)


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