Nuclear decommissioning

ISO IEC 17020 Nuclear Inspection Services

Ensure quality and consistency in the inspection of nuclear and conventional facilities, equipment and components

Ensure quality and consistency in the inspection of nuclear and conventional facilities, equipment and components

What is the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020 standard?

The DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020 specifies requirements for the competence of bodies performing inspection and for the impartiality and consistency of their inspection activities.

Why is DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020 inspection important?

Obtaining conformity certificates issued by an independent technical expert organisation accredited according to DIN EN ISO/ IEC 17020, Type A, enables suppliers to prove that their products meet international standards over the course of their products’ lifecycles. Having a certificate of conformity will facilitate timely modifications and improvements that are vital for ensuring the ongoing safety, reliability and availability of all equipment.

TÜV SÜD ensures that your nuclear plant and equipment meet rigorous nuclear quality standards.

Our inspection bodies are familiar with nuclear and conventional technologies as well as the relevant regulations and national / international standards. Accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020, Type A, our inspection bodies have the necessary independence to provide objective and impartial technical inspection services. Our inspections will help to fulfil regulatory requirements and help to plan maintenance intervals. They may also be used as a basis for implementing an effective Ageing Management.

Our DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020 inspection services include:

  • Inspection of documents

    We assess all technical documentation in the licensing, construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of technical equipment. This can cover information such as the design, manufacture, installation and testing of equipment. By inspecting the documentation, we can assure that the given requirements of local codes and standards, as well as licensee-specific requirements, are met.

  • Type testing and type approvals

    Our experts determine whether your products comply with data sheets, specifications and requirements.

  • Inspection of products and facilities (including on-site inspections)

    Our inspection services cover all systems, structures and components with safety significance.

  • Failure analyses, condition assessment and / or inspection of components

    These services are beneficial to nuclear and conventional power plants as well as to chemical and petrochemical process plants. They also bring benefits in automotive engineering, mechanical engineering, lightweight construction and the construction of process engineering equipment.

  • Inspection of maintenance procedures

    We offer inspections covering preventive, risk-based and failure-based maintenance of electrical, control and mechanical equipment.


equipment qualification for nuclear

How to qualify your safety-critical nuclear equipment

Get an overview of what you should do to ensure equipment compliance

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equipment qualification for nuclear
White paper

Nuclear Equipment Qualification

Discover the compliance of your safety critical nuclear equipment.

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equipment qualification for nuclear

Equipment qualification for nuclear

How to qualify your safety critical nuclear equipment

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