Global Market Access

China RoHs II Frequently Asked Questions

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What is China ROHS II

The RoHS II is the management method for the Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Products. This regulation is to:

  • control and reduce pollution of the environment caused by electrical and electronic products upon being discarded
  • promote the cleaner production of the electrical and electronic industry, resources comprehensive utilisation
  • encourage green consumption, and
  • protect the environment and human physical health.          

If you have any other questions on China RoHS II, feel free to email us.

  • When did the regulation come to force?

    China RoHS II was issued on January 6, 2016 and has been formally implemented on July 1, 2016.  If the product has been tested and packaged after 1 July 2016, the product, manufactured domestically or overseas, has to satisfy the China RoHS II regulation.

  • Where does this regulation apply?

    China RoHS II is only mandatory in Mainland China and is not applicable in Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan.

  • How are the products defined and what are the product categories?

    “Electrical and electronic products” refer to devices and accessory products with rated working electrical voltages of no more than 1500 volts direct current, and 1000 volts alternating current which function by means of current or electromagnetic fields, and generate, transmit and measure such currents and electromagnetic fields. Power generation, transmission and distribution equipment is excluded [from this definition]. (Refer to China RoHS II regulation, Section I, Article 3)

    The categories include:

      • Telecommunication device/ Communications equipment
      • Broadcasting and TV equipment
      • Computers and other office equipment
      • Household appliances, electronic equipment
      • Electronic instruments
      • Industrial electrical and electronic equipment
      • Electrical tools
      • Medical electronic equipment and devices
      • Lighting products
      • Electrical products for education, sports and entertainment use, etc.

    The categories exclude:

      • Involving energy production, transmission and distribution equipment, such as power plants, transmission and distribution power stations, building supply and distribution systems and equipment used
      • Electrical and electronic equipment for defence and military use
      • Electrical and electronic equipment used in special environments or extreme environments
      • Electrical and electronic equipment for export
      • Electrical transportation equipment
      • Used equipment manufactured before July 1st, 2016
      • Temporary entry of imported products or maintenance service, not for sale
      • Prototype for research / development, testing purposes
      • For exhibition and other purposes, not for sale, etc.

    From 15 March 2019, the following 12 product ranges (defined in more details in the announcement) will be in the mandatory list of Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Products:

      • Refrigerators (up to 800 litres)
      • Air conditioners (Rated cooling capacity ≤ 14,000 watts)
      • Washing machine (dry clothes ≤ 10 kg)
      • Water heaters
      • Printers (≤ A3, ≤ 60 pages / minute)
      • Copiers (≤ A3, ≤ 60 pages / minute)
      • Fax machines
      • TV sets
      • Monitors
      • Microcomputers (desktop with necessary peripherals, laptops, tablets)
      • Mobile communication handset
      • Telephones

    The 12 products mentioned above must meet the limitation requirements for electrical and electronic products restricted substances according to GB/T 26572-2011 (refer to table in "What are the requirements for China RoHS II?), and labelled according to SJ/T 11364-2014 (refer to table in "How to use the China RoHS II mark?"). When these 12 products are used as parts/components of products not included in the catalogue, there is no mandatory hazardous substances limitation requirements. These products would need to meet the China RoHS II requirement along with the whole equipment.

  • What are the requirements for China RoHS II?

    Restriction of hazardous substances national standards or industry standards currently refers to the following standard (including standard amendments):

    1. SJ/T 11364-2014 (Mark requirements for restriction of Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic products)
    2. GB/T 26572-2011 (Limitation requirements for electrical and electronic products restricted substances)
    • Hazardous substances and limitation for each homogeneous material:
     Hazardous substances  Limitation
     Lead 0.1%
     Mecury 0.1%
    Hexavalent chromium 0.1%
    PBB 0.1%
    PBDE 0.1%
    Cadmium 0.01%
    1. Detection of harmful substances standards:
    • GB/T26125-2011, IDTIEC62321: 2008 (Test of electrical and electronic products six regulated substances, including lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls and PBDE)
    • GB/T29783-2013 (Atomic fluorescence spectrometry of Hexavalent chromium in electrical and electronic)

  • How to use China RoHS II Mark?
    Marks required
    • Contains no restricted substances
    • Environmentally friendly
    • Recyclable after being abandoned
    • Green is recommended (C:85, M:30, Y:85, K:20)
    • Environmentally Friendly Use Period (EFUP)
    • Contains hazardous substances
    • Use safely during EFUP (e.g. 10 years)
    • Should enter into the recycle system after EPUP
    • Orange is recommended (C:0, M:75, Y:100, K:0)

    The number "10" in the EFUP mark (previously known as Environmentally Protection Use Period (EPUP)) refers to the duration which hazardous substances in the electronic and electrical products will not leak or mutate under normal operating conditions and result in serious environmental pollution, serious bodily injury to the user or damage their assets during their normal use of the electronic and electrical product. Electronic and electrical products which contain hazardous substances must have this mark.

    Marking styles for the names and contents of Hazardous Substances (Must be in Chinese)
    China ROHS II FAQ - marking styles

    The China RoHS II must satisfy the standard SJ/T11364-2014.

  • What is the difference between China RoHS II and EU RoHS?


    EU RoHS

    China RoHS II

    Product scope

    11 categories by 2019

    All products in scope and applies to products manufactured after 1 July 2016

    Product mark

    CE mark

    China RoHS marks


    DoC and TDF can be in English

    Disclosure table must be in Chinese

    Product scope exemptions


    Limited, not intended to match EU

    Enforcement dates

    1st July 2006

    16th July 2016

    Hazardous substances

    6 currently, will increase to 10 on 22 July 2019

    6 currently




  • What are the steps to gaining China RoHS II?
    • Collect material content for raw materials, components, subassemblies
    • General disclosure table in Chinese for finished products
    • Label products accordingly


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