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Agregando valor con nuestra cartera de servicios
Zertifikats-Nr. / Certificate No. | Produkt / Product | Typ / Bez. Type / Model | Zertifikatsinhaber / License Holder | Art der Verfälschung / Type of forge |
E8N 13 02 83556 001 | YAMAHA OUTBOARD | F8BE 6J7 S 100187 | [erased in forgery] | Gefälschte Übereinstimmungs- bescheinigung Zertifikatsinhaber, Bezeichnung, Modelle, Beschreibung und Testgrundlage manipuliert Forged attestation of Compiance Name of Object, Models, Description and Testing Directives manipulted |
Z1 11 12 78969 001 | LED lamps (LED SPOTLIGHT BULB) | [erased in forgery] | [erased in forgery] | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber sowie Seiten 2 und 3 entfernt Forged certificate: Holder and Page 2 and 3 erased |
Z1A 10 12 69071 024 | Power Supply | IT30V042080X, ILP50-1201500B, IT15VaaabbbX series, ILP30-wwwzzzzB series ("aaa" is 3 digits of number from 030 to 300 which represent output voltage from 3.0V to 30.0V; "bbb" is 3 digits of number from 020 to 250 which represent output current from 200 to 2500mA; "www" is 3 digits of number from 042 to 180 which represent output voltage from 4.2V to 18.0V; "zzzz" is 4 digits of number from 0100 to 0700 which represent output current from 100 to 700mA; see page 3 & 4 for details of model number) | [erased in forgery] | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber entfernt Forged certificate: Holder erased |
N8 10 12 69071 025 | Power Supply | IT30V042080X, ILP50-1201500B, IT15VaaabbbX series, ILP30-wwwzzzzB series ("aaa" is 3 digits of number from 030 to 300 which represent output voltage from 3.0V to 30.0V; "bbb" is 3 digits of number from 020 to 250 which represent output current from 200 to 2500mA; "www" is 3 digits of number from 042 to 180 which represent output voltage from 4.2V to 18.0V; "zzzz" is 4 digits of number from 0100 to 0700 which represent output current from 100 to 700mA; see page 3 & 4 for details of model number) | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber entfernt Forged certificate: Holder erased | |
Q6 0011 Rev. 01 | Production and Distribution of Medical Packaging, Equipment Covers, Non-Sterile Medical Plastic Bags and UNA Slings | n.a. | [erased in forgery] | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber entfernt Forged certificate: Holder erased |
7088805400101 | Electric Siren Alarm | F1, F2, A1, A2, F6A, F6B | 3B-Guard Technology limited Room. 505 Block 7 No. 755 Western Part of YinXian Road NingBo China | Gefälschte EC-Attestation of Conformity Forged EC-Attestation of Conformity |
G2S 18 01 65303 013 | Non Woven Cap, Non Woven Face Mask, Surgical Gown, Coverall, Non Woven Shoe Cover, Surgical Drape, Isolation Gown, Oversleeves, Disposable Examination Gloves, Wooden Tongue Depressor, Wooden Vaginal Spatula, Cotton Tip, Under Pad, Beard Cover, Surgical Kit, Protection Coat, Apron, Neck Paper, Dental Bib, Dental Kit, First-aid Kit (Case) , Patient Kit | n.a. | 3M Disposable Protective Products Factory (Manufacturer) 3M Nederland B.V (Europe) (EC-Representative, Facility) Molengraaffsingel 29, 2629 JD Delft, Netherlands | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller inkl. Adresse, EC-Repräsentant inkl. Adresse, Fabrik inkl. Adresse manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer within its address, EC-Representative within its address, factory within ist address manipulated |
Q2N 16 12 65303 010 | Production and Distribution of
Non Woven Cap, Non Woven Face Mask, Surgical Gown, Coverall, Non Woven Shoe Cover, Surgical Drape, Isolation Gown, Oversleeves, Disposable Examination Gloves, Wooden Tongue Depressor,Cotton Tip, Wooden Vaginal Spatula, Under Pad, Single Use Dental Kit, Single Use Surgical Procedure Packs, Dental Bib, Medical Apron, Beard Cover, Protection Coat, Neck Paper, First-aid Kit (Case), Patient Kit | n.a. | 3M Disposable Protective Products Factory (Holder of Certificate) 3M Disposable Protective Products Factory (Facility) 3M Nederland BV Molengraaffsingel 29 2629 JD Delft, Netherlands | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Fabrik inkl. Adresse, Ausstellungsdatum, Gültigkeitsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate within its address, factory within its address, date of issue, date of validity manipulated |
G1 07 01 45735 018 | Lingual Appliances, Self-Ligating Appliances, Ceramic Brackets, Metal Brackets, Digital Orthodontics Buccal Tubes and Bands, Archwire Systems, Bonding/Banding Products and Curing Light for Dental Use | n.a. | 3M Unitek Ohmstraße 3 86899 Landsberg am Lech Germany 3M Unitek Orthodontic Products 2724 South Peck Road Monrovia,CA 91016 USA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatstitel, Zertifikatsnummer, Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Prüfzeichen, Modellbezeichnung, Modellerläuterung, Erläuterung des Zertifikats, Berichtsnummer, Gültigkeitszeitraum, Ausstellungsdatum, Unterschrift und Seitenzahl manipuliert Forged certificate: Title of certificate, no. of certificate, holder of certificate within its address, TÜV SÜD mark, model designation within explanation, explanation of certificate, test report no., validity date, date of issue, signutare and count of pages manipulated |
3721 2015032206 | Mouldmaking, Injection molding, Design, Manufacture and sales | n.a. | ADA Mould Technology Limited Unit 12D-E, New Hold Found Building, 188 Shennan Road, Nanshan District 518051 Shenzhen People`s Republic of China | Zertifikatsfälschung ISO 9001 mit Prüfzeichen Forged certificate ISO 9001 with certification mark |
Q1N 16 08 63112 019 | Carezoe Non-contact Thermometers Design, Development, Production and Distribution of Thermometers Devices and Instruments. | n.a. | ACCUMOLD DISTRIBUTION INTERNATIONAL (Holder of certificate) 1711 SE Oralabor Rd, Ankeny IA, USA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat; Zertifikat ist frei erfunden Forged certificate; certificate is totally fake |
n.a. | Environmental Management System for Resale of All Sony Products & Electronics World Wide | n.a. | Alfa Electronics Heliopolis, Cairo, Cairo Egypt | Zertifikatsfälschung für ISO 14001:2004 Zertifizierung Forged certificate to ISO 14001:2004 certification |
G1 11 08 41872 023 | Infusion Sets | n.a. | All Pro Corporation (Manufacturer) No.592 Tonghe Road, Qingdao, 266035 China International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Nummer des Zertifikats und Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse manipuliert Forged certificate: Number of certificate and holder of certificate within its address manipulated |
Q2N 14 07 76095 005 | Disposable Infusion Set, Nebulizer Mask, Oxygen Mask, Nasal Oxygen Cannula, Non-Rebreathing Oxygen Mask, Endotracheal Tube, Three-Way Stopcock, Suction Catheter, Heparin Cap, Suction Cathether with Yankauer Handle, Blood Lancet | n.a. | All Pro Corporation (Manufacturer) No.592 Tonghe Road, Qingdao, 266035 China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Nummer des Zertifikats und Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse manipuliert Forged certificate: Number of certificate and holder of certificate within its address manipulated |
G2 14 07 76095 006 | Disposable Infusion Set, Nebulizer Mask, Oxygen Mask, Nasal Oxygen Cannula, Non-Rebreathing Oxygen Mask, Endotracheal Tube, Three-Way Stopcock, Suction Catheter, Heparin Cap, Suction Cathether with Yankauer Handle, Blood Lancet | n.a. | All Pro Corporation (Manufacturer) No.592 Tonghe Road, Qingdao, 266035 China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Nummer des Zertifikats und Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse manipuliert Forged certificate: Number of certificate and holder of certificate within its address manipulated |
G1 09 10 50440 010 | Patientenmonitor, Pulsoximeter Patient Monitor, Pulse Oximeters | n. a. | AMIS Medical Co., Ltd. (wrong) | Gefälschtes Qualitätsmanagementzertifikat falscher Inhaber Forged Quality Management Certificate wrong license holder |
Z1A 10 02 70308 001 | Spielplatzgeräte Playground equipment | gz-ts-013 | Angel Playground Equipment Co., Ltd. No.8 of jingyu Industrial Zone Qiaoxia town, Yongjia 325106 Wenzhou, Zhejang PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer manipulated |
Z1A 12 05 70308 001 | Spielplatzgeräte Playground equipment | H120528A | Angel Playground Equipment Co., Ltd. No.8 of jingyu Industrial Zone Qiaoxia town, Yongjia 325106 Wenzhou, Zhejang PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Hersteller, Modelle, Parameter und Gültigkeit manipuliert Forged certificate: Certificate number, Manufacturer, Model, Parameters and Validity manipulated |
Z1A 12 05 70308 003 | Spielplatzgeräte Playground equipment | 120528-2m | Angel Playground Equipment Co., Ltd. No.8 of jingyu Industrial Zone Qiaoxia town, Yongjia 325106 Wenzhou, Zhejang PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Hersteller, Modelle, Parameter und Gültigkeit manipuliert Forged certificate: Certificate number, Manufacturer, Model, Parameters and Validity manipulated |
Z1A 12 05 70308 007 | Federwippe Spring Rider | TS-1 | Angel Playground Equipment Co., Ltd. No.8 of jingyu Industrial Zone Qiaoxia town, Yongjia 325106 Wenzhou, Zhejang PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Hersteller, Produkttyp, Modelle, Parameter und Gültigkeit manipuliert Forged certificate: Certificate number, Manufacturer, Product, Model, Parameters and Validity manipulated |
Z1A 12 05 70308 002 | Spielplatzgeräte Playground equipment | 120528-1m | Angel Playground Equipment Co., Ltd. No.8 of jingyu Industrial Zone Qiaoxia town, Yongjia 325106 Wenzhou, Zhejang PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Hersteller, Produkttyp, Modelle, Parameter und Gültigkeit manipuliert Forged certificate: Certificate number, Manufacturer, Product, Model, Parameters and Validity manipulated |
Z1A 12 05 70308 008 | Federwippe Spring Rider | TS-2 | Angel Playground Equipment Co., Ltd. No.8 of jingyu Industrial Zone Qiaoxia town, Yongjia 325106 Wenzhou, Zhejang PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Hersteller, Produkttyp, Modelle, Parameter und Gültigkeit manipuliert Forged certificate: Certificate number, Manufacturer, Product, Model, Parameters and Validity manipulated |
G2S 005447 0002 Rev. 00 | Sterile Surgical Gowns, Sterile Surgical Drapes, Sterile Surgical Packs, Sterile Isolation Coverall, Sterile portective Coverall, Sterile Isolation Gown, Surgical Face Masks | n.a. | Anhui MedPurest Medical Technology Co.,Ltd (Manufacturer) Jia Bao Industrial Park 246000 Anqing, Anhui Province People´s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Produktkategorien manipuliert Forged certificate: Product categories manipulated |
G2S 16 12 57761 012 | Cotton Swab (Cotton Tipped Applicators), Tongue Depressor | n.a. | Anqing Jiaxin Medical Material Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer, Facility) No. A-5, Yangtze River Bridge Economic Development Zone 246001 Anqing, Anhui People´s Republic of China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (Europe) (EC-Representative) Eiffestraße 80 20537 Hamburg Germany Anqing Jiaxin Medical Technology Co., Ltd. (Facility) No. A-5, Yangtze River Bridge Economic Development Zone 246001 Anqing, Anhui People´s Republic of China Anqing Jiaxin Medical Products Co., Ltd. (Facility) Yingbin Road, Qianshan Economic Development Zone 246300 Qianshan City, Anhui People´s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikat komplett verfälscht Forged Certificate: Certificate completly changed |
Q2N 17 02 76624 003 | Single-use Medical Package for Medical Devices/ Single-use Sterilization Indicators Tape and Card/ Medical Crepe Paper / Non-woven Fabric / Dental Bibs / Saliva Ejector / Barrier Film / Surgical Gown / Isolation Gown / Face Mask | n.a. | Anqing Kangmingna Packaging Co. Ltd. (Holder of Certificate, Facility) KMN Industrial Park, Jingshi Road Big Bridge Development Zone 246000 Anqing, Anhui People´s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Geltungsbereich manipuliert Forged Certificate: Scope of certificate manipulated |
Q6 091959 0003 Rev. 00 | Production & Distribution of Single-Use Medical Packaging for Sterilized Medical Devices | n.a. | Anqing Topeak Medical CO.,Ltd No 2008, B1#, Wuyue Square, Yingjiang District, 246003 Anqing, Anhui People´s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber samt Adresse, Fertigungsstätte samt Adresse manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate incl. address, facility incl. address manipulated |
Q1N 13 04 76624 001 | Production and Distribution of Single-use Medical Package for Medical Devices and Single-use Sterilization Indicators Tape, Single-use Sterilization Indicators Card, Medical Crepe Paper | n.a. | Anqing YIPAK Packaging Material Co., Ltd. NO.13, Liuji Industrial Park Development Zone 246000 Anqing Anhui People's Republic of China | Gefälschtes EC-Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Zertifikatsinhaber, Hersteller, Scope of Certificate, Berichtsnummer, Gültigkeitsdatum und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged EC-Certificate: number of certificate, holder of certificate, manufacturer, scope of certificate, report no., validity and date of issue manipulated |
E8N 13 12 78142 014 | Luminaires for road and street lighting | AOK-35WiS; AOK-65WiS, AOK-100WiS; AOK-135WiS; AOK-165WiS; AOK-200WiS; AOK-230WiS | AOK LED Light Co., Ltd 1# Building, Sans Souci Technology Industrial Park Shajin Street, Shezhen city, Guangdong Province PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller, Modelle und Parameter Forged certificate: Manufacturer, Model and Parameters manipulated |
G1 10 02 50972 013 | Patient Monitor, Fetal Monitor, B-Ultrasound Diagnostic System, Pulse Oximeter, Electrocardiograph, Pocket Fetal Doppler, Visual Electronic Stethoscope, Multi-functional Visual Stethoscope, Dynamic ECG Systems, Digital Brain Electric Activity Mapping, Syringe Pump, Infusion Pump | n.a. | ARI Technology Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer) Building 15, The Forth Industrial Zone, Gongming Town, Guangming District Shenzhen PRC (wrong) Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer manipulated |
Q1N 09 15 50972 095 | ISO 13485:2003 | Design, Development, Production, Sales, Installation and Servicing of several Medical products | ARI Technology Co., Ltd. Building 15, The Forth Industrial Zone, Gongming Town, Guangming District Shenzhen PRC (wrong) | Zertifikatsfälschung für ISO 13485:2003 Zertifizierung Forged certificate to ISO 13485:2003 certification |
E8 03 10 51149 002 | CPU Prozessor CPU Processor | AU021, AU032, AU044 | Autumn Gain Trading Limited address n.a. | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Zertifikatsinhaber, Produkt, Modelle, Produktbeschreibung, Parameter, Testberichtsnr. und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged attestation of conformity: holder of certificate, item identification, model no., item description, parameters, test report-no. and date of issue manipulated |
G1 101259 0002 Rev. 00 | Medical device for patient monitoring (CetusX12, CetusX15 & CetusXL) anesthesia machines (ApusX1, ApusX2 & ApusX3) ventilators (LyraX1, LyraX2, MuscaX1 & MuscaX2) | n.a. | aXcent medical GmbH (manufacturer) Josef-Görres-Platz 2 56068 Koblenz Germany aXcent medical GmbH (facility) Dr.-Walter-Lessing-Str. 4 56112 Lahnstein Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Produktkategorien manipuliert Forged certificate: Product Categories manipulated |
12 100/104/116 29365/01 TMS | Develompment, Production and Sales fo Baby Formua (Mulipa Aptamil, Nutrilon, Friso and Hip Bio) | n.a. | Baby Food Supply Co. LTD Leiber Group Feldkirchener Str. 15 D-85551 Kirchheim | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate manipulated |
V1 08 06 63363 003 | In Vitro diagnostic for self testing | Ovulations- /Schwangerschaftstester Pregnancy Test for Self Testing, Ovulation (LH) Test for Self Testing | Beijing Goldenlaser Development Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer) Juboda Business Center 97#7#232, Huaxiang Wanliu Bridge, Fengtai, Beijing China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes EC-Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Hersteller, Produktkategorie und Fertigungsstätte manipuliert Forged EC-Certificate: number of certificate, manufacturer, product Categories and facility manipulated |
Q1N 07 11 32913 009 | Laserentfernung von Taetowierungen Laser Tattoo Removal Machine | n. a. | Beijing Hongtai Development Co., Ltd. 509, Black B. (Building 7-10) No. 88, Jianguo Road, Beijing PRC (wrong) | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, falscher Inhaber, falsche Fertigungsstätte Forged certificate, wrong license holder and facilities |
G2 10 11 55329 006 | IPL System | n.a. | Beijing Nubway S&T Development Co, Ltd. Room 808, New Fortune International, Chaoyang Road Chaoyang District 100123 Beijing China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller inkl. Adresse und Produktkategorie manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer within its address and Product Category is manipulated |
G2 10 11 55329 005 | Fractional CO2 Laser | n.a. | Beijing Nubway S&T Development Co, Ltd. Room 808, New Fortune International, Chaoyang Road Chaoyang District 100123 Beijing China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller inkl. Adresse und Produktkategorie manipuliert, Seite 2 fehlt Forged certificate: Manufacturer within its address and Product Category is manipulated, page 2 is missing |
G2 08 09 55329 005 | High Frequency System Face Vein Treatment Machine | n.a. | BeiJing Orcrea Techology Limited (Manufacturer) Room 610, Shiyuan South Area 101300, Shunyi District, Beijing China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller, Produktkategorie, Gültigkeit, Datum und Seitenzahl manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer, Product Categories, Validity, Date and Number of pages manipulated |
Q1N 11 08 60458 001 | Design and Development, Production and Distribution of IPL Therapy Systems and Laser Therapy Systems | n.a. | Beijing Raynol Technology Co., Ltd. 205, 2nd Floor, No. 38, Binhui South 3rd St., Tongzhou District 101100 Beijing China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Zertifikatsinhaber samt Adresse, Scope of Certificate, Gültigkeitsdatum und Erstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged Quality Management Certificate: Certificate number, holder of certificate incl. address, scope of certificate, validity and date of issue manipulated |
Q1N 13 08 81890 002 | Design, Development, Production and Distribution and Servicing of Urea(13C)Breath Test Kit, 13C infrared Spectromcter. | n.a. | Beijing Richen-force Science&Technology Co.,Ltd Zhongguancun Sci-Tech Center Changping Park Room408, Fukang Road No.18 10220 Beijing PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Fabriken manipuliert Forged certificate: Facilities manipulated |
G1 06 07 50972 026 | Patienten-Monitor, ... Patient Monitor, ... | n. a. | Beijing Rising Medical Co., Ltd. Longtengyuan 5-6-1-402, Huilongguan, Changping District 102208 Beijing PRC | Gefälschtes Qualitätsmanagementzertifikat Forged Quality Management Certificate |
Q2N 09 05 58693 003 | Production Distribution and Servicing of Dental Turbine Handpiece | n.a. | Being Foshan Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. No.1, Wangda Road, Shishan Science and Technology Industrial Park (Zone A) Nanhai District 528225 Foshan, Guangdong People's Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Gültigkeitsdatum wurde manipuliert Forged certificate: Valid until date was manipulated |
Q2N 08 03 55729 002 | Production of Natural Latex and Synthetic Medical Examination Gloves (Powdered and Powder-Free) Unsterile | n.a. | n.a. | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber, Fertigungsstätte, Gültigkeit und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate, Facility, Validity and Date of issue manipulated |
V1 17 10 01684 002 | In Vitro diagnostic for self testing | n.a. | Biological Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer deleted from counterfeit) Workshop 3, Xiwei San Rd. Feidong Economic Development Zone 231600 Hefei, Anhui People´s Republic of China Prolinx GmbH (EC-Representative) Brehmstr. 56 40239 Duesseldorf Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller manipuliert Forged Certificate: Manufacturer manipulated |
G2S 08 09 64733 002 | Latex Gloves, Vinyl Gloves, Nitrile Gloves (For single use) | n.a. | Bora Gloves Manufacturer Co., Liminted (Manufacturer) No.98 Building, Zhongze Road, Beiyuan indutrial Zone Yiwu City, China International Shanghai Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller, Produktkategorien, Gültigkeit und Seitenzahl manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer, Product Categories, Validity and number of pages manipulated |
G2S 09 09 71413 002 | Sterile Bandage and Sterile Gauze Sponges | n.a. | Chain Medical Products Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer) Shaojialou Taoyan Town 312000 Shaoxing Zhejiang People`s Republic of China Shanghai International Trading Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gültigkeitsdatum manipuliert Herkunft der Fälschung unbekannt Validity manipulated Origin of forgery unknown |
E8N 07 09 64410 429 | Android 10 Inch Mid | A1007 | Changshu Xueke Electric Co., LTD. No. 3 Xiyu Road, Yushan Town 21550 Changshu, Jiangsu People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Produktname, Modell, Text, Nummer des Testreports und Datum manipuliert Forged certificate: Number of certificate, Name of Object, Model, Text, Test report no. and Date manipulated |
E8N 07 09 64410 936 | Mini Keyboard | UKB-500-RF | Changshu Xueke Electric Co., LTD. No. 3 Xiyu Road, Yushan Town 21550 Changshu, Jiangsu People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Produktname, Modell, Text, Nummer des Testreports und Datum manipuliert Forged certificate: Number of certificate, Name of Object, Model, Text, Test report no. and Date manipulated |
E8N 07 09 64410 001 | Bluelight Charge Station for WII | BLUELIGHT | Changshu Xueke Electric Co., LTD. No. 3 Xiyu Road, Yushan Town 21550 Changshu, Jiangsu People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Produktname, Modell, Text und Datum manipuliert Forged certificate: Number of certificate, Name of Object, Model, Text and Date manipulated |
E8N 07 09 64411 125 | Connection Kit for Tablet PCs | 8 PIN TO 30 PIN | Changshu Xueke Electric Co., LTD. No. 3 Xiyu Road, Yushan Town 21550 Changshu, Jiangsu People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Produktname, Modell, Text, Nummer des Testreports und Datum manipuliert Forged certificate: Number of certificate, Name of Object, Model, Text, Test report no. and Date manipulated |
Q6 17 04 36477 018 | Production and Distribution of Sterile Latex Examination Gloves, Sterile Nitrile Examination Gloves, Sterile Latex Surgical Gloves, Sterile Urethral Catheters for Sinle Use | n.a. | Changzhou Yihua Sanitation Material Co.,Ltd (Holder of Certificate, Facility) No.160, Zhenlu Town 213115 Changzhou, Jiangsu Provice People's Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber samt Adresse, Fertigungsstätte samt Adresse manipuliert Forged Certificate: Holder of certificate incl. address, facility incl. address manipulated |
G2 14 09 36477 016 | Sterile Latex Examination Gloves, Sterile Nitrile Examination Gloves Sterile Urethral Catheters for Single Use | n.a. | Changzhou Yihua Sanitation Material Co.,Ltd (Manufacturer) No.160, Zhenlu Town 213115 Changzhou, Jiangsu Provice People's Republic of China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (Europe) (EC-Representative) Eiffestraße 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Klasse, Hersteller samt Adresse, Produktkategorie, Fertigungsstätte samt Adresse manipuliert Forged Certificate: Device in class information, manufacturer incl. address, product categories, facility incl. address manipulated |
G1 18 03 03797 002 | Positive Airway Pressure | n.a. | CHINY LEADSUPPLY CO.,LTD (Manufacturer) A516,Huakang Building, 899 Chaoyang North Steet, Baoding City 071100, Hebei Pv.China People´s Republic of China Prolinx GmbH (EC-Representative) Brehmstr. 56 40239 Duesseldorf Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller samt Adresse manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer incl. address manipulated |
70 251 3 004 03 | Fahrradanhänger für Kinder Bicycle trailer | BT-6012 | Cixi Essy Outdoor&Leisure Co., Ltd. Shanzhao, Shengshan town, Cixi City, Ningbo China (wrong) | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung gemäß Spielzeugrichtlinie Forged declaration of conformity according to toys directive |
N8 10 02 64319 011 | Heizlüfter Fan Heater | NF-H16 | Cixi Naili Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. No. 1117, Cidong Road, East Cixi Industrial Zone 315338 Cixi, Ningbo PRC | Modell NF-H16 unautorisiert hinzugefügt Unauthorized adding of model NF-H16 |
Z1A 03 10 38938 005 | Dampfreiniger Steam cleaner | Condor 8000 | Condor GmbH Hochstr. 10 56412 Niderelbert Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate is manipulated |
E8N 08 06 47718 189 | Elektro-Meißelhammer Electric chisel | DB-25A DB50H | Contec Industries Co., LTD No. 258-27 Zhong Yang Road, 210001 Nanjing China | Gefälschte Bescheinigung: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Modelle, Produktbeschreibung manipuliert Forged attestation of Compliance: holder of certificate incl. address, model designation and description of object manipulated |
M8 08 05 52404 094 | Steinsäge Masonry Saw | MS-350F | Contec Industries Co., LTD No. 258-27 Zhong Yang Road, Nanjing, 210001 Jiangsu China | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Produkt, Modelle, Parameter, Seitenanzahl, Unterschrift manipuliert Forged attestation of conformity: holder of certificate incl. address, product, model designation, parameters, number of pages and signiture manipulated |
N8 03 11 45030 002 | (wrong) 2010 Sea Doo RXTX 260 HP | (wrong) RXTX 260 HP Jet Ski | CV. Permata Agung ATV Jalan Ampera No. 45A Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia 52112 (wrong) | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung, falscher Inhaber, falsches Produkt, falsche Modellbezeichnung, falsche Kenndaten Forged attestation of conformity, wrong license holder, wrong product, wrong model designation, wrong parameters |
Q1N 11 08 52808 020 Q1N 11 08 56801 018 | Design, Development, Production and Distribution Anesthesia machine, Ventilators, Monitor multipara meter and Oximetros | n.a. | Datex-Ohmeda Inc. P.O. Box 7550 Madison, WI 53707-7550 USA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Forged Certificate |
Z1A 09 04 69632 001 | Egagenbetten | Stahlrohrbett Typ 7311H | DEAS Stahlrohrbetten Astrid Basche Seitenstraße 4 02730 Ebersbach | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Gültigkeit manipuliert Forged Certificate: validity manipulated |
Z2 06 03 53358 006 | Reflective Material | LO-TC72 | deleted from counterfeit | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber wurde entfernt Produkt, Modelle, Kenndaten, Normen und Ausstellungsdatum wurden manipuliert Forged Certificate: Certificate holder deleted product, models, parameters, standards and date of issue were manipulated |
Z2 08 08 53358 012 | Retroreflective Material | deleted from counterfeit | deleted from counterfeit | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Lizenzinhaber und Modelle entfernt Forged Certificate: License holder and models deleted |
Z2 05 06 56568 001 | Flourescent Material | deleted from counterfeit | deleted from counterfeit | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Lizenzinhaber und Modelle entfernt Forged Certificate: License holder and models deleted |
N8 09 10 49016 088 Z1A 09 10 49016 087 | Toaster Electric toasters | T-04, T-05, T-06, T-07, T-09, T-14, T-15, T-11, T-18 | deleted from counterfeit | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Inhaber entfernt Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber entfernt Forged Attestation of Conformity: holder deleted Forged Certicifate: holder deleted |
V1 058008 0030 Rev. 00 | Products for determination of tumor markers (PSA) Chlamydia, Blood Glucose and self testing products | n.a. | deleted from counterfeit | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikat komplett verfälscht Forged Certificate: Certificate completly changed |
Q5 068008 0025 Rev. 00 | Design, Production and Distribution of In Vitro Diagnostics for the Detection Fertility, Pregnancy, Infectiosus Diseases, Drugs of Abuse Tumor Markers, Cardiac Markers, Diabetes Markers, Renal Injury Markers Autoimmune Diseases, Infection, Jnnammation, Coagulation Factors, Blood Gas markers and Related Instruments, Spenn Concentration Test, Fluorescence Immunoassay System, Blood Gluo, Monitoring System, Control Materials for Tumor Markers, ECG Event Recorder | n.a. | deleted from counterfeit | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikat komplett verfälscht Forged Certificate: Certificate completly changed |
Q6 096608 0009 Rev. 01 | Production and Distribution of Wound Bandages/Plasters, Triangular Bandage, PBT Bandage, Non-woven Dressing, Trauma Pad/Abdominal Pads,Tubing Securement Device,Adhesive Dressing Pad, Eye Pad,Absorbent Pad, Gauze Swab, Lap Sponge without X-ray, Gauze Bandage, Cohesive Bandage, First Aid Bandage, Gauze Roll, First Aid Kits, Hydrocolloid Dressing, Medical Adhesive Tapes, Elastic Bandages, Tongue Depressor, Cotton Swab, Cotton Ball, Face Masks, Alcohol Pads, Medical Swab for single use, Examination Gloves, Emergency Blanket, Scissors, Mouth to Mouth Resuscitation Device, Tourniquet, Medical Tweezers, Ice Pack, Cooling Pad | n.a. | deleted from counterfeit | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Zertifikatsinhaber manipuliert Forged Certificate Holder of certificate manipulated |
G1 002987 0002 Rev. 00 | Multi-parameter Patient Monitor, Anaesthesia Machine, Ventilator | n.a. | deleted from counterfeit | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Hersteller manipuliert Forged Certificate Manufacturer manipulated |
G1 17 12 64187 006 | Anaesthesia Machines, Ventilators Anaesthesia Vaporizer | n.a. | deleted from counterfeit | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Hersteller und Fertigungsstätte manipuliert Forged Certificate Manufacturer, facility manipulated |
Q5 089675 0005 Rev. 00 | Design, Development, Production, Distribution and Service of Automated Immunoassay Analyzer, Up-converting Phosphor Immunoassay Analyzer, Up-converting Phosphor Technology Test Kits, Colloidal Gold Test Kits, Chemiluminescence Immunoassay Test Kits, Enzyme-Linked Immunoassay Test Kits. | n.a. | deleted from counterfeit | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Hersteller und Fertigungsstätte manipuliert Forged Certificate Manufacturer, facility manipulated |
G3P 08 08 45744 005 | Dental Devices; Paper Points, Gutta Percha, Reamers, K-files; categories; Single use and Sterilizable | n.a. | Diadent Group International Cheongwon-gun Chungcheongbuk-do Korea 363-951 | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikat komplett verfälscht Forged Certificate: Certificate completly changed |
G1 07 10 36158 013 | Manufacturer & Supply of Medical Equipments,Surgical instruments & Laproscopic Instruments | n.a. | Dolphin Surgicals (Manufacturer) Sai dwar chs ltd, Gala no:03 Bhayandar(east),Thane, Maharastra,401105 Surgicals Instruments (UK) Ltd. (EC-Representative) TRADING AS SD HEALTHCARE | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: TÜV SÜD Logo durch CE Kennzeichen ersetzt sowie Hersteller inkl. Adresse, EC-Repräsentant inkl. Adresse, Produktkategorie, Anzahl der Seiten, Gültigkeits- und Erstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: TÜV SÜD logo was substituted by CE marking. Manufacturer within its address, EC-Representative within its address, product category, date of issue, validity and number of pages manipulated |
N8 03 11 45030 009 | Motor boat | Maxum 3100 scr | Dominic Miah 112 Galliard Road N9 7LR London United Kingdom | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Inhaber, Produkt, Modelle, Text, Parameter, Prüfberichtsnummer und Datum manipuliert Forged Certificate Holder, Product, Models, Text, Parameters, Test report number and date manipulated |
N8 11 06 76901 002 | Manicure & pedicure set | ND-100, ND-228, ND-248, ND-278, ND-288, ND-298, ND-502 | Dongguan Asia Nail Beauty Co., LTD | GefälschtesZertifikat Inhaber, Produkt und Modelle manipuliert Forged Certificate Holder, Product and Models manipulated |
Z1A 11 06 76901 001 | Manicure & pedicure set | ND-100, ND-228, ND-248, ND-278, ND-288, ND-298, ND-503 | Dongguan Asia Nail Beauty Co., LTD | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat Inhaber, Produkt und Modelle manipuliert Forged GS-Certificate Holder, Product and Models manipulated |
AL 04 09 46113 04 | Steckdosenleisten Multiple Socket Outlets | D-03xx, D-04xx, D-05xx, D-06xx, D-08xx, D-22xx | Dongxing Lighting Electrical Co., Ltd. Fenglin Ind. Deve. Zone 315317 Qiaotou Town Cixi China | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat, falsche Produktbezeichnung Forged GS-Certificate, wrong product designation |
D4 05 01 45678 011 | LED Spotlight & Floodlight | GX5.3 (MR16) & GU10, E27 | Doughty Horse Enterprise (H.K.) Limited Chungye RD. Henli Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province 523460 P.R. China (wrong) | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung Forged attestation of conformity |
G1 06 11 44273 007 | Cuprophan, Hemophan, Cellulose Acetates, Synthetically Modified Cellulose, Purema, Polysulphone Hemodializers. Blood Lines for Hemodialysis, fistula needles | n.a. | Dr. Gaetano Santonocito biomedial Biogas e Cogenerazione Via Vittorio Emanuele, 32 50041 Calenzano (Firenze) (Manufacturer) Contrada Val dittaino 94010 Assoro (EN) Italy | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller inkl. Adresse, Fertigungsstätte, Produktkategorie, Gültigkeitsdatum, Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer including its address, facility, product category, validity date, date of issue manipulated |
G1 17 07 81775 008 | Sleep Apnea Therapy Devices, Respiratory
Insufficiency Ventilators and Accessories: CPAP,
Auto CPAP, BPAP, Humidifier and Masks. Sleep Apnea Diagnosis Devices and Accessories: Sleep Screener, Polysomnograph, Portable Sleep Diagnostic System. | n.a. | DSB Vedligehold A/S (Manufacturer) Address: Telegade 2 2630 Taastrup Denmark CVR-nr:32788742 CVRP-nr:1015918965 Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (Europe) (EC-Representative) Eiffestraße 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller inkl. Adresse manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer including its address manipulated |
Z1A 14 10 82760 005 | Switch mode power supplies Schaltmodusnetzgeräte | SA/6PA/05FEU045yyy, SA/6PA/05FUK045yyy, SA/6PA05FEU050yyy, SA/6PA/05FUK050yyy | E-King Power Co., Limited FLAT 1801A 18/F, On Hong Commercial Bldg 145 Hennessy Road Wanchai Hong Kong | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat: Modelle und Parameter manipuliert Forged GS-Certificate: Models and Parameters manipulated |
Z1A 10 02 73189 002 | Lashing Belts | SL001-01, SL001-02, SL001-05 | EASTONY Indstries Development Co., Ltd. 1001, 1#, 1926 Cang Hai Road Jiang Dong, Ningbo 315040, Zhejiang Province PRC (wrong) | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat Forged GS-Certificate |
Q2N 08 09 64733 001 | Latex Gloves, Vinyl Gloves, Nitrile Gloves (For single use) | n.a. | Edward Safety Gloves Co., Ltd No. 18-1 Building, Beiyuan 1st Area YIWU CITY, China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber samt Adresse, Fertigungsstätte samt Adresse, Scope of Certificate, Gültigkeitsdatum und Erstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged Quality Management Certificate: Holder of certificate incl. address, facility incl. address, Scope of Certificate, validity and date of issue manipulated |
Q2N 16 10 94018 00 | Gynecological set, Disposable vaginal speculum, Disposable cervical brush and spatula Bandages, Fast Dressing bandages(1st Aid Bandges) | n.a. | EK COLORLIFE HEALTHCARE COMPANY LIMITED (Holder of certificate) No.6-1911 Tianshan Road, Xinwu District,214028, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China EK COLORLIFE HEALTHCARE COMPANY LIMITED (Facility) No.8-2008 Tianshan Road, Xinwu District,214028, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Zertifikatsinhaber samt Adresse, Fertigungsstätte samt Adresse, Scope of Certificate, Normen, Berichtsnummer, Gültigkeitsdatum und Erstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged Quality Management Certificate: Certificate numer, holder of certificate incl. address, facility incl. address, scope of certificate, standards, report number, validity and date of issue manipulated |
G2 16 01 94018 00 | Gynecological set, Disposable vaginal speculum, Dispoable cervical brush and spatula Bandages, Fast Dressing bandages | n.a. | EK COLORLIFE HEALTHCARE COMPANY LIMITED (Manufacturer) No.8-2008 Tianshan Road, Xinwu District,214028, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China EK Medpath GmbH (EC-Representative) Mies-Van-Der-Rohe-Strasse 8 80807 Munich Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Klasse, Zertifikatsnummer, Hersteller samt Adresse, EC-Repr. samt Adresse, Produktkategorien, Berichtsnummer, Gültigkeitsdatum und Erstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged Certificate: Class, certificate numer, manufacturer incl. address, EC-Representative incl. address, product categories, report number, validity and date of issue manipulated |
07 12 48248 007 | Glue guns | TY-G1001, TY-G1003, TY-G4001, TY-G6002, TY-G6008 | Electrical Appliance Factory Peoples Republic of China (wrong) | Gefälschte Konformitägsbescheinigung Forged declaration of conformity |
E8N 10 01 72781 001 M8A 10 01 72781 003 N8 10 01 72781 002 | Luftkompressoren Air compressors | TA20-40 | Elektrafon Manufacturing & Trading Co., Ltd. Room 301, Building 1, No. 59 Shennan Road Xinzhuang Industrial Zone Minhang 201100 Shangahi China | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung gemäß EMV Richtlinie / Maschinenrichtlinie / Niederspannungsrichtlinie: Inhaber und Model manipuliert Forged declaration of conformity according to EMC directive / machinery directive / low voltage directive: license holder and model manipulated |
N8 11 01 75221 003 | Power controller (Enerkeeper; Power Saving Device) (EK Plus; Power Saving Device) | EKS33-10, EKS33-20, EKS33-30, EKS33-40
EKS33-50, EKS33-75, EKS33-100, EKS33-150
EKS33-200, EKS33-250, EKS33-300, EKS33-350
EKS33-400, EKS33-450, EKS33-500, EKS33-600
EKS33-700, EKS33-800, EKS33-900, EKS33-1000
EKS33-1250, EKS33-1500, EKS33-1750, EKS33-2000
EKS33-2500, EKS33-3000 (EKS and EKPLUS sees as the product produced by the same standards platform) | Enertech Co., Ltd. 401-1403, Bucheon Technopark 193, Yakdae-Dong, Wonmi-Gu Bucheon-Si, Gyeonggi-Do 420-734 Republic of Korea | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Produkt, Modelle und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate Product, models and date of issue manipulated |
Z1 16 02 85084 002 | Fitness Equipment Outdoor Fitness Equipment | ENCH-01, ENCH-02, ENCH-03, ENCH-04A, ENCH-04B, ENCH-05, ENCH-06, ENCH-07, ENCH-08, ENCH-09, ENCH-09B, ENCH-10, ENCH-11, ENCH-12, ENCH-13, ENCH-14, ENCH-15, ENCH-16, ENCH-17, ENCH-18, ENCH-19, ENCH-19B, ENCH-21, ENCH-22, ENCH-23, ENCH-25, ENCH-26, ENCH-28, ENCH-29, ENCH-30, ENCH-31, ENCH-32, ENCH-33, ENCH-34, ENCH-35, ENCH-54, ENCH-01/02, ENCH-06/18 | Enhance Industries, S.L. Beijing Office Room No. 306, Peking Mix No. 58 East Xing Long Street Chon Wen District Beijing China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Modelle, Parameter und Seitenzahl manipuliert Forged certificate: Number of certificate, holder of certificate incl. its address, models, parameters and page count manipulated |
M8 01 03 43177 002 | Gabelhubwagen Pallet Truck | CBY23 | E-P Equipment Co., Ltd. No. 121 Xionghuy Str., Shiqiao Rd., Hangzou (wrong) | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung gemäß Maschinenrichtlinie Forged declaration of conformity according to machinery directive |
CB 09 01 64212 005 IECEE Number DE 3 - 58008 | Medical Electrical Equipment | SV32-32003 SV32-32004 SV32-32005 SV32-32006 SV32-32007 SV32-32008 SV32-32053 SV32-32054 SV32-32055 SV32-32056 SV32-32057 SV32-32058 | Ergotron Inc. 1181 Trapp Road, St. Paul MN 55121 USA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Forged certificate Forgery reported by certification holder |
G2S 08 09 64733 002 | Latex Gloves, Vinyl Gloves, Nitrile Gloves (For single use) | n.a. | Excelle Gloves Co.,Ltd (Manufacturer) No.8 Building, Zhongze Road Beiyuan industrial zone Yiwu City People's Republic of China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller inkl. Adresse, Produktkategorien und Gültigkeit manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer incl. its address, product categories and validity date manipulated |
Q2N 11 07 64733 003 | Latex Gloves, Vinyl Gloves, Nitrile Gloves (For single use) | n.a. | Excelle Gloves Co.,Ltd (Holder of certificate and Facility) No.8 Building, Zhongze Road Beiyuan industrial zone Yiwu City People's Republic of China | Gefälschtes Qualitätsmanagementzertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber samt Adresse, Fertigungsstätte samt Adresse, Scope of Certificate, Gültigkeitsdatum und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged Quality Management Certificate: Holder of certificate incl. address, facility incl. address, Scope of Certificate, validity date and date of issue manipulated |
Z1A 09 04 69896 001 | (wrong) Werkzeugschränke (Fahrzeugeinrichtungssystem) | (wrong) Gentili | F.LLI GENTILI di Gentili Aldo & Ernesto s.a.s. Via Balitrona 12 47042 Bagnarola die Cesenatico (FC) ITALY Keine Verbindung zwischen F.LLI GENTILI zur Fälschung - Ursprung unbekannt. No association of F.LLI GENTILI to this forgery - originator unknown. | Originalzertifikat ist für GS-Zeichen Original certificate is for GS-mark |
M8A 10 02 53785 013 | Jacks, Bottle Jack | J0304, J0504, J1504, J3204, J5004 | Fasten Industrial Limited Haitang Industry Zone 314300 Haiyan County, Zhejiang Prov. PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Inhaber manipuliert Forged Attestation of Conformity: Holder of Certificate manipulated |
G1 15 09 582 026 | Skalpeli i ostrice Jednokratni dermatomi i ostrice Krvne lancete Kireta za biopsiju Scalpels and Blades Disposable Dermatomes and Blades Blood Lancets Biopsy Punch | n.a. | Feather Safety Razor Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer) 3-3-70, Ohyodo-Minami, Kita-ku Osaka 531-0075 Japan pfm medical ag (EC-Representative) Wankelstr. 60 50996 Köln Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer manipuliert Forged certificate: certificate number manipulated |
Z1A 04 03 48694 065 N8 04 03 48694 065 | Switch mode power supply | (wrong) FST-PS001 | Feisite Electronics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. JianYing Industrial Park, ZhongYuan Road, Luo Gang, BuJi Town, Shenzhen, GuangDong Province China (wrong) | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat, gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung gemäß Niederspannungsrichtlinie, falsche Modellbezeichnung Forged GS-Certificate, forged declaration of conformity according to low voltage directive, wrong product designation |
Z1A 04 09 35628 084 | Mixer blender | FR1030 | Fine & Bruidge Electrics Co. Fongshan Road, Miaolong 315400 Yuyao City, Zhejiang Prov. PR China | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat, falsche Produktbezeichnung Forged GS-Certificate, wrong product designation |
G2 08 09 55329 005 | Inhalator Nebulizer | Electric Suction Apparatus, Oxygen Concentrator, Air Compressive Nebulizer | Forlong Medical Instruments, Inc. (Manufacturer) 8FL, Industry & Commercial Building No.45 Yan'An Road (e) Shanghai China International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller und Gültigkeit manipuliert Forged certificate: manufacturer and valid until manipulated |
Z1A 09 11 72026 001 | Grillgeräte für Außenbereich Outdoor barbecues | YH22018A, YH23020A, YH28020C, YH28020E | Foshan Nanhai KeYo Metal Products Co., Ltd. Baigang Industrial Zone, Lishui Town 528244 Foshan City, Guangdong PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Parameter manipuliert Forged certificate: Parameter are manipulated |
Q1N 07 04 62927 001 | Design and Development, Production and Distribution of Rollator Series, Walker Series, Shower Chair, Cane Stick Series, Bathroom Safety Series, Transfer Chair, Commode Chair, Mechanical Wheelchairs Series, Mechanical Hospital Bed, Over Bed Table Series | n. a. | Foshan Suncare Medical Products Co., Ltd. No.12, Dongcheng Rd, Fuwan Industry Area, District, Foshan City, Guangdong, Postcode: 528500 P.R. China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber, Produktionsstätte und Gültigkeit manipuliert Forged certificate: holder, valid until and facility manipulated | Rev.00 | Power supply / LED Driver | W59-6C150, K59-6T150, W59-6C200, K59-6T200 | FOSHAN VIG ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD Park,No.2,LianHe Road, LuoCun town,Nanhai district The 2nd floor,ChaoFa Creative Industrial 528226 Foshan city, Guangdong People`s Republic of China | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Fotodokumentation manipuliert Forged Test Report: Photo documentation manipulated |
B 08 07 62495 010 | Gasoline Generator | n.a. | Fujian Tencogen Industrial Co., Ltd. Kingspart Tower, No. 18 Wuyi Middle Road Gulou distict Fuzou, Fujian People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Zertifikatsinhaber, Prüfzeichen, Produkt und Datum manipuliert Forged certificate Holder of Certificate, Certification Mark, Product and Date modified |
n.a. | Voluson 730 Expert-Ultrasound Systems | n.a. | GE Medical Systems Kretztechnik Gmbh & Co. OHG Tiefenbach 15 4871 Zipf Austria !! GE Medical is not involved in the forgery !! LEESMED CO 113 Edwar Sanga,381-1 Jagnhan-Dong Dongdaemun-Ku Seoul Korea (Refurbisher) Intermedical BV Handelswerg 8 3616 GD Rhoon The Netherlands (EU Represantative) MTS Medikal Teknik Sistemleri ve Sag.Hiz.San.Tic.Ltd.sti Sanayi Mah.Beyzade Sok.B:14 4.Levent Istanbul Turkey (Responsible Importer) | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Zertifikatsnummer, Zertifikatsinhaber, Produktkategorie, Seriennummern und Zertifikatstext manipuliert Forged certificate Certificate Number, Holder of Certificate, Product Category, Seriel Numbers and Text modified |
M8A 12 08 76066 000 | Cast-in channel | GTA25/15; GTA38/17 GTA40/25; GTA49/30; GTA54/33; GTA72/49; GTA40/22; GTA50/25; GTA50/30; GTA52/34 | GEODA Metal Industries Co., Ltd Huazhuang Industrial Park, Binhu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Zertifikatsnummer, Zertifikatsinhaber, Produktkategorie, Modelle, Zertifikatstext, Gültigkeit und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate Certificate Number, Holder of Certificate, Product Category, Models, Text, Validity and Date modified |
G2S 05 10 57255 002 | Disposable Surgical Masks, Disposable Surgical Gowns, Disposable Surgical Caps | n.a. | Global Economy & Trade Ltd (Manufacturer) No. 138 Xingyang Road Yangmiao Jiashan Zhejiang China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller, Gültigkeitsdatum und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged Certificate: Manufacturer, validity and date of issue manipulated |
AL 12 08 75383 002 | Fitnessgeräte Fitness equipment | FE01; FE02; FE03; FE04; FE05; FE06; FE07; FE08; FE09; FE10; EF1001; EF1002; EF1003; EF1004; EF1005; EF1006; EF1007; EF1008; EF1009; EF1010; EF1011; EF1012; EF1013; EF1014; EF1015; EF1016; EFE51; EFE52; EFE53; EFE54; EFE55; EFE56; JUNIOR 6 IN 1; JUNIOR 3 IN1 | Global Park Ve Cevre Tasarim Insaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti Cinar Mah. Osmangazi Cad. 5/4 Sokak No:2 K:4 D:23 Bagedar Istanbul Türkiye | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, Ursprung unbekannt: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Fertigungssätte, Modelle, Parameter, Standards und Sprachversion manipuliert Forged Certificate, origin unknown: Certificate holder incl. its address, production facility, models, parameters, standards and language version manipulated |
N8 09 08 62909 024 | Steam Cleaner | Steam Vacuum Cleaner | Guangzhou Ezon Technology Co., Ltd 4th, Chuang Ye Road Qinghu Industrial District, Longhua Town 518109 Shenzhen People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Zertifikatsinhaber manipuliert Forged certificate Holder of Certificate modified |
Z1A 09 08 62909 023 | Steam Cleaner | Steam Vacuum Cleaner | Guangzhou Ezon Technology Co., Ltd 4th, Chuang Ye Road Qinghu Industrial District, Longhua Town 518109 Shenzhen People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Zertifikatsinhaber manipuliert Forged certificate Holder of Certificate modified |
Z2 03 04 48707 002 | EVAC Unit | ITC T-9000 Series | Guangzhou ITC Electronic Technology Limited 602 Room, Aoqi Building, Luoxti Xincheng, Pany, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province China 511431 | Gefälschtes TÜV Mark Zertifikat, falsche Produktbezeichnung, falscher Inhaber Forged TÜV mark certificate, wrong product designation, wrong licensce holder |
Z1A 14 08 82949 038 N8 14 08 82949 037 | LED Lamps | B35-COG E14 2W,B35-COG E14 3W,B35-COG E14 4W, BA35-COG E14 2W,BA35-COG E14 3W,BA35-COG E14 4W, G45-COG E14 2W,G45-COG E14 3W,G45-COG E14 4W, G45-COG E27 2W,G45-COG E27 3W,G45-COG E27 4W, A60-COG E27 4W,A60-COG E27 4W-1,A60-COG E27 4W-2, A60-COG B22 4W,A60-COG B22 4W-1,A60-COG B22 4W-2, T25-COG E14 2W,B35-COG B22 2W,B35-COG B22 2W FROSTED, B35-COG E14 2W FROSTED,B35-COG E14 3W FROSTED, B35-COG E14 4W FROSTED,A60-COG E27 4W FROSTED, A60-COG E27 4W-1 FROSTED,A60-COG E27 4W-2 FROSTED, G95-COG E27 4W,G95-COG E27 4W-1, G95-COG E27 4W-2,G95-COG E27 4W FROSTED, G95-COG E27 4W-1 FROSTED,G95-COG E27 4W-2 FROSTED B35-COG E14 2W,B35-COG E14 3W,B35-COG E14 4W, BA35-COG E14 2W,BA35-COG E14 3W,BA35-COG E14 4W, G45-COG E14 2W,G45-COG E14 3W,G45-COG E14 4W, G45-COG E27 2W,G45-COG E27 3W,G45-COG E27 4W, A60-COG E27 4W,A60-COG E27 4W-1,A60-COG E27 4W-2, A60-COG B22 4W,A60-COG B22 4W-1,A60-COG B22 4W-2, T25-COG E14 2W,B35-COG B22 2W,B35-COG B22 2W FROSTED, B35-COG E14 2W FROSTED,B35-COG E14 3W FROSTED, B35-COG E14 4W FROSTED,A60-COG E27 4W FROSTED, A60-COG E27 4W-1 FROSTED,A60-COG E27 4W-2 FROSTED, G95-COG E27 4W,G95-COG E27 4W-1, G95-COG E27 4W-2,G95-COG E27 4W FROSTED, G95-COG E27 4W-1 FROSTED,G95-COG E27 4W-2 FROSTED | Guangzhou L&M Electronics Co., Ltd Room309, Lanxing Education Building No. 44 Sanyuanli Road Baiyun District Guangzhou China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse manipuliert Forged Certificate Certificate holder incl. its address manipulated |
V1 18 03 02706 001 | COVID-19lgG/lgM Rapid Test Cassette | n.a. | Guangzhou Medsinglong Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer) Rm 405, South China Building, West Fuhua Road Shiqiao Town, Panyu, Guangzhou, 511405 P.R. China Prolinx GmbH (EC-Representative) Brehmstr. 56 40239 Duesseldorf Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat; Zertifikat ist frei erfunden Forged certificate; certificate is totally fake |
G1 095448 0004 Rev. 00 | Diagnostic Ultrasound Systems, Wireless Probe Type Ultrasound Scanner | n.a. | Guangzhou RES medical supplies Ltd. Unit B304, NO.113, Donghuan road,Tianhe district 510610 Guangzhou People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller samt Adresse und Fabrik manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer incl. address, facility manipulated |
G1 095448 0004 Rev. 00 | Diagnostic Ultrasound Systems, Wireless Probe Type Ultrasound Scanner | n.a. | Guangzhou RES medical supplies Ltd. Unit 1504, NO. 4, Huating road,Tianhe district 510610 Guangzhou People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller samt Adresse und Fabrik manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer incl. address, facility manipulated |
Q2N 11 04 45790 014 | Production and Distribution of Disposable Nonwoven Face Mask, Caps, Shoes Cover, Gowns, Dental Bib, Bed Sheet etc. | n.a. | Guangzhou Shi Jinshun Nonwoven Products Co., Ltd Pingbu Road, Hushan Town, Huadu District Guangzhou People`s Republic of China | GefälschtesISO 13485 Zertifikat: Inhaber, Fabrik, Produkte, Gültigkeit und Datum manipuliert Forged ISO 13485 certificate: Holder, Facilities, Scope, Validity and Date manipulated |
Q2N 11 04 45790 014 | Production and Distribution of Disposable Nonwoven Face Mask, Caps, Shoes Cover, Gowns, Dental Bib, Bed Sheet etc. | n.a. | Guangzhou Shi Guangtai Protective Equopment Co., LTD Tongfu Road, Renhe Town, Baiyun District Guangzhou China | GefälschtesISO 13485 Zertifikat: Inhaber, Fabrik, Produkte, Gültigkeit und Datum manipuliert Forged ISO 13485 certificate: Holder, Facilities, Scope, Validity and Date manipulated |
B 05 12 57929 012 | Gerätestecker Appliance plug | YD-002P | Guangzhou Yuadon Electric Co., Ltd. address n. a. | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Zertifikatsinhaber, Fertigungsstätte, Modellbezeichnung, Prüfbericht, Unterschrift und Prüfzeichen manipuliert Forged certificate: number of certificate, holder of certificate, production facility, model designation, test report no., signiture and TÜV marks manipulated |
Q1N 10 ?? 6?788 002 Number of certificate not clearly readable | n. a. | n. a. | Guangzhou Zixuan Beauty Equipment Co, Ltd Address n. a. | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate including its address manipulated |
G1 08 05 66332 002 | Kondome Condoms | Natural Latex Rubber Condoms Personal Lubricant | GUILIN AICHAO HEALTH INDUSTRY CO., LTD. (Manufacturer) Room5-9, NO.43 Zhongshan Middle Road Xiufeng 541001 Guilin City China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller und Produktkategorie manipuliert Forged certificate: manufacturer and product category manipulated |
N8 10 03 72802 001 | Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules | AS165M, AS170M, AS175M, ... | H&D(China) Holdings Co., Ltd. No. 4 Road Economic and Technology Development Zone of Hangzhou PRC 310018 (wrong) | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung gemäß Niederspannungsrichtlinie Forged declaration of conformity according to Low voltage directive designation |
G2S 05 10 57255 002 | Full Respirators Mask, FFP1/2/3 Mask, N95 Mask | n.a. | Haiheng New Star Science & Technology Limited (Manufacturer) No.58 Jingdong Industrial Park Raoping, CZ, GD China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller, Produktkategorien, Gültigkeitsdatum und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged Certificate: Manufacturer, product categories, validity and date of issue manipulated |
Z1A 11 03 74951 002 | Wagenheber, Rangierwagenheber Jacks, Trolley jack | DF815, DF835 | Haiyan Emmet Tools Co., Ltd. Haitang Industry Zone 314300 Haiyan County, Zhejiang Prov. PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes GS-Zeichen Zertifikat: Inhaber manipuliert Forged GS-Mark certificate: holder manipulated |
70.642.50.869.06 | Bike Carrier | n.a. | Hangzhou Shanyi Hardware Machinery Co., Ltd (address of forger unknown) | Gefälschter Testbericht; Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report; the report is totally fake |
Z1A 10 07 57337 002 | Trampolines | TATR-0008D, TATR-0009D, TATR-0010D, TATR-0011D, TATR-0012D, TATR-0013D, TATR-0014D, TATR-0015D | Hangzhou Transasia Sporting Goods Manufactory Co., Ltd. Sanquanwang Village, Suoqian Town, Xiaoshan Borough 311254 Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Provi. People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Kenndaten manipuliert Forged Certificate: Parameters manipulated |
Z1A 11 01 75587 007 | Gymnastikball Gymnastic balls | 73127 & 23127 | HAPPY PEOPLE GMBH & CO. KG Speicher I, Konsul-Smidt-Str.8 b 28217 Bremen Germany Fälschung wurde nachweislich erstellt von Counterfeit was verifiable created by NANTONG LIVEUP SPORTS CO., LTD A-901 CITY MANSION NO.249 GONGNONG ROAD 226007 Nantong China | Gefälschtes GS-Zeichen Zertifikat: Parameter manipuliert Forged GS-Mark certificate: parameters manipulated |
Z2 17 04 77895 018 Z2 17 04 77895 015 | Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules | SBM6-60-270; SBM6-60-275, SBM6-60-280, SBM6-60-285, SMB6-60-290; SBM6-60-295, SBM6-60-300, SBM6-60-305, SBM6-60-310, SBM6-60-315, SBM6-72-300, SBM6-72-305, SBM6-72-310, SBM6-72-315, SBM6-72-320, SBM6-72-325, SBM6-72-330, SBM6-72-335, SBM6-72-340, SBM6-72-345, SBM6-72-350, SBM6-72-355, SBM6-72-360, SBM6-72-365, SBM6-72-370, SBM6-36-150, SBM6-36-155, SBM6-36-160, SBM6-36-165, SBM6-36-170, SBM6-36-175, SBM6-36-180 SBP6-60-270, SBP6-72-300, SBP6-72-305, SBP6-72-310, SBP6-72-315, SBP6-72-320, SBP6-72-325, SBP6-72-330, SBP-6-36-150, SBP-6-36-155, SBP-6-36-160, SBP-6-36-165, SBP-6-36-170 | HeBei ShaoBo Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd North of Beixiaojing Village, Baixiang County People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes GS-Zeichen Zertifikat: Inhaber, Modelle und Parameter manipuliert Forged GS-Mark certificate: Holder, Models and parameters manipulated |
V1 16 12 92378 001 | Products for determination of infection markers for HIV and Hepatitis | HCV Hepatitis C Virus Rapid Test
(Whole blood/Serum/Plasma) HCV Hepatitis C Virus Rapid Test (Serum/Plasma) HIV 1/2 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Rapid Test (Whole blood/Serum/Plasma) HIV 1/2 Human Immunodeficiency Virus Rapid Test (Serum/Plasma) HBsAg Hepatitis B Virus Rapid Test (Whole blood/Serum/Plasma) HBsAg Hepatitis B Virus Rapid Test (Serum/Plasma) | Healgen Scientific Limited Liability Company (Manufacturer) 3818 Fuqua Street Houston TX 77047 USA Qarad b.v.b.a (EC-Representative) Cipalstraat 3 B-2440 Geel Belgium | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Modelle manipuliert Forged certificate: Models manipulated |
G1 17 12 64187 005 | Anaesthesia Machines, Ventilators Anaesthesia Vaporizer | n.a. | Healicom Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer) Room 1720, C2 Kechuangcheng Building, No.30 Fengzhan Road, Yuhuatai Distinct, 211100 Nanjing People´s Republic of China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (Europe) (EC-Representative) Eiffestraße 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller samt Adresse, Fabrik samt Adresse manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer including its address, facility including its address manipulated |
Z1 11 04 30624 008 | Elisa Washer Chemistry Analyzer Elisa Reader | H.A.S 600 H.A.S 3300 H.A.S 1200 H.A.S 1205 | Hemo Analytical Systems Suite # 239 Herzberg Str 128-139 10365,Berlin Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifkatsinhaber samt Adresse, Produkt, Modellbezeichnung, Parameter, Prüfberichtsnummer, Gültigkeits- sowie Erstellungsdatum und Seitenanzahl manipuliert Forged GS-Mark certificate: Holder of certificate inc. its address, product, model designation, parameters, test report no., validity, date of issue and number of pages manipulated |
Q1N 15 10 93293 001 | Design and Development,Production and Distributor of Dental Instrument Cleaning Machine | n.a. | Henan Forever Medical CO.,LTD Wanda, Center, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou, 45000, Henan, China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Produkte, Gültigkeitsdatum manipuliert Forged Certificate: Holder of Certificate including its address, Scope of Certificate, Validity date manipulated |
G2S 18 01 83528 008 | Surgical Set, Surgical Gown, Surgical Drape, Tube Cover, Liquid Collection Pouch, Protective Coverall, Warm Blanket and Surgical Hood | n.a. | Henan JoinKona Medical Products Stock Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer) Xinxing Road The South of Industry District LuShan County 467300 PingDingShan, Henan Province People´s Republic of China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (Europe) (EC-Representative) Eiffestraße 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschte Bescheinigung: Produktkategorien manipuliert Forged Declaration: Product Categories manipulated |
Q2N 15 03 79308 002 | Manufacturing and Sales of finished products Hospital use Surgical Face Mask 3ply Respirator | n.a. | Heraeus Deutschland GmbH & Agri Jones Trading Ltd (Holder of certificate) Heraeus Deutschland GmbH & Agri Jones Trading, Heraeus Medical Components (Facilities) Heraeusstr. 12-14 63450 Hanau Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber, Fabrik, Produkte, Gültigkeitsdatum, Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged Certificate: holder of certificate, factory, scope of certificate, validity date, date of issue manipulated |
Z1A 06 09 56970 009 | Hair Straightener Iron | PINK MODEL | HERSTYLER LLC CHINA (wrong) | Gefälschtes GS Mark Zertifikat: falsche Produktbezeichnung, falscher Inhaber Forged GS mark certificate: wrong product designation, wrong license holder |
N8 06 09 56970 010 | Hair Straightener Iron | PINK MODEL | HERSTYLER LLC CHINA (wrong) | Gefälschtes Richtlinienzertifikat: falsche Produktbezeichnung, falscher Inhaber Forged certificate to a directive wrong product designation, wrong licensce holder |
N8 11 11 77572 026 | Recessed Luminaires (Filling Station Light) | HTI-CS-CL2M18, HTI-CS-CL3M18, HTI-CS-CL4M18 | Hitec Industry Co., Limited Unit 04, 7/F Bright Way Tower, No.33 Mong Kok Road Kowloon, HK | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Nummer, Inhaber, Produkt, Modelle, Parameter, Testreport und Hologrammnummer manipuliert Forged Attestation of Conformity: Number, Holder, Products, Model, Parameters, Test Report and Hologram number manipulated. |
Z2 09 12 70454 005 | Photovoltaic Modules | HWTxxx-P72 | HI-WAY Technology Co., Ltd. | Gefälschtes TÜV Mark Zertifikat, falsche Produktbezeichnung, falscher Inhaber Forged TÜV mark certificate, wrong product designation, wrong licensce holder |
N8 09 12 70454 004 | Photovoltaic Modules | HWTxxx-P72 | HI-WAY Technology Co., Ltd. | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, falsche Produktbezeichnung, falscher Inhaber Forged certificate, wrong product designation, wrong license holder |
G2S 08 09 64733 098 | Latex Gloves, Vinyl Gloves, Nitrile Gloves Sterile Latex Surgical Gloves, PE Gloves (For single use) | n.a. | Hongsheng Gloves Co., Limited (Manufacturer) No.183 Building, Qinghe Road, Jindong zone, Jinhua, Zhejiang Province China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (Europe) (EC-Representative) Eiffestraße 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Frei erfundenes Dokument Forged Certificate: Completely fake |
Z1A 04 12 54956 001 | Massage Applianges (Thermal Massage Bed) | HOT STONE (HS-5000) | HOT STONE THERAPY PVT. LTD. 73-1, Daessangryeong-Ri, Chowol-Myeon 464-862 Gwangju-Si, Gyeonggi-Do KOREA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber, Text, Datum und Modelle manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder, Text, Date and Models manipulated |
Z1 01 03 27674 006 | Indoor-Spielanlage Indoor playground | n. a. | HPS-Play Company Trading GmbH Gmundner Str. 40 4664 Oberweis Austria | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Forged certificate |
E8N 14 04 83372 003 | Display Full Color Display | P10 | Huizhou Desay Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. Desay NO.3. Industry Zone Chenjiang Town 516029 Huizhou City, Guangdong Province People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Modelle manipuliert Forged certificate: Models manipulated |
G2S 003747 0002 Rev. 00 | Disposable Surgical Gown, Disposable Medical Hole Towel, Disposable Medium Drapes Disposable Sterilized Dressing Packs | n.a. | Hunan Yongling Medical Instrument Co., Ltd (Manufacturer) No.99 of Fongrong Middle Road Yuetang District, Xiangtan City Hunan Province Peoples´s Republic of China Zoustech S.L. (EC-Representative) Pso. Castellana, 141 Planta 19, 28046 Madrid Spain | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller samt Adresse manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer including its address manipulated |
Q6 003747 0001 Rev. 00 | Production and Distribution of Disposable Surgical Gown, Disposable Medical Hole Towel, Disposable Medium Drapes, Disposable Sterilized Dressing Packs | n.a. | Hunan Yongling Medical Instrument Co., Ltd (Holder of Certificate and Facility) No.99 of Fongrong Middle Road Yuetang District, Xiangtan City Hunan Province Peoples´s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber samt Adresse und Fabrik samt Adresse manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate including its address and facility including its address manipulated |
U6 18 04 74515 044 | Luminaires for road and street lighting | PHYLUM-15-1; PHYLUM-15-2; PHYLUM-25-1; PHYLUM-25-2; PHYLUM-35-1; PHYLUM-35-2; PHYLUM-45-1; PHYLUM-45-2; PHYLUM-60-1; PHYLUM-60-2; PHYLUM-90-1; PHYLUM-90-2; PHYLUM-120-1; PHYLUM-120-2; PHYLUM-150-1; PHYLUM-150-2; PHYLUM-180-1; PHYLUM-180-2; PHYLUM-200-1 PHYLUM-200-2 | IMASD ENERGIAS, S.L., Calle Malagon, 10 13005 Ciudad Real Spain | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber, Brand Name, Parameter und Modelle manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder, Brand Name, Parameters and Models manipulated |
Z1 08 07 67027 003 | Luminaires for road and street lighting | SMART-150 SMART-400 | ITALPRESS S.r.l. Via Campo Longo, 9 41049 Sassuolo MO ITALY | Gefälschtes TÜV Mark Zertifikat, falscher Schutzbrief Forged TÜV mark certificate, wrong degree of protection |
M6A 10 07 29291 017 | Machinery for lifting persons, Lifting height> 55m, Turntable ladder for firefighters | DLA (K) 55 CX (M 55 L) and DLA (K) 60 CS (M 60 L) respectively hydraulic lift On chassis of established manufacturers | Iveco Magirus Brandschutztechnik GmbH (certificate holder) Graf-Arco-Str. 30 89079 Ulm Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, Ursprung unbekannt Sprachversion, Produkt, Ausstellungsdatum und Gültigkeitsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate, origin unknown language version, product, date of issue and date of validity were manipulated |
N02 44 22 456673001 | Sport AVT | 2008 Can-Am Renegade 800 X H. O. Efi | Jakarta ATV Pte Ltd. Kerjayaan 39 Block AC Jakpus Jakarta Indonesia (wrong) | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, Ursprung unbekannt Forged certificate, origin unknown |
G1 10 06 54496 003 | Kondome Condoms | n.a. | Japan Long-Tie (China) Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer) New and High-tech development Zone 121000 Jinzhou, Liaoning Province China CK Financial Development Resources Srl (EC-Representative) Str. Madrigalului 18, Sector 1, Bucuresti Romania | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber exkl. Adresse, EC-Repräsentant inkl. Adresse manipuliert Forged certificate: holder of certificate excl. address, EC-Representative incl. address are manipulated |
Z1A 11 05 64079 020 | Stromerzeuger/ -wandler/ -speicher, tragbare Generator/ Transformer/ Accumulator, portable | EP950, EP1200, EP2500, EP3000 | Jiali Industry Group Co., Ltd. Jiali Industrial Uone, Jinqing, Luqiao 318058 Taizhou, Zheijang PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Parameter manipuliert Forged certificate: Parameters are manipulated |
N8M 11 05 64079 021 | Stromerzeuger/ -wandler/ -speicher, tragbare Generator/ Transformer/ Accumulator, portable | EP950, EP1200, EP2500, EP3000 | Jiali Industry Group Co., Ltd. Jiali Industrial Uone, Jinqing, Luqiao 318058 Taizhou, Zheijang PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Parameter manipuliert Forged certificate: Parameters are manipulated |
M8A 11 05 64079 022 | Stromerzeuger/ -wandler/ -speicher, tragbare Generator/ Transformer /Accumulator, portable | EP950, EP1200, EP2500, EP3000 | Jiali Industry Group Co., Ltd. Jiali Industrial Uone, Jinqing, Luqiao 318058 Taizhou, Zheijang PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Parameter manipuliert Forged certificate: Parameters are manipulated |
E8N 11 04 64079 019 | Stromerzeuger/ -wandler/ -speicher, tragbare Generator/ Transformer/ Accumulator, portable | EP950, EP1200, EP2500, EP3000 | Jiali Industry Group Co., Ltd. Jiali Industrial Uone, Jinqing, Luqiao 318058 Taizhou, Zheijang PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Parameter manipuliert Forged certificate: Parameters are manipulated |
N8 06 09 46645 014 Z1A 06 09 46645 015 M8 06 09 46645 016 | Sprühpistolen Spray Guns | (wrong) KJ-503 | Jiande Linsheng Electric Tools Factory Huangliping, Xialushan, No. 2 311604 In Meichen, Jiande, Zheijiang China | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat, gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung gemäß Niederspannungsrichtlinie und Maschinenrichtlinie, falsche Modellbezeichnung Forged GS-Certificate, forged declaration of conformity according to low voltage directive and machinery directive, wrong product designation |
G2 08 07 63734 002 | Air Compressing nebulizer, Oxygen Concentrator, Suction Units, Oxygen Regulator | n.a. | Jiangsu Folee Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. Xinfeng Industrial Estate 212141 Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschte Bescheinigung: Produktkategorien manipuliert Forged Declaration: Products Categories manipulated |
G2 09 07 45876 006 | Sterile Hypodermic Syringe for Single Use, Sterile Hypodermic Syringe Needle for Single Use, Infusion Set for Single Use, Blood Collection Needle for Single Use | n.a. | Jiangsu Jichun Medial Devices Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer) Zhenglu Town, Wujin 213111 Jiangsu China PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Renault-Petersen Limited (EU-Representative) Couching House Couching Street Watlington - Oxfordshire Ox49 5px Uk | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller, EU-Repräsentant und Fabrik manipuiert Forged certificate: Manufacturer, EU-Representative and facilitis manipulated |
K8 12 08 82184 001 K8 12 08 82184 002 | Children Bike and Toys | SB-7000/7001/7002/7003/7004, SB-6004, SB-6006, BTS-200, BTS-201/202/203/204, SKI-100/101/102, CAR-50, RDN-39, RDN-40, CAR-100/101/102, CAR-103/104/106, TR-200/201/202/203/204/205/206, 811800, 810700,890800, 717000, 824200, 823000, 727600, 822600, 728800 1865-2, 1865-1, 1865-3, 1865-8, 1865-9, 2495-1, 2595-13, 2595-14, 2595-15, 2595-16, 2595-17, 1326-1, 1952-4, 1952-5, 1952-13, 2325-1, 1560-4, 1560-5, 1560-6, 2499-2, 2170-5, 1301-1, 1301-2, 1887-2, 1866-1, 1866-2, 1267-1, 2193-1, 2193-2, 1856-1, 1856-2, 2176-11, QC-008/009, 1889-6, 1889-7, 1889-4, 10486-5, 10486-6, 10486-7, 10486-8, 1884-1, 1891-1, 1891-2, 2142-1, 1952-11, 2176-1, 2176-2, 2176-3, 2176-4, 2176-12, 2176-13, 2176-15, 2882-1, 2882-2, 2882-3, 2882-4 1808-5/6607, 1808-6/178-1, 1808-7/1697, 1808-9/2665, 1808-10/2656, 1889-8, 1889-2, 1996-1, 2021-3, 2832-1, 2832-2, 2832-3, 2901-1, 2901-2, 2901-3, 2901-4, 2901-5, 2901-7, 2901-8, 2901-9, 2901-10, 2901-11, 1811-1, 1811-3, 1811-5, 1811-6, 1811-7, 1811-8, 1811-9, 1811-11, 1811-13, 1811-14, 1811-15, 1811-16, 1811-18, 1811-20, 1811-21, 1811-23, 1811-24, 1811-25, 1811-29, 1811-30, 1811-31, 1811-32, 1811-33, 1811-34, 1811-35, 1811-37 | Jiaxing Xiaohuzi Bike Factory Co., Ltd. No 121, Zhengyuan Road, Jiaxing China | Gefälschte Zertifikate: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Modelle, Produktbeschreibung, Kenndaten, Prüfbericht Nr. und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged attestations of Conformity: holder of certificate incl. address, model designation, description of object, parameters, test report no. and date of issue manipulated |
Z1A 14 09 49020 875 | LED Energy Saving night light | FDI-LC-M225 (TL154) | Jie Du Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. Shui Wie Industrial Area, Tang Jiao Vullage, Cha Shan Town 523000 Dongguan PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat: Inhaber, Modellbezeichnung, Produktbezeichnung, Parameter, Standards, Gültigkeit, Daum und Seitenzahl manipuliert Forged GS-Certificate: Holder, Model designation, Product designation, Parameters, Standards, Validity, Date and Page count manipulated |
Z1A 00 11 42031 | Klebepistolen Glue Gun | (wrong) DD-S1, DD-S2, DD-S3 | Jinande Meicheng Xinghai Plastic Appliance Factory Meicheng, Jinade City, Zhejiang, 311604 China (wrong) | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat, falscher Inhaber, falsche Modellbezeichnung Forged GS-Certificate, wrong licence holder, wrong model designation |
APM 04 03 52331 003 | Elevating platform, Lifting Tables | CYT-A, CYT-B, CYT-C | Jinhua Crane Equipment Factory Bailongqiao Town, Wuchen Distr. 321026 Jinhua People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikat komplett verfälscht Forged Certificate: Certificate completly changed |
Z1A 05 06 53611 003 | Transportbehälter Transport Set | YZ2005-1 | Jinhua Jianfeng Machinery Tools Factory PRC-321021 Jinhua City | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat, falsche Produktbezeichnung (richtig: Werkbänke), falsche Abmessungen im Zertifikat Forged GS-Certificate, wrong product designation (correct: work benches) incorrect dimensions in certificate |
Z1A 10 04 72120 004 | Transportation Carts | GZS50, GZS100, GZS120S | Jinhua Leeyoung Hardware Manufacturer Co., Ltd. 4477x Binhong West Road Bailong Qiao Town 321023 Jinhua City PRC | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat, falsche Zertifikatsnummer, falsche Modelle Forged GS-Certificate, wrong certificate number, wrong models |
Z1A 10 04 52331 007 | Hubtische Elevating platform | CYT-D | Jinhua Ryder Electric Technology Co., Ltd Bailongqiao Town, Wuchen Distr. 321026 Jinhua China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Inhaber (exkl. Adresse), Modelle und Kenndaten manipuliert Forged certificate: No. of certificate, holder of certificate (without address), model and parameters manipulated |
APM 04 03 52331 004 | Hubtische Elevating platform | CYT-D | Jinhua Ryder Electric Technology Co., Ltd Bailongqiao Town, Wuchen Distr. 321026 Jinhua China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Forged certificate |
V1 12 05 63367 009 | Products for determination or tumor markers (PSA) and products for self testing | Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Test, Pregnancy Test for Self Testing, Ovulation (LH) Test for Self Testing | Jining Chengda Economic & Trade Co., Ltd No. 106 Guhai Road Jining City Shandong Province PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller und Fabrik manipuliert Forged certificate: manufacturer and facilities manipulated |
G1 07 06 62218 002 | Natural latey rubber male condoms and Disposable sterilized latex surgical gloves | n.a. | Jining Weikang Rubber Industrial CO., LTD (Manufacturer) HanZhuang Town ShiZhong Distict JiNing City People`s Republic of China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber, Gültigkeit und Datum manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of Certificate, Validity and Date manipulated |
Q1N 10 01 62218 004 | Design, Development, Production and Distributor of Natural Latex Disposable Medical Examine Gloves and Disposable Sterilized Latex Surgical Gloves | n.a. | Jining Weikang Rubber Industrial CO., LTD HanZhuang Town ShiZhong Distict JiNing City People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber, Gültigkeit und Fertigungsstätte manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of Certificate, Validity and Facility manipulated |
G1 15 08 92993 003 | Diagnostic Ultrasound System | n.a. | JKT TECHNOLOGY LIMITED (Manufacturer, Facility) 5/F,62 Building Zone 32 Bao An District Shenzen,518133 People´s Republic of China Well Kang Limited (EC-Representative) The Black Church, St. Mary's Place Dublin 7 Ireland | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Hersteller samt Adresse, Fabrik samt Adresse, Gültigkeitsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: Certificate number, manufacturer including its address, facility including its address, validity manipulated |
G2 10 07 73111 004 | Hospital Furniture, Office Furniture, Doctor`s Room Furniture, Sugical Suction Unit, Stainless Hospital Steel Products, etc. | n.a. | JOHNSONS&FRIENDS Group Corporation Ltd. 32 Orsman Road London, N1 5QJ United Kingdom | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Hersteller, EC-Repräsentant, Produktkategorien, Standard und Seitenzahl manipuliert Forged certificate: Number, Manufacturer, EC-Representative, Product Categories, Standards and number of pages manipulated |
448200968/2010725-4 | JRC/JHS Bund Funk | JRC/JHS-32A Marine VHF | Kevin Becker Gieschenhargen 9a 24321 Lütjenburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatstyp, Inhaber, Produkt, Modelle, Kenndaten, Geprüft nach, Prüfbericht Nr. und Gültigkeit manipuliert Forged certificate: certificate type, holder, product, model, parameters, standards, test report no. and valid until manipulated |
03.241.067, Revision No. 1 | Respiratory protective devices to EN 149:2001-A1:2009:- Filtering half mask to protect against particules | Various face mask;- FFP2,FFP3,3M | Kraz s.r.o (Producer) Milire 138 347 01 Tachov 1 Czech Republic | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikat ist frei erfunden Forged certificate: certificate is totally fake |
64.431.19.1142.01D | 1.Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) 2. Phthalates 3. Nonylphenol (NP) 4. Total Cadmium 5. Total Lead | P002D, P002DA, 12651, 12652, 12653, 12660, 12661, 12664, 12970, 12973, 12983, 12984, 12985, 12313, 12314, 12205, 12207, 12986, 11090 | Landmann (Macao Commercial Offshore) Limited Flat V. 21 Floor; Centro Hotline, No. 335-341, Alameda Dr. Carlos D`Assumpcao Macao | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Modell 11090 eingefügt Forged test report: Model 11090 added |
E8N 08 04 66617 006 | Lampen mit eingeb. Vorschaltgerät Self-ballasted lamps | (wrong) I29SG-07 | Lapin Lighting Technology Public Co., Ltd. Huilongpu New Industrial Area Lanpuyuan Industrial Park, 518172 Shenzhen | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung gemäß EMC Richtlinie Forged declaration of conformity according to EMD directive |
G1 10 03 65086 004 | Latex Surgical Gloves, Latex Examination Glove Disposable Surgical Blades, Disoposable Syringe, Vinyle Gloves, Nitrile Gloves, Condoms for Single Use | n.a. | Lapoma Gloves Industry (Manufacturer) 16,Jalan Kasa 3, Taman Sentosa Johor Bahru MALAYSIA Steinhart MedIzinsysteme GmbH (EC-Representative) Grubstr,6-8 79279 Vorsletten Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller inkl. Adresse, EC-Repräsentant inkl. Adresse, Produktkategorie und Fertigungsstätte inkl. Adresse manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer within its address, EC-Representative within its address, product category(ies) and facility(ies) within its address manipulated |
E8N 11 06 77278 001 N8 11 06 77278 002 | n. a. | L05G600MM, L05G900MM, L05G1200MM, L05G1500MM, L06G600MM, L06G900MM, L06G1500MM, L06F1200MM, L06G1200MM-264, L06G1200MM-216 | LED Concept | Gefälschte Bescheinigungen: Trade name manipuliert Forged attestations: trade name manipulated |
E8N 11 11 78597 002 | LED Röhre LED Tube | KL-T8-F/T-72, KL-T8-F/T-120, KL-T8-F/T-156, KL-T8-F/T-168, KL-T8-F/T-192, KL-T8-F/T-192, KL-T8-F/T-216, KL-T8-F/T-264, KL-T8-F/T-384 | LEDKinglight International Co.,Ltd. Unit 19L, Mingshi Building, Shajing Street, Shenzhen, 518300 China. | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Modelle und Parameter manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate within its address, model(s) and parameter manipulated |
N8 11 11 78597 001 | LED Röhre LED Tube | KL-T8-F/T-72, KL-T8-F/T-120, KL-T8-F/T-156, KL-T8-F/T-168, KL-T8-F/T-192, KL-T8-F/T-192, KL-T8-F/T-216, KL-T8-F/T-264, KL-T8-F/T-385 | LEDKinglight International Co.,Ltd. Unit 19L, Mingshi Building, Shajing Street, Shenzhen, 518300 China. | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Modelle und Parameter manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate within its address, model(s) and parameter manipulated |
Q1N 16 05 3223 022 | Design and Development, Production and Distribution of Medical Devices | n.a. | LG Medical Design, LLC. (Holder of certificate) 50W Broadway, ST. 1017 Salt Lake City UT., 84101 USA LG Medical Design, LLC. (Facility) 50W Broadway, ST. 1017 Salt Lake City UT., 84101 USA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Fertigungsstätte inkl. Adresse, Produkte, Normen, Berichtsnummer, Gültigkeitsdatum und Erstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged Certificate: Certificate number, Holder of Certificate including its address, Facility including its address, Scope of Certificate, Standards, Report number, Validity date and Date of issue manipulated |
Q1N 16 05 3224 009 | Design and Development, Production and Distribution of Medical Devices | n.a. | LG Medical Design, LLC. (Holder of certificate) 50W Broadway, ST. 1017 Salt Lake City UT., 84101 USA LG Medical Design, LLC. (Facility) 50W Broadway, ST. 1017 Salt Lake City UT., 84101 USA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Fertigungsstätte inkl. Adresse, Produkte, Normen, Berichtsnummer, Gültigkeitsdatum und Erstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged Certificate: Certificate number, Holder of Certificate including its address, Facility including its address, Scope of Certificate, Standards, Report number, Validity date and Date of issue manipulated |
Z1A 09 05 69653 007 | Manual hammers | XH001-44-8, XH001-44-12, XH001-44-16, XH001-17-8, XH-001-17-12, XH001-17-16 | Linyi Xinhao Hardware Tools Co., Ltd. Huaqiao Industrie Park, Caozhuang Town 276704 Linshu County, Shandong People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber, Modelle und Parameter manipuliert Forged Certificate: Holder, Models and Parameters manipulated |
G2S 12 05 12722 002 | Vinyl Esamination Gloves, Sterile Vinyl Surgical Gloves | n.a. | Lison Enterprise (Manufacturer) No.58 Jinbie Road 523067 Dongguan People`s Republic of China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Nummer, Hersteller, Prüfberichtsnummer und Datum manipulier Forged Certificate: Number, Manufacturer, Report No. and Date manipulated |
TC.13.09.000621 TC.14.06.000540 | Magnesium oxide board(fireproof board) | n.a. | Litian Group Co.,Limited Rooms 1318-19,Hollywood Plaza, 610 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon, HK | Gefälschter Prüfbericht Forged test report |
Z1 12 10 75040 004 N8 12 07 75040 002 | Adaptors (AC/DC Adapter) | L-WL-510-24, L-IC01, L-IC02, L-UC08, L-WL-510-10, L-WL-510-09, L-WL-521-16, L-WL-521-30, L-WL-510-31, L-WL-521-32, L-WL-510-42, L-CH-188 | LTB International Electronic Technology Limited The 5th floor, B building, the No. 146 Tanshen South Road TanZhou Town ZhongShan city GuangDong People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse und Modelle manipuliert Forged Certificate: Certificate holder incl. its address and models manipulated |
B 12 08 37288 023 | Power Supplies | DET60S, KET60A, KET80, KET105, KET120 | Luen Yick Electrical Mfg. Co., Ltd. 10/F,F,Blk2, Kingsford Ind.Bld. 26-32 Kwai Hei St., Kwei Chung HONG KONG | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Modelle und Parameter manipulier Forged Certificate: Models and Parameters manipulated |
51 3834 SWE 08 0594/Rev03 | Botulinum Toxin Type A Hyaluronic Acid Gel Dermal Filler | n. a. | Magnus Medicine HB Hjalmar Lundbohmsvägen 31 981 85 Kiruna Sweden | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung Forged attestation of conformity |
E8N 13 11 86252 103 | Fixed general purpose luminaires (LED high bay light) | MXHB-01-50W, MXHB-01-80W, MXHB-01-100W, MXHB-01-120W, MXHB-01-150W, MXHB-01-200W, MXHB-01-240W, MXHB-01-300W, MXHB-02-120W, MXHB-02-150W, MXHB-02-200W, MXHB-02-240W, MXHB-02-300W, MXHB-02-400W, MXHB-02-500W | MAINLUX LIGHTING CO., LIMITED 7th Floor ,Building A, No.142 Xiangshan Road, Songgang Town, Bao'on District Shenzhen, Guangdong China | Gefälschte Bescheinigung: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Produktbezeichnung, Modelle und Produktbeschreibung manipuliert Forged attestation: Certificate holder incl. its address, Name of Object, Models and Description manipulated |
G2S 10 05 62722 001 | Sterile Latex Examination Gloves, Sterile Nitrile Examination Gloves | n.a. | Max Glove Manufacturing Sdn Bhd (Manufacturer) Lot 4/4510, Lorong Senawang 4/1, Senawang Industrial Estate, 70450 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller, Gülitgkeit und Datum manipulier Forged Certificate: Manufacturer, Validity and Date manipulated |
G5V 32 03 80666 779 | Latex Examination Gloves | n.a. | Medical Advancement Limited 4th Floor 15 Basinghall Street, London Ec2v 5br United Kingdom | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Frei erfundenes Dokument Forged Certificate: Completely fake |
G2S 051736 0015 Rev. 00 | Urine Bag, Gauze Sponges, Gauze Balls, Non-woven Sponges, Gauze Bandages, Medical Eye Pad, Sterile Wound Plaster, Liquid Transfusion Plaster, Adhesive Wound Dressings, ABD Pad, Surgical Drapes, Surgical Gowns, Sterile Plastic Cover, Non-woven Face Mask | n.a. | Medical Products Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer deleted from counterfeit) MSC TEST Servipons, S.L. (EC-Representative) Pujada Parc, 7-B, Puig-Reig, 08692 Barcelona Spain | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller manipuliert Forged Certificate: Manufacturer manipulated |
G1 14 03 5097 | Patient Monitor, Fetal Monitor, B-Ultrasound Diagnostic System, Pulse Oximeter, Electrocardiograph, Pocket Fetal Doppler, Visual Electronic Stethoscope, Multi-functional Visual Stethoscope, Dynamic ECG Systems, Digital Brain Electric Activity Mapping, Syringe Pump, Infusion Pump,Spirometer, Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor, Electronic Sphygmomanometer, EMG/EP System, Portable ECG Monitor, Temperature Probe, Pulse Oximeter Probe, Tele Pulse Oximeter,Tele Breather, Multi-parameter Vital Signs Monitor, Sleep apnea screen meter. | n.a. | Medical Systems Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer) PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Hersteller und Testberichtsnummer manipuliert Forged Certificate: Certificate number, manufacturer and test report number manipulated |
G1 11 12 52731 007 | 650nm Diode Laser Hair Growth Machine | 650nm Diode Laser Hair Growth Machine | Medsinglong Global Group Co.,Ltd. (Manufacturer) Room 405-407, South China Building, West Fuhua Road, Shiqiao St., Panyu District, Guangzhou Guangdong China Shanhai International Holding Corp. GmbH (Europe) (EC-Representative) Eiffestraße 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller inkl. Adresse, Produktkategorie, Modelle, Ausstellungsdatum und Gültigkeit manipuliert Forged Certificate: Manufacturer incl. its address, product category, models, date of issue, validity manipulated |
N8 10 11 56970 072 | Elektrische Lockenwickler/-Stäbe Electric curling irons Hair curler | Yogi Hair Wand | Mirage Direct Ltd. Unit A 18 Buckland Road Kent ME 16 0SL United Kingdom | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung Forged attestation of conformity |
Z1A 09 06 31062 015 | Trampoline | all models Max. user weight changed to 150kg | Monz GmbH & Co. KG Bruchhausenstr. 20 54290 Trier Germany | Kenndaten manipuliert / Parameters manipulated |
E8 06 03 58371 005 | Elektroöfen Electric Ovens | JC-6608, JC-6609, JC-6610, JC-6611 | n. a. | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged attestation of conformity: holder of certificate incl. address and date of issue manipulated |
N8 06 05 58371 008 | Elektroöfen Electric Ovens | JC-6608, JC-6609, JC-6610, JC-6611 | n. a. | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged attestation of conformity: holder of certificate incl. address and date of issue manipulated |
N8 11 01 72765 004 | Ortsveränderliche Leuchten Portable luminaires | n.a. | n. a. | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse manipuliert Forged attestation of conformity: holder of certificate incl. address manipulated |
Z2 10 05 21631 072 | Spielplatzgeräte Playground equipment | Serie: "Lucy & the Flowers" Modelle: LP1.0040NM | n. a. | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Zertifikatstyp, Zertifikatsinhaber, Fertigungsstätte, Modelle, Parameter, Standards, Prüfberichtsnummer, Gültigkeits- sowie Ausstellungsdatum und Seitenanzahl manipuliert Forged certificate: Number of certificate, certification-type, holder of certificate, factory, model designations, parameters, standards, test report number, date of issue and validity and number of pages manipulated |
70.642.50.869.06 | Bike Carrier | n.a. | n.a. | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Produktbezeichnung und Firmenname nicht vorhanden; entspricht nicht vorgeschriebenen Struktur eines TÜV SÜD Prüfberichts Forged Test Report: No product designation or company name; does not match the document structure of TÜV SÜD Test Reports |
E8N 13 01 80457 018 | LED Lamps | MK-060010120001, MK-060010100001, MK-060010070001, MK-060020070001, MK-060080120001, MK-060010120002, MK-060010100002, MK-060010850001, MK-060010070002, MK-060020070002, MK-060040050002, MK-060060050002, MK-060060050003, MK-060040070002, MK-060040070001, MK-060080120002, MK-060010120003, MK-060010100003, MK-060010850002, MK-060010070004, MK-060020070003, MK-060040050003, MK-060060050005, MK-060060050006, MK-060040070003, MK-060040040001, MK-060040050001, MK-060060040001, MK-060060050001, MK-060060040020, MK-060060050020 | n.a. | Zertifikatsinhaber entfernt Holder of Certificate erased |
E8N 11 08 76532 009 | LED Lamps | G9 17LED, E14 17LED, G9 23LED, E14 23LED | n.a. | Zertifikatsinhaber entfernt Holder of Certificate erased |
Z1 05 04 55592 001 | letter box | HA 3011, HA 3711, VA 3733 | n.a. | Zertifikatsinhaber und Fertigungsstätte entfernt (Herkunft der Fälschung unbekannt) Holder of Certificate and Facility erased (origin of forgery unknown) |
B 95 10 193665 002 | Magnetfolien | Semi-Anisotrop; Art.-Nr. 51080, 51081, 51082, 51083 | n.a. | Zertifikatsinhaber und Fertigungsstätte entfernt Holder of Certificate and Facility erased |
Q2N 12 08 82097 001 | Production and Distribution of Digital Thermometer | n.a. | n.a. | Zertifikatsinhaber und Fertigungsstätte entfernt Holder of Certificate and Facility erased |
Z1 15 07 92698 001 | Sanitary items (Toilet Seats) | YHUF-H00, YHUF-X8(WHITE), YHUF-X8(P04), YHUF-X8(P07), YHUF- X8(P08), YHUF-X8(P09), YHUF-A01, YHUF-K00-T282, YHUF-K00-T284, YHUF-K00-T283, YHUF-K00-T088, YHUF-K00-T281 | n.a. | Zertifikatsinhaber entfernt Holder of Certificate erased |
AK-Y5479W3ES | Tapabocas Desechable 3 Capas Tapabocas de uso medico ajustable | 53.1, 53.2, 53.3, 53.4, 53.5 | n.a. | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
N8 14 02 71561 008 Z2 14 02 71561 009 | Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules Poly-Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaic Module | KSP260-72, KSP265-72, KSP270-72, KSP275-72, KSP280-72, KSP285-72, KSP290-72, KSP295-72, KSP300-72, KSP305-72, KSP310-72; KSP215-60, KSP220-60, KSP225-60, KSP230-60, KSP235-60, KSP240-60, KSP245-60, KSP250-60, KSP255-60; KSP195-54, KSP200-54, KSP205-54, KSP210-54, KSP215-54, KSP220-54, KSP225-54, KSP230-54, KSP235-54; KSP130-36, KSP135-36, KSP140-36, KSP145-36, KSP150-36, KSP155-36. KSP260-72, KSP265-72, KSP270-72, KSP275-72, KSP280-72, KSP285-72, KSP290-72, KSP295-72, KSP300-72, KSP305-72, KSP310-72; KSP215-60, KSP220-60, KSP225-60, KSP230-60, KSP235-60, KSP240-60, KSP245-60, KSP250-60, KSP255-60; KSP195-54, KSP200-54, KSP205-54, KSP210-54, KSP215-54, KSP220-54, KSP225-54, KSP230-54, KSP235-54; KSP130-36, KSP135-36, KSP140-36, KSP145-36, KSP150-36, KSP155-36. KSP260-72, KSP265-72, KSP270-72, KSP275-72, KSP280-72, KSP285-72, KSP290-72, KSP295-72, KSP300-72, KSP305-72, KSP310-72; KSP215-60, KSP220-60, KSP225-60, KSP230-60, KSP235-60, KSP240-60, KSP245-60, KSP250-60, KSP255-60; KSP195-54, KSP200-54, KSP205-54, KSP210-54, KSP215-54, KSP220-54, KSP225-54, KSP230-54, KSP235-54; KSP130-36, KSP135-36, KSP140-36, KSP145-36, KSP150-36, KSP155-36. | Nanjing KingSun Solar Technology Co., Ltd. Lingbo Road Economic Technical Development Zone 226001 Gaoyou Jiangsu People´s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate manipulated |
G2M 09 02 69181 002 | Trial lenses sets | n.a. | Nanjing Redsun Optical Co.,Ltd. (Manufacturer) NO.18 Xishan Road of Yuhua Nanjing China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller inkl. Adresse, Gültigkeit und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer incl. its address, validity date and date of issue manipulated |
V1 12 08 63367 011 | Products for determination or tumor markers (PSA) and products for self testing | Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Test, Pregnancy Test for Self Testing, Fecal Occult Blood Test strips, In-vitro products for self testing | Nantong Egens Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Building 15, Building 12 (west) No. 1692 Xinghu Avenue Nantong Economy & Technology Development Zone 226010 Nantong PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA (Manufacturer) Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany FORGERY! These Companies are not involved in the forgery of this document! | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Modelle manipuliert Forged Certificate: Models manipulated FORGERY! These Companies are not involved in the forgery of this document! |
N9 16 15 65189 089 | Halogen lamp | G9 18W, G9 28W, G9 33 W, G9 42W, G9 48W, G9 60W | Nantong Weiguang Electronics Co., Ltd. Niuqiao Ind.Area Pingdong, Tongzhou, Jiangsu, PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adress, Produkt, Modelle, Paramter, Prüfgrundlage, Prüfberichtsnummer und Datum manipuliert Forged attestation of conformity: holder of certificate incl. address, Product, Models, Parameters, Standards, Report Number and Date manipulated |
N9 01 09 65188 011 | Halogen lamp | J118 80W, J118 120W, J118 230W J118 400W | Nantong Weiguang Electronics Co., Ltd. Niuqiao Ind.Area Pingdong, Tongzhou, Jiangsu, PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adress, Produkt, Modelle, Paramter, Prüfgrundlage, Prüfberichtsnummer und Datum manipuliert Forged attestation of conformity: holder of certificate incl. address, Product, Models, Parameters, Standards, Report Number and Date manipulated |
B 11 09 77126 226 | Halogen lamp | G9, J78, J118 | Nantong Weiguang Electronics Co., Ltd. Niuqiao Ind.Area Pingdong, Tongzhou, Jiangsu, PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adress, Produkt, Modelle, Paramter, Prüfgrundlage, Prüfberichtsnummer und Datum manipuliert Forgedcertificate: holder of certificate incl. address, Product, Models, Parameters, Standards, Report Number and Date manipulated |
N8 11 09 77126 226 | Halogen lamp | G9, J78, J119 | Nantong Weiguang Electronics Co., Ltd. Niuqiao Ind.Area Pingdong, Tongzhou, Jiangsu, PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adress, Produkt, Modelle, Paramter, Prüfgrundlage, Prüfberichtsnummer und Datum manipuliert Forged attestation of conformity: holder of certificate incl. address, Product, Models, Parameters, Standards, Report Number and Date manipulated |
Q1N 16 11 64837 001 | Design and Development, Production and Distribution of Operating Tables, Parturition Beds, Hospital Beds and Traction Beds, Operating Shadowless Lamps, Digital X-ray Radiography System for Medical Use | n.a. | Nantong Yikun Medical Apparatus Co., Ltd. (Certificate holder and facility) 198th Zhaoxia Road, Nantong High-Tech Zone, 226300 Nantong, Jiangsu People´s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse und Fertigungsstätte inkl. Adresse manipuliert Forged Certificate: Holder of Certificate within its address and Facility within its address manipulated |
Q2N 08 05 62722 004 | Production and Distribution of Sterile Latex Examination Gloves, Sterile Nitrile Examination Gloves, Sterile Latex Surgical Gloves | n. a. | NEO IMPEX COMPANY Limited
No. 170 Daqing Rd., 233010 Bengbu CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber und Fertigungsstätten manipuliert Forged Certificate: holder of Certificate and Facility(ies) manipulated |
Z2 10 12 70144 003 | Playground equipment | TOB1001; TOB1002; TOB1003; TOB1011; TOB1012 | Neopark S.L. Ctra. Valencia, S/N 16004 Cuenca Spain | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse manipuliert Forged Certificate: Holder of Certificate within its address manipulated |
Q6 062151 0012 Rev. 00 | Production and Distribution of Surgical Gown, Surgical Drape, Surgical Pack, Coverall, Isolation Gown, Lab Coat, Scrub Suit, Mask, Bed Cover, Shoe Cover, Legging, Towel, Pillow Cover, Sleeve Cover, Non-woven Swabs, Surgical Cap, Bouffant Cap, Head Cover, Fluorocover, PE film, Lamination | n.a. | Netlink Solutions Limited (Holder of certificate) Equity House 128-136 High Street Edgware Middlesex HA87TT United Kingdom | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse manipuliert Forged Certificate: Holder of certificate incl. its address manipulated |
Z1A 08 11 61793 004 | Trampoline | SXQJ13W06, SXQJ14W06,SXQJ15W06, SXQJ16W06 | NEW TIDE IMP & EXP CP., LTD. Room 7GH, 7/F, Golden Century Building, 6033 Shennan Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong China (wrong) | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat Forged GS-Certificate |
70.400.10.695.02-00/01 | Scratch pen | TV7550 | NINGBO address n. a. China | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Inhaber inkl. Adresse manipuliert Forged test report: Holder of test report within its address manipulated |
M6A 14 07 73602 014 N8M 14 07 73602 013 | Injection plastics-moulding machines with automatic un-/loading | HXM65; HXM98; HXM128; HXM158; HXM188; HXM218; HXM258; HXM298; HXM330-I; HXM330-II; HXM410-I; HXM410-II; HXM470-I; HXM470-II; HXM530-I; HXM530-II; HXM630-I; HXM630-II; HXM730-I; HXM730-II; HXM880; HXM1080; HXM1250; HXM1500; HXM2000; HXM2500 | Ningbo Beilun Highsun Machinery Co.,LTD No.36, South Yongjiang Road Beilun Ningbo China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse und Modellbezeichnung manipuliert Forged Certificate: Holder of Certificate within its address and model designation manipulated |
Z1A 08 06 53905 002 | Starter batteries Power station | TMSPL | Ningbo Bestway Industrial Co., Ltd. East Zone Development Zone, Ningbo City, Zhejiang PRC (wrong) | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat Forged GS-Certificate |
E8 99 03 35338 002 | Hausarbeits- und Haushaltsgeräte, Zentrifugalpumpe Household equipment, Centrifugal Pump | FCP-370 FCP-550 FCP-750 FCP-1110 FCP-1500 FCP-2200 | Ningbo Cacheng Machinery & Electric Co. Ltd. No. 118, Daliang Street, Nigbo Zhejiang prov. 315000 P.R. China (wrong) | Gefälschte Konformitägsbescheinigung gemäß EMC Richtlinie Forged declaration of conformity according to EMC directive |
G1 09 01 40345 012 | (wrong) examination gloves, surgical gloves | n. a. | Ningbo Derong - Rubber Products Co., Ltd. Yushan Industrial Zone, Sanqishi Yuyao, Nigbo/Zhejiang PRC (wrong) | Lizenzinhaber, Produktkategorie und Fertigungsstätten gefälscht License holder, product category and facilites forged |
Z2 08 08 53358 014 | Retroreflective Material | D1002 | Ningbo Flagray Reflective Products Co., Ltd. G2 unit zone in ningbo developing area, Zhejiang, china | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate manipulated |
70 251 4 003 01 | Colorful Plasticine | Red Green Blue Yellow | Ningbo Paulinda I / E Co., Ltd. Suite 708 Ping An Building, 396 KaiMing Str. Ningbo China | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung gemäß Spielzeugrichtlinie Forged declaration of conformity according to toys directive |
G1 10 02 45163 010 | IPL, Cavitation, RF,Diode Laser,IPL+RF, Cryolipolysis Freeze | n.a. | Ningbo Ruipu Medical Equipment Co.,Ltd 23-156#No.818,Qiming Road,Yinzhou Ningbo, Zhejiang Province PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber, Produktkategorien und Seitenzahl (S. 2 fehlt in der Fälschung) manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer, Product Categories and Page count (Page 2 missing in forgery) manipulated |
M8T 09 11 24545 034 | Lifting carts | JFD8 | Ningbo Ruyi Joint Stock Co., Ltd. 656 North Taoyuan Rd. 315600 Ninghai, Zhejiang Prov. PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, Ursprung unbekannt, Trademark und Geprüft nach manipuliert Forged certificate, origin unknown, trademark and standards manipulated |
G1 15 11 92582 002 | n.a. | Vital Signs Monitor, Handheld Pulse Oximeter, Fingertip Pulse Oximeter | Ningbo Safebond Medical Co., Ltd. 4F Building C8, 40 Jingshan Road Economic and Technological Development Zone 22100 Xuzhou People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber manipuliert Forged Certificate: Holder manipulated |
Z1A 07 11 57962 004 | Stativ Stand | DLC001, DLC002, DLC005 | Ningbo Soundking Group Co., Ltd. Cheng Xin Road 818#, Yinzhou Investment Industry Park 315105 Ningbo City, Zhejiang Prov. PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Gültigkeits- und Erstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged Certificate: Validity date and date of issue manipulated |
Z1A 11 04 73189 002 | Lashing Belts | XL001-01, XL001-02, XL001-05 | NingBo Xulang Industrial Co., Ltd. No 188 Yunfeng Street, QongQiao Industrial Zone YinZhou Dist NingBo City Zhejiang Province PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse und Modellbezeichnung manipuliert Forged Certificate: Holder of Certificate within its address and model designation manipulated |
G2 05 09 56753 002 | Medical Rulers | Goniometer, Ophthalmology Ruler, Pain Scale Ruler, Cardiogram Ruler | NTC Promotions Ltd. (Holder of certificate) Room 6D-11, No. 5 Xin Yi Road Sec. 5 Taipei, Taiwan, 110 New Tomson Co., Ltd. (Facility) No. 11 Seashore Industry Zone Wenzhou, Zhejiang People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Fertigungsstätte inkl. Adresse, Produkte, Gültigkeitsdatum, Erstellungsdatum und Seitenanzahl manipuliert Forged Certificate: Holder of Certificate within its address, Facility within its address, Products, Scope of Products, Validity date, Date of issue and number of pages manipulated |
Z1A 07 09 56079 009 | Fitnessgeräte Fitness equipment | X-bike | Ocean Rich (H.K) LTD. RM 804, Entrepot Centre, 117 How Ming St., Kwun Tong, Kln Hong Kong (wrong) | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat Forged GS-Certificate |
Z1A 14 09 75820 007 N8A 14 09 75820 008 | Fixed general purpose luminaires (LED HIGH BAY) | OS-IS500-W50, OS-IS500-W80, OS-IS500-W100, OS-IS500-W120, OS-IS500-W150, OS-IS500-W200, OS-HB220-W50, OS-HB220-W80, OS-HB220-W100, OS-HB220-W120, OS-HB220-W150, OS-HB220-W200, | Optosun LED Technology Company Limited Optosun LED Technology Industrial Park No. 28 Baigehu Road Guanlan Town, Longhua District Shenzhen People´s Republic of China | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat, gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Zertifikatsinhaber, Modelle und Parameter manipuliert Forged GS-Certificate, forged declaration of conformity: Holder of certificate, models and parameters manipulated |
Z1A 10 04 73405 001 | Kochplatten Hot Plates | HP-11W | Orbitronics Mfg. Co. Ltd. 6/F., Room 603-604 Kowloon Centre, 29-39 Ashley Road, T.S.T., Kowloon, Hong Kong. | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat: Inhaber, Modelle und Parameter manipuliert Forged GS-Certificate: Holder, Models and Parameters manipulated |
Q2N 09 01 68775 002 | Production, Distribution and Servicing of Dental Turbine Handpiece | n.a. | Oskadent Group Ltd. Unit04,7/F, Bright Waytower, No. 33Mong Kok Road Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller und Fabrik manipuliert Forged Certificate: Manufacturer and Facility manipulated |
Q1N 09 07 57445 003 | Design and Development, Production and Distribution of Hematology Analyzers, Defibrillators, Electrolyte Analyzers, Suction Units, X-ray Machines, Anesthesia Units Ventilators, Monitors, Microplate Readers, Ultrasound Scanner, Biochemistry Analyzers, Infusion Pumps, Syringe Pumps, Infant Incubators, Infant Radiant Warmers, Phototherapy Units, Sterilizers | n.a. | Perlong Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. Room 2807, Qinghua Building No.120, Hanzhong Road 210029 Nanjing People´s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Geltungsbereich, Gültigkeit und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: Scope of certificate, validity and date of issue manipulated |
G2S 10 05 62722 001 | Sterile Latex Examination Gloves, Sterile Nitrile Examination Gloves | n.a. | Pidegree Rubber & Plastic Products Co., Ltd (Manufacturer) No. 1, Xinheng Rd, CiCheng, NingBo, People`s Republic of China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller, Gültigkeit und Erstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged Certificate: Manufacturer, Validity and Date of issue manipulated |
G2S 12 03 43898 012 | Medical Mask, Surgical Mask, &8210, N95 Mask | 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 8, 8.5, 9 | Piramal enterprise Sdn Bhd (Manufacturer, Facility) Lot 18374, Jalan Perusahaan 3 Kamunting Industrial Estate 34600 Perak Darul Ridzuan Malaysia Venchinatex s.r.l. (EC-Representative) Via Stresa 29 20125 Milano Italy | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller inkl. Adresse, Fertigungsstätte inkl. Adresse, Produkte, Modelle, Gültigkeitsdatum manipuliert Forged Certificate: Manufacturer within its address, facility within its address, product categories, validity date manipulated |
E8 06 11 54497 016 | Grill units (Rotary Grill) | HS-R10 POLY TACTIC Model EGR-1010 | POLY TACTIC LIMITED address n.a. | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Zertifikatsinhaber und Modelle manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate and models manipulated |
N8 06 05 54497 015 | Grill units (Rotary Grill) | HS-R10 POLY TACTIC Model EGR-1010 | POLY TACTIC LIMITED address n.a. | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Zertifikatsinhaber und Modelle manipuliert Forged certificate Holder of certificate and Models manipulated |
Z1A 06 11 59746 005 N8 06 11 59746 006 | Elektrische Kaffemaschinen Electric coffee makers | HL-312 series, CM series | Powerjoin Industrial Co. Ltd. Lane 181, Changshou Rd., PRC-Shanghai | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat, gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung, falscher Zertifikatsinhaber Forged GS-Certificate, forged declaration of conformity, wrong license holder |
Q2N 13 04 51772 004 | Production and Distribution of
Disposable Examination Vinyl Gloves, Face Masks | Qualitätsmanagement Zertifizierung nach ISO 13485 Quality Management Certification according to ISO 13485 | Practical Protective Plastic Manufactory Ltd. Xinlian, Anzhen Town 214106 Wuxi PR China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Ausstellungsdatum und Gültigkeitsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate certificate holder, date of issue manipulated |
S977 32 6572 | ISO 13485:2003 | n. a. | Promident LLC 707 Executive Boullevard Valley Cottage, New York 10989 USA (wrong) | Zertifikatsfälschung Counterfeit certificate |
G3D 03 10 33150 003 | (wrong) Dental hand pieces, turbines, rotary instruments, scalers, dental, posts, reamers | n. a. | Promident LLC 707 Executive Boullevard Valley Cottage, New York 10989 USA (wrong) | Zertifikatsfälschung Counterfeit certificate |
N8 03 11 45030 002 | Medical Equipment | Lumenis Lightsheer ET Medical Aesthetic Cosmetic Laser Equipment | PT. Adong Huboan JI. Pardamean Bunga No. 57 14247 Jakarta - Indonesia | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung, falscher Inhaber, falsche Modellbezeichnung, falsche Kenndaten Forged declaration of conformity according wrong license holder, wrong model designation, wrong parameters |
N8 03 11 45030 002 | Jetski | EU New 2008 See Doo RXP - X 255 Hp Jet Ski | PT.Auto Jetski Jln. Hamagoan No. 56 Jakarta Indonesia (wrong) | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung gemäß Niederspannungsrichtlinie, falscher Inhaber, falsche Modellbezeichnung Forged declaration of conformity according to Low voltage directive, wrong license holder, wrong model designation |
Z1A 08 02 55756 012 | Undercarriage trestles Unterstellböcke | ZZ20001B, AHS0203 | Qingdao Outreach Metal Products Co.,Ltd NO.1 Industrial Zone, Jiaoyi, Jiaozhou, Qingdao of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber, Modelle, Parameter, Standards, Gültigkeit und Datum manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder, Models, Parameters, Standards, validity and date manipulated |
Q2N 08 09 64733 001 | Latexhandschuhe, Vinylhandschuhe, Nitrilhandschuhe (für den Einmalgebrauch) Latex Gloves, Vinyl Gloves, Nitrile Gloves (For single use) | Qualitätsmanagement Zertifizierung nach ISO 13485 Quality Management Certification according to ISO 13485 | R.G.S.J. GLOVELED S.L (holder of certificate) NO.18-1 Building, Beiyuan 1st Area Yiwu City China R.G.S.J. GLOVELED S.L (Facility) C/LOS Perillos, N23 CP47130, Simancas Voalladolid Spain | Gefälschtes Qualitätsmanagementzertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber samt Adresse, Fertigungsstätte samt Adresse und Scope of Certificate manipuliert Forged Quality Management Certificate: Holder of certificate incl. address, facility incl. address and Scope of Certificate manipulated |
Q2N 05 03 52269 001 | Medizin Produkte Medical Devices | Qualitätsmanagement Zertifizierung nach ISO 13485 Quality Management Certification according to ISO 13485 | Raysen Healthcare Products Ltd. 8-101 Erli Sanqu, Tianhuayuan, 100176 Beijing, BJ Eco&Tech Dev.Area PR China | Gefälschtes Qualitätsmanagementzertifikat, falsches Ausgabejahr, falsche Gültigkeitsdauer Forged Quality Management Certificate, wrong issue date, wrong validity date |
Z2 13 06 83875 003 | Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules | RCM-210-6MA, RCM-270-6MA, RCM-275-6MA, RCM-280-6MA, RCM-285-6MA, RCM-290-6MA, RCM-295-6MA, RCM-300-6MA, RCM-305-6MA, RCM-310-6MA, RCM-315-6MA, RCM-320-6MA, RCM-325-6MA, RCM-225-6MB, RCM-230-6MB, RCM-235-6MB, RCM-240-6MB, RCM-245-6MB, RCM-250-6MB, RCM-255-6MB, RCM-260-6MB, RCM-265-6MB, RCM-270-6MB, RCM-200-6MC, RCM-205-6MC, RCM-210-6MC, RCM-215-6MC, RCM-220-6MC, RCM-225-6MC, RCM-230-6MC, RCM-235-6MC, RCM-240-6MC, RCM-180-6MD, RCM-185-6MD, RCM-190-6MD, RCM-195-6MD, RCM-200-6MD, RCM-205-6MD, RCM-210-6MD, RCM-215-6MD, RCM-135-6ME, RCM-140-6ME, RCM-145-6ME, RCM-150-6ME, RCM-155-6ME, RCM-160-6ME, RCM-225-5MA, RCM-230-5MA, RCM-235-5MA, RCM-240-5MA, RCM-245-5MA, RCM-250-5MA, RCM-255-5MA, RCM-260-5MA, RCM-265-5MA, RCM-270-5MA, RCM-275-5MA, RCM-160-5MB, RCM-165-5MB, RCM-170-5MB, RCM-175-5MB, RCM-180-5MB, RCM-185-5MB, RCM-190-5MB, RCM-195-5MB, RCM-200-5MB, RCM-205-5MB, RCM-80-5MC, RCM-85-5MC, RCM-90-5MC, RCM-95-5MC. | Recom LTD 1 Poseodonos Str. 173 42 Ag. Dimitrios Athens GREECE | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Bezeichnung, Logo, Unterzeichner, Modelle und Parameter manipuliert Forgerd certificate: Name, Logo, Signing Person, Models and Parameters manipulated |
Z2 13 06 83875 004 | Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules | RCM-245-6PA, RCM-250-6PA, RCM-255-6PA, RCM-260-6PA, RCM-265-6PA, RCM-270-6PA, RCM-275-6PA, RCM-280-6PA, RCM-285-6PA, RCM-290-6PA, RCM-295-6PA, RCM-300-6PA, RCM-305-6PA, RCM-310-6PA, RCM-205-6PB, RCM-210-6PB, RCM-215-6PB, RCM-220-6PB, RCM-225-6PB, RCM-230-6PB, RCM-235-6PB, RCM-240-6PB, RCM-245-6PB, RCM-250-6PB, RCM-255-6PB, RCM-260-6PB, RCM-185-6PC, RCM-190-6PC, RCM-195-6PC, RCM-200-6PC, RCM-205-6PC, RCM-210-6PC, RCM-215-6PC, RCM-220-6PC, RCM-225-6PC, RCM-230-6PC, RCM-235-6PC, RCM-165-6PE, RCM-170-6PE, RCM-175-6PE, RCM-180-6PE, RCM-185-6PE, RCM-190-6PE, RCM-195-6PE, RCM-200-6PE, RCM-205-6PE, RCM-125-6PD, RCM-130-6PD, RCM-135-6PD, RCM-140-6PD, RCM-145-6PD, RCM-150-6PD, RCM-155-6PD. | Recom LTD 1 Poseodonos Str. 173 42 Ag. Dimitrios Athens GREECE | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Bezeichnung, Logo, Unterzeichner und Parameter manipuliert Forgerd certificate: Name, Logo, Signing Person and Parameters manipulated |
G2S 08 09 64733 002 | Latex Household Gloves, Disposable Nitrile Gloves, Disposable Latex Gloves | n.a. | Rent Gloves Co.,Ltd NO,79 Building, Yanxi Village Fotang Industrial Zone, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Produktkategorien, Gültigkeitsdatum, Erstellungsdatum Forged Certificate: Holder of Certificate within its address, Product categories, Validity date, Date of issue manipulated |
G1 08 02 46082 009 | Chirurgische Instrumente Surgical Instruments | n.v. | Representaciones Médicas Mary S.R.L. | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Nicht-zertifizierte Produkte hinzugefügt Forged Certificate: Non-certified products were added |
Q5 061501 0009 Rev. 01 | Design and Development, Production and Distribution of Air Cushions for Bedsore, Shadowless Operating Lamps, Electric-Heating Boiling Disinfectors, Electric Pneumatic Hemostat Distribution of Operating table, ICU Pendant and Bedhead Unit Ventilator | n.v. | Resvent medical Technology Co., Ltd. (Holder of certificate) 602,Building BC Gaoxinqi Industrial Park, No.1 Liuxian Road, Baoan District 201306 Shanghai People´s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Produkte manipuliert Forged Certificate: Holder of Certificate within its address, Scope of Certificate manipulated |
U8 11 08 75301 037 | Frozen Chicken (Feet, Paws, Breast, Whole) | n.a. | Rudolf Dynamic Food Borstelmannsweg 20537 Hamburg | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Logo, Nummer, Inhaber, Zeichen, Produkt, Standards, Text, Unterschrift und Datum manipuliert Forged certificate Logo, Number, Holder, Mark, Product, Standards, Text, Signature and Date manipulated |
12 600 33853 TMS | Production and Exportation of frozen chicken (Feet, Paws, Breast, Whole) | n.a. | Rudolf Dynamic Food Borstelmannsweg 20537 Hamburg | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber, Produkte und Unterschrift manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder, Products and signature manipulated |
ROHS 14 08 89638 001 | Luminaires | SM-4010, SM-4020 | Sammoon Lighting & Electrical Co.,Ltd Building 2,Zone A New Light Source Industry Zone, Luocun Nanhai District 528200 Foshan, Guangdong PR China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Produkte, Modelle, Kenndaten, Ausstellungsdatum und Seitenzahl manipuliert Forged certificate: Products, models, parameters, date of issued and number of pages manipulated |
N8 12 05 72051 002 | Straightening Iron | E035A, E035B, E038A, E038B, E036A, E036B, E068A (Brand Name: ROYALE) | Samtecs Limited Xiwang Ind.District, Tiantang Wie, Fenggang Town, Dongguan, Guangdong, China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber, Produkte und Parameter manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder, Products and Parameters manipulated |
N8 12 05 72051 004 | Electric curling irons | D001B, D001D, D001E, D001F, D002A (Brand Name: ROYALE) | Samtecs Limited Xiwang Ind.District, Tiantang Wie, Fenggang Town, Dongguan, Guangdong, China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber und Produkte manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder and Products manipulated |
Z2 11 03 76570 001 | Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules | n.a. | SARA SOLAR PVT LTD L 3/A BLOCK 22 FEDERAL B INDUSTRIAL AREA KARACHI PAKISTAN | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse und Parameter manipuliert Forged Certificate: Holder of certificate within its address and parameters manipulated |
12 100 33002 TMS | Quality Management System | n.a. | Senken Electronics (Huizhou) Co., Ltd. Xisan Avenue, Xiangshui River Industrial Area, Daya Bay, Huizhou, Guangdong, P.R. China Post Code: 516083 | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber und Audit-Nr. manipuliert Forged Certificate: Holder of certificateand Audit-No. manipulated |
Z3 07 06 2140 029 | Skatepark ramps | Mini Skateboard ramp 150, Skateboard fun box 01 ramp, BMX flybox ramp 150 | SG IT SIA Kuldigas 69 LV-3801 Latvia | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, Ursprung unbekannt Forged certificate, origin unknown |
Q1N 10 10 73403 | Design, Development, Production and Distribution of Infusion Pump, I.V. Cannula, Endotracheal Tube, Reinforced Endotracheal Tube, Tracheotomy Tube, Endobronchial Tube, Laryngeal Mask Airway, Connecting Tube, Foley Catheter Kit, Suction Catheter, Breathing Circuit, Oxygen Mask, Anesthesia Mask, Guedel Airway and Endotracheal Intubation Kit | n.a. | Shaanxi Aipu Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. Weiyuan Industrial Zone Menggang, Changyuan Country 453400 Henan PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer und Inhaber manipuliert Forged certificate: Number and Holder manipulated |
G1 09 08 60858 006 | Medizin Produkte Medical Devices | n. a. | Shaanxi Longstar I/E Co., Ltd. 11303 Room, Green Harbor Garden High Tech 6 Road XI'AN PRC (wrong) | Gefälschtes Qualitätsmanagementzertifikat, falscher Inhaber und Fertigungsstätte Forged Quality Management Certificate, wrong license holder and facilities |
G1 10 05 72758 002 | Natural Latex Rubber Condom | n.a. | Shandong Ming Yuan Latex Co., Ltd. Development Zone of Linyi County Middle Licheng Road 251500 Dezhou City, Shandong People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Ausstelldatum und Gültigkeit manipuliert Forged certificate: Date and Validity manipulated. |
G1 10 06 54496 003 | Condoms | n.a. | SHANDONG YAQI Latex Technology Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer and Facility) South of Liugu village Hehua office Licheng District 250000 Jinan Shandong province People's Republic of China Guilin Aichao Latex Co., Ltd. (EC-Representative) Via San Giovanni del toro 44 95100 Ravello Amalfi Coast Italy | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, Ursprung unbekannt Zertifikatsinhaber, Ausstellungsdatum, Gültigkeitsdatum und Fertigungsstätte manipuliert Forged certificate, origin of forgery is unknown certificate holder, date of issue, validity date and facility manipulated |
G2 056732 0022 Rev. 00 | Aspects of manufacture concerned with securing and maintaining sterile conditions of Face Masks, Surgical Gowns,Non-woven Caps,Non-woven Shoe Covers, plastic Shoe Covers,Coveralls Replaces Approval, Registration No.: DD 60104282 0001 | n.a. | Shanghai Drawell Scientific Instrument Co.,Ltd (Manufacturer) Suite 1101,Lane561 XiuChuan Rd.,PuDong New Area, Shanghai,China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat Hersteller, Produktkategorien, Berichtsnummer, Gültigkeit manipuliert Forged certificate Manufacturer, product categories, report number manipulated |
V1 16 08 96618 002 | In Vitro diagnostic test kit | n.a. | Shanghai Eugene Biotech Co., LTD (Manufacturer) Floor 3, Building 6, Xuanqiu Rd. 139 Pudong New District 201300 Shanghai People´s Republic of China SUNGO Certification Company Limited RM101, Maple House 118 High Street, Purley London CR8 2AD United Kingdom | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Produktkategorien manipuliert Forged certificate: Product category(ies) manipulated |
E8N 12 07 81090 001 | Air compressors | GA81, GA82, GA83, GA84, GA61, GA62, GA63, GA64 | Shanghai Greeloy Industry Co., Ltd 6 Building, Songhuang Road 999, Qingpu 201706 Shanghai People's Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, Ursprung unbekannt, Modellnummern und Kenndaten manipuliert Forged certificate, origin unknown, models and parameters manipulated |
Q2N 05 01 31399 006 | Production ans distribution of absorben Gauze Sponges | n. a. | Shanghai Medicines & Health Products Im. & Exp. Corp. No. 158 Han Zhong Road, Shanghai 200070, PRC | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, Lizenzinhaber, Produkte, Fertigungsstätten manipuliert Forged certificate, license holder, products, production sites manipulated |
G2S 06 11 31 399 014 | Gauze Spanges | n. a. | Shanghai Medicines & Health Products Im. & Exp. Corp. No. 158 Han Zhong Road, Shanghai 200070, PRC | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, Lizenzinhaber, Produkte, Fertigungsstätten manipuliert Forged certificate, license hoder, products, production sites manipulated |
Z1A 08 04 58507 008 | Schlauchboote Tube Rafts | RBG-IF230 | Shanghai Qinxu Plastic Products Co., Ltd. 5151 Dongchuan Road Heqing Town, Pudong New Atea 201201 Shanghai PRC | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat, falsche Modellbezeichnung und Kenndaten Forged GS-Certificate false model and parameters |
Q2N 15 12 70358 006 | Production and Distribution of Vertical Steam Sterilizer, Table Steam Sterilizer | n.a. | Shanghai Ro-Chain Medical Co.,Ltd (Holder of certificate and facility) Building 1, kangqiao Road 787, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Fertigungsstätte inkl. Adresse und Produkte manipuliert Forged Certificate: Holder of Certificate within its address, Facility within its address and Scope of Certificate manipulated |
G1 17 10 82515 005 | Anaesthesia Systems, Ventilators, CPAP Systems | n.a. | Shanghai Ro-Chain Medical Co., (Manufacturer, Facility) Address: Building 1, kangqiao Rd 787, Pudong New District, Shanghai China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (Europe) (EC-Representative) Eiffestraße 50 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller inkl. Adresse, Fertigungsstätte inkl. Adresse manipuliert Forged Certificate: Manufacturer incl. its address, facility incl. its address manipulated |
G1 10 12 50972 014 | Patient Monitor, Fetal Monitor, B-Ultrasound Diagnostic System, Pulse Oximeter, Electrocardiograph, Pocket Fetal Doppler, Visual Electronic Stethoscope, Multi-functional Visual Stethoscope, Dynamic ECG Systems, Digital Brain Electric Activity Mapping, Syringe Pump, Infusion Pump,Spirometer, Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor, Electronic Sphygmomanometer, EMG/EP System, Colposcope System | n.a. | SHANGHAI SUNBRIGHT INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD (Manufacturer) NO.601,SHENGYE BUILDING,778 SIPING ROAD,HONGKOU DISTRICT,SHANGHAI Tel: 0086-21-51998658 Fac:0086-21-61425770 China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschte Zertifikate: Hersteller inkl. Adresse, Produktkategorien, Ausstellungs- und Gültigkeitsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer, product category(ies), date of issue and valid until manipulated |
G1 17 11 89075 004 | Patient Monitor, Fetal Monitor, B-Ultrasound
Diagnostic System, Color Doppler Diagnostic System, Electrocardiograph, Syring Pump, Infusion Pump, Fetal Doppler | n.a. | Shanghai Sunbright Industrial Co., Ltd (Manufacturer) No. 778 Siping Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai China KINGSMEAD SERVICE LIMITED (EC-Representative) 19 Mezzanine Floor 19-21 Crawford Street London W1H 1PJ United Kingdom | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller inkl. Adresse, Produktkategorien, Ausstellungs- und Gültigkeitsdatum, Fabrik inkl. Adresse manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer incl address, product category(ies), date of issue, valid until date, facilities incl. address manipulated |
G1 07 06 62218 002 G2S 07 06 62218 003 | Disposable Latex Surgical & Examine Gloves | n.a. | Shanghai Sunny Industry Co., Ltd (Manufacturer) Dabu Village, Xiong country 071800 Baoding China International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschte Zertifikate: Hersteller, Produktkategorien, Fertigungsstätten manipuliert Forged certificate: manufacturer, product category, facility(ies) manipulated |
Q1N 10 01 62218 004 | Design, Development, Production and Distributor of Natural Latex Disposable Medical Examine Gloves and Disposable Sterilized Latex Surgical Gloves | n.a. | Shanghai Sunny Industry Co., Ltd (Manufacturer) Dabu Village, Xiong country 071800 Baoding China International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber, Fertigungsstätten, Geltungsbereich manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of Certificate, facility(ies), scope of certificate manipulated |
G1 17 09 82107 006 | Surgical suture, Surgival needle, lv cannula, Catheter foley, Spinal needle, Urine bag for Use with Anaesthesia apparatus and Ventilator, Disposable Urethral Catheterization Kit, Disposable Sterile Urethral Catheter | n.a. | Shanxian Shidai Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer) C19-02 Fenghuangcheng, Shanxian, Heze City, Shandong Province, CHINA Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (Europe) (EC-Representative) Eiffestraße 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Zertifikatsinhaber samt Adresse, Produktkategorien, Berichtsnummer, Gültigkeitsdatum, Ausstellungsdatum, Notified Body Nummer und Seitenzahlen manipuliert Forged certificate: Certificate number, Holder of Certificate including its address, product categories, report number, validity date, date of issued, notified body no. and count of pages manipulated |
G7 17 03 82107 007 | Surgical Suture Surgical Needle Spinal Needle Catheter Foley Urine Bag | n.a. | Shanxian Shidai Medical Instruments Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer) C19-02 Fenghuangcheng, Shanxian, Heze City, Shandong Province, CHINA Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (Europe) (EC-Representative) Eiffestraße 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Zertifikatsinhaber samt Adresse, Produktkategorien, Berichtsnummer, Gültigkeitsdatum, Ausstellungsdatum, Notified Body Nummer und Seitenzahlen manipuliert Forged certificate: Certificate number, Holder of Certificate including its address, product categories, report number, validity date, date of issued, notified body no. and count of pages manipulated |
Z1A 09 06 70498 001 | Trampoline | JS08, JS10, JS12, JS13, JS14, JS15, JS16 | Shaoxing County Jiansheng Machinery Co. Ltd. Qiansheng Ling village, Anchang town, 312000 Saoxing, Zhejiang PRC | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, Ursprung unbekannt, falsche Kenndaten Forged certificate, origin unknown, wrong parameters |
E8N 12 12 82747 003 | Light (LED Tube) | T82A06-9W; T82A12-18W; T82A15-22W; T82B12-25W; T82B15-30W | SHEN ZHEN LED CO., LTD (adress erased in forgery) | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Inhaber, Modelle und Beschreibung manipuliert Forged Attestation of Compliance: Holder, Models and Description manipulated |
Z1A 12 07 75040 001 | Adaptors (AC/DC Adapter) | BX-xxxyyyy ("xxx" are 3 digit numbers 030-360 which represent the output voltage in volts (V) from 3.0Vdc to 36Vdc. "yyyy" are 4 digit numbers 0300-6000 which represent the output current in mA from 300mA to 6000mA) | Shenzhen Bexing Technology Development Co.,Ltd 3/F,Building E,Jiushun Industry Park Liaokeng Village,Shiyan Town,Bao'an District 518108 Shenzhen, Guangdong People's Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber inkl. Adresse, Gültigkeit und Datum verändert Forged Certificate: Certificate holder incl. address, validity and date manipulated |
Report Reference No. 211-300836-000 | AC/DC Adapter | BX1202000, BX1202500, BX1203000, BX-1202000, BX-1202500, BX-1203000 | Shenzhen Borasen Technology Develepment Co., Ltd. 3/F,Building E,Cheng Jian Industry Park Feng Huang Village,Fu Yong Town,Bao An District 518103 Shenzhen City, Guangdong People's Republic of China | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Typenschilder sowie Bilder des Produkt manipuliert Herkunft der Fälschung ist unbekannt Forged test report: Marking plates and pictures of the product are manipulated Origin of forgery is unknown |
Q2N 07 12 65304 001 | Production and Distribution of First Aid Kit | n.a. | Shenzhen Eiffel Industry Co., Ltd. Room 1102, Zhengfeng Building 518103 Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province People´s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Gültigkeit und Datum manipuliert Forged Certificate: Validity and Date manipulated |
Z1A 05 04 55880 002 | Led Tube Light | GS-T506-10Wa, GS-T509-15Wa, GS-T512-20Wa, GS-T506-10Wb, GS-T509-15Wb, GS-T512-20Wb, GS-T806-10Wa, GS-T809-15Wa, GS-T812-20Wa, GS-T815-25Wa, GS-T806-10Wb, GS-T809-15Wb, GS-T812-20Wb, GS-T815-25Wb | SHENZHEN GESHIDE TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. Gongye Road2, Jiaotang Industry, Shajing Town, Bao'an District, Shenzhen City, China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber, Produkt, Modelle, Gültigkeit und Datum manipuliert Forged Certificate: Holder, Product, Models, Validity and Date manipulated |
E8N 09 08 71350 001 E8N 09 08 71350 006 E8N 09 08 71350 012 E8N 09 08 71350 005 | Einbauleuchten / Leuchten Recessed Luminaires / Lighting | JL-Cxxxxxxx JL-Mxxxxxxx | Shenzhen Jeeja Century Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. Jeeja Science and Technology Park Jinke Rd. PingLi Avenue, Nanwan 518112 Longgang District Shenzhen PRC | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, Ursprung unbekannt Forged certificate, origin unknown |
G1 08 07 67303 003 | Pulse Oximeter Probes and Temperature Probes | n.a. | Shenzhen Med-link Electronics Tech Co,. LTD. (Manufacturer) Building 2, HuaFu Industrial HuaWang Road, DaLang, LongHua District 518109 Shenzhen City PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA C.K. Medical International (EC-Representative) Laan van Cattenbroeck 10 3703 BM Zeist THE NETHERLANDS | Gefälschte Bescheinigung: Datum und Gültigkeitsdauer manipuliert Forged Attestation Date and validity manipulated |
Q1N 10 01 62927 002 | Wheelchairs | Design and Development, Production and Distribution of Rollator Series, Walker Series, Cane Stick Series, Bathroom Safety Series, Shower Chair, Commode Chair, Transfer Chair, Mechanically Wheelchairs Series, Mechanical Hospital Bed, Over Bed Table Series | Shenzhen OTTO Technology Co., Limited. Pingnan Industrial Area Shugang Road, Pingzhou 528251 Nanhai, Foshan PEOPLE´S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber, Fabrik, Gültigkeit und Datum verändert Forged Certificate: License holder, Facility, Validity and Date manipulated |
Z1A 13 07 76927 013 | Adaptors | PGAEXXXYYYYz1EU | Shen Zhen Perfect Gallant Tec Co., Ltd Tangwei Community, Gongming Office, Guangming New District 3F Building A, Yinhai Industrial Areas 518108 Shenzhen People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Nummer und Zertifikatstyp verändert Forged Certificate: Number and Certificate type manipulated |
N5 11 08 57567 103 | Doorbell | Doorbell system: QH-0893, QH-0861, QH-895, QH-0896. QH-0898, QH-0883, QH-0881, QH-0885, QH0886, QH-0888, QH0862, QH-0889, QH-0882 | Shenzhen Qiaohua Industries Limited Quiaohua Industrial Zone >br> Luo Tian Forestry Cnter, Songgang Town Bao'an District 518105 Shenzhen People`s Republic of China | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Produktbezeichnung, Modelle und Parameter manipuliert Forged Attestation of Compliance: Product, Models and Paramters manipulated |
E8N 11 08 57567 104 | Doorbell | Doorbell system: QH-0893, QH-0861, QH-895, QH-0896. QH-0898, QH-0883, QH-0881, QH-0885, QH0886, QH-0888, QH0862, QH-0889, QH-0883 | Shenzhen Qiaohua Industries Limited Quiaohua Industrial Zone >br> Luo Tian Forestry Cnter, Songgang Town Bao'an District 518105 Shenzhen People`s Republic of China | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Produktbezeichnung, Modelle und Parameter manipuliert Forged Attestation of Compliance: Product, Models and Paramters manipulated |
Z1A 07 08 64250 002 | Switch mode power supplies | n. a. | Shenzhen Rongtop Industrial Company Limited Chantou Village, BaoAn, Shenzhen PRC | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, Inhaberdaten verändert Forged Certificate, License holder manipulated |
Q2N 04 09 53779 001 | Production and Distribution of Disposable Medical Brush, Baby Urine Bag, Colostomy Bag, PVC Urethral Catheter, Sterile Surgical Dressing Kits | n.a. | Shenzhen Shuaben Import & Export Co., LTD Rm 815, 6/F, Tower B, Sunshine Huayi Bldg, 130 Nanguang Rd, Nanshang Dist, Shenzhen PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber, Fertigungsstätte, Gültigkeit und Datum manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder, Facilities, validity and date manipulated | | High Bay Light for indoor general lighting | YH-HB012AL-200W | Shenzhen yoohun Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. 2/F, Zhengqilong Building Zhongdiandawei Industrial Park Gushu 1st Road Xixiang Baoan Shenzhen PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake | | High Bay Light for indoor general lighting | YH-HB012 AL-75W | Shenzhen yoohun Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. 2/F, Zhengqilong Building Zhongdiandawei Industrial Park Gushu 1st Road Xixiang Baoan Shenzhen PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake | | High Bay Light for indoor general lighting | YH-HB012 AL-95W | Shenzhen yoohun Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. 2/F, Zhengqilong Building Zhongdiandawei Industrial Park Gushu 1st Road Xixiang Baoan Shenzhen PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake | | High Bay Light for indoor general lighting | YH-HB012 AL-135W | Shenzhen yoohun Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. 2/F, Zhengqilong Building Zhongdiandawei Industrial Park Gushu 1st Road Xixiang Baoan Shenzhen PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake | | High Bay Light for indoor general lighting | YH-HB012 AL-160W | Shenzhen yoohun Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. 2/F, Zhengqilong Building Zhongdiandawei Industrial Park Gushu 1st Road Xixiang Baoan Shenzhen PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
SA/CE04-01 | Single-use Pouches, Bags, Reels, Dental Bibs, Napkin, Paper Tissue, Poly Products for sterile medical device use | n. a. | SHIELD STERILIZATION & PACKING CO., LTD. (manufacturer) #1 WEIER ROAD, SHIPAI INDUSTRIAL PARK, ANQING, ANHUI, 246100 China International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatstyp, Hersteller, Produktkategorien, Klassifikation, Bericht Nr., Gültigkeit, Fachzertifizierer manipuliert Forged certificate: certificate type, manufacturer, product category, classification, report no., valid until, technical certifier manipulated | | Electric underblankets | TT150×70-7X, TT150×80-7X, TT160×80-7X, TT120×107-7X, TT150×140-7X, TT160×140-7X, TT160×150-7X, TT180×130-7X, TT180×80-7X, TT190×90-7X, TT170×150-7X, TT180×150-7X, TT180×160-7X, TT200×150-7X, TT200×180-7X | Shijiazhuang WangFeng Electric Appliance Co., Ltd No.6 ChuangYe Street 050700 Xin Le City, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Modelle manipuliert Forged certificate: Models manipulated |
Z1A 03 05 11681 004 | Tables | n.a. | Sico Europe Limited Henwood Industrial Estate Ashford, Kent TN24 SDH Great Britain | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Datum manipuliert Forged certificate: Date manipulated |
Z1A 05 09 34420 081 | Mehrfachsteckdosen Multiple Socket Outlets | n. a. | Sino Foreign JW Cixi Dong Gong Appliance Co., Ltd. Yanpu Industrial Area Cixi 315314 Ningbo, Zhejiang Prov. PRC (erased from manipulated certificate) | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, Ursprung unbekannt, "Seite 1 von 2" und Inhaber entfernt Forged certificate, origin unknown, "Page 1 of 2" an licence holder deleted |
QR-730-C-31-17 | Ultrasound Scanner | SS-1, SS-2, SS-3, SS-4, SS-5, SS-6, SS-7, SS-8, SS-9, SS-10, SS-10Plus, SS-100, SS-200 SS-500, SS-600, SS-1000, SS-1800, SS-2000, SS-2200, C2, C5 C6, C10, C100, C200, V1, V2, V3, V5, V6 V7, V9, V10, CBox-3, Ubox-10, Ubook-7, Ubook-8, Utouch-8, UTouch-9 UProbe-1, UProbe-2L, UProbe-2C, UProbe-3C, UProbe-3L, UProbe-3N, UProbe-5C, Uprobe-5L, UProbe-5N, UProbe-5T, UProbe-5M, CProbe-5C, UpROBE-C5C, CProbe-5L, UProbe-20, BProbe-2, Carescan-1, SAB-500, UProbe-L6C, UProbe-C6C | Sonostar Technologies Co., Limited 504#, C Building, #27 Yayingshi Road, Science Town, Guangzhou China | Gefälschte EC Konformitätserklärung Modelle manipuliert Forged EC Declaration of Conformity models manipulated |
N8 03 11 45030 002 | Vegetable Cooking Oil; Refined Sunflower Oil | JP-104 | Sossirb - Golden Flavor, Lda | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber, Produktbezeichnung, Kenndaten, Prüfgrundlage und und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: holder of certificate, product term, parameters, tested according to and date of issue manipulated |
Z1A 12 10 74166 005 | Internal lights stationary Innenleuchten, ortsfest | SP-IP20-EVGW-320-40-GR-TB-KLM | smartlux Lichtsteuerung GmbH Bornaische Str. 120 04279 Leipzig | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Modell manipuliert Forged certificate: model manipulated |
M6T 09 11 63098 006 | Handkettensägen zur Holzbearbeitung Portable chain saws for woodworking | STEEL POWER | Steel Power T.K. GmbH Engerthstraße 200/4 1020 Vienna Austria | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber und Modelle manipuliert Forged certificate: holder of certificate and models manipulated |
Q5 063378 0028 Rev.01 | Design and Development, Production and Distribution of Rapid Test Kit for the Detection of Fertility Function Hormones, Pregnancy, Tumor Markers Drugs of Abuse, Infectious Disease, Sperm Concentration and Clinical Chemistry, Blood Glucose Monitoring System | n.a. | Sunny Medical Equipment Limited (holder of certificate) Jinying Building, No.316,Huanshi Middle Road, Xiaobei, Yuexiu, Guangzhou, China 510030 YueXiu People´s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Zertifikatsinhaber samt Adresse manipuliert Forged certificate: Certificate number, holder of certificate incl. its address manipulated |
Z1A 07 03 22449 204 | Klimageräte Air conditioning equipment | Dynamic 6.0 Dynamic 8.0 | Suntec Wellness GmbH Schneiderstrasse 86 40764 Langenfeld (wrong) | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat, falscher Inhaber, falsche Modellbezeichnung Forged GS-Certificate, wrong licence holder, wrong model designation |
G1 10 04 65725 008 | Lidocaine 5% Topical Anaesthetic Cream | n.a. | Supernumb Ltd (Manufacturer) Rochelle Park Nj 07662 USA (EC-Representative) Tatslife Tattoo supplys | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller inkl. Adresse, EC-Repräsentant inkl. Adresse und Produktkategorie manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer within its address, EC-Representative within its address and Product Category manipulated |
N8 13 07 77017 030 | Electric vacuum cleaners | EV-500, EV-500-E18, EV-500-E20 EV-500-S16, EV-500-S18, EV-500-S20 EV-505-E16, EV-505-E18, EV-505-E20 EV-505-S16, EV-505-S18, EV-505-S20 | Suzhou E-rising Electical Technology Co., Ltd 8# Weilai Road Hope Industry Park Beiqiao Town, Xiangcheng District 21500 Suzhou City PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Modelle und Parameter manipuliert Forged certificate: Models and Parameter manipulated |
Z1 09 12 27148 003 | Ramps | TB1500 | Suzhou PTC Auto Accessories Co., Ltd. Yuexi Industrial Area, Wuzhong District, 215000 Suzhou / Jiangsu PRC (wrong) | Gefälschtes TÜV-Mark Zertifikat, falscher Inhaber Counterfeit TÜV-mark certificate, license hoder manipulated |
Q1N 09 05 65520 005 | Design and Development, Production and Distribution of Medical Hydrogel Dressing, Soluble Hemostatic Gauze, Hemostatic Rhinobyon, Nasal Dressing | n.a. | T&G HEALTHCARE CO., LTD. (Holder of certificate) | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Prüfberichtsnummer und Fertigungsstätte manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate within its address, report no. and facility(ies) within its address manipulated |
G1 10 03 65520 010 | Medical Hydrogel Dressing, Soluble Hemostatic Gauze, Amorphous Hydrogel Dressing, Foam Dressing, Alginate Dressing | n.a. | T&G HEALTHCARE CO., LTD. (Manufacturer) Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller inkl. Adresse, Prüfberichtsnummer, Zertifikatsnummer und Fertigungsstätte manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer within its address, report no., no. of certificate and facility(ies) within its address manipulated |
12 100 26112 TMS | ISO 9001:2008 | n.a. | Ten Glove Sdn. Bhd. Lot 4999 Jala Toratu, Batai6, Off Jala Meru 41050 Klang, Selangor Malaysia | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber, Objektbezeichnung, Modelle, Beschreibung und Prüfgrundlagen manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate, Name of Object, Models, Description and Standards manipulated |
E8 07 05 61157 015 | Air Hammer (Metal Forging Hammer) | C41-16, C41-20, C41-25, C41-40, C41-55, C41-75, C41-150 | Tengzhou Runfo Machinery Co., Ltd. 39 Longshan Road 277500 Tengzhou City, Shandong Province PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate manipulated |
E8 07 05 63268 001 | Electric ovens | PB-2310, PB-2311, PB-2312, PB-2313, PB-1412, PB-2809, PB-2111, PB-2112 | Tiansen Electric Co., Ltd. North Shenghui Industrial Zone Nantou Town 528427 Zhongshan City, Guangdong People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber, Modelle, Beschreibung und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate, Models, Description of Object and Date of issue manipulated |
N8 03 11 45030 009 | Sport Boat | Regal 2000 | Tony Hamren 112 Galliard Road N9 7LR London United Kingdom | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Zertifikatsinhaber, Produktbezeichnung, Modelle, Parameter, Standard, Prüfberichtsnummer und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: number of certificate, holder of certificate, product term, model(s), parameters, standards, test report no. and date of issue manipulated |
Z2 05 01 51790 004 | Retroreflektierendes Material Retroreflective Material | CSR-1303 | Topmatched Enterprise Co., Ltd. 2611 No. 809 South Hubin Road 361004 Xiamen, Fujian China | Gefälschtes TÜV-Mark Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber und Adresse manipuliert Counterfeit TÜV-mark certificate: Holder of Certificate and address manipulated |
N8 10 06 74315 002 | Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Module | SY-80M, SY-85M, SY-90M, ... | Topsky Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. No.5 Building, Juhui Moju Industrial Park Tianliao Road, Gongming Guangming New District 518132 Shenzhen PRC (wrong) | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung gemäß Niederspannungsrichtlinie Forged declaration of conformity according to Low voltage directive designation |
G2 09 02 67833 003 | Ultraschall Diagnose Ultrasound diagnostics | n. a. | Triup International Corp. Rm1103, 321 Zhongshan South Road 210001 Nanjing CHINA International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Nicht-zertifizierte Produkte hinzugefügt Forged Certificate: Non-certified products were added |
U8 11 08 75301 037 | Frozen Chicken (Feet, Paws, Breast, Whole) | n.a. | Ulrich Food Group Producer & Exporter Apt. 34, Winsbergring 38 D-22525 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Logo, Nummer, Inhaber, Zeichen, Produkt, Standards, Text, Unterschrift und Datum manipuliert Forged certificate Logo, Number, Holder, Mark, Product, Standards, Text, Signature and Date manipulated |
12 600 33853 TMS | Production and Exportation of frozen chicken (Feet, Paws, Breast, Whole) | n.a. | Ulrich Food Group Producer & Exporter Apt. 34, Winsbergring 38 D-22525 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber, Produkte und Unterschrift manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder, Products and signature manipulated |
SB5 08 05 66912 002 | Bootsantriebe Boat Drives | Propulsion engines for recreational craft and personal watercraft, outboard motors F4.0/F5.0 | V.R.B. FRIESLAND B.V. JUNOKADE 1 8900 AC LEEUWARDEN The Netherlands | Gefälschtes Zertifikat : Modellbezeichnungen, Parameter und Prüfberichtsnummer manipuliert Forged certificate: Models, parameter and report no. manipulated |
SB5 08 05 66912 004 | Bootsantriebe Boat Drives | Propulsion engines for recreational craft and personal watercraft, outboard motors F9.9/F15 | V.R.B. FRIESLAND B.V. JUNOKADE 1 8900 AC LEEUWARDEN The Netherlands | Gefälschtes Zertifikat : Modellbezeichnungenund Parameter manipuliert Forged certificate: Models and parameter manipulated |
BP 60005233 0001 | Safety Jacket | FV001 | Vanatex Nijverheidslaan 55 8540 Deerlijk Belgie (wrong) | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, Lizenzinhaber und Produkt manipuliert Forged certificate, license holder and product manipulated |
Z1A 12 11 55371 009 | Steps Klapptritte | VS1021GS, VS1022GS, VS1023GS, VS1039GS, VS1040GS, VS1440GS | VIGOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS CO., LTD Shenghui South Industry Area 528427 Nantou Town, Zhongshan PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Parameter manipuliert Forged certificate: Parameters manipulated |
E8 03 10 51149 002 | CPU Prozessor CPU Processor | AU021, AU032, AU044 | Vonnes Technology Co., Ltd. 609 Room Donglin Buliding Xinhua Street Longgang district Shenzhen China | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Produkt, Modelle, Produktbeschreibung, Parameter und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged attestation of conformity: holder of certificate incl. address, item identification, model no., item description, parameters and date of issue manipulated |
G2 16 09 95916 002 | Nebulizer Mask, Connecting Tubes with Yankauer Handle, Humidification Bottle, Anesthesia and Breathing Circuit, Disposable Surgical Blades, Disposable Sterile Blood Lancets, Oxygen Masks with Reservoir Bag, X-Ray Detectable Gauze Pads, Disposable Sterile Venous Indwelling Needle, Disposable Trachea Cannula, Disposable Urethral Catheter, Disposable Nasal Oxygen Cannula, Disposable Stomach Tubes, Laryngeal Mask, Anesthesia mask, Oxygen Mask, Disposable Syringes | n.a. | deleted from counterfeit | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber und EC-Repräsentatn manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder and EC-Representative manipulated |
T8 15 01 63581 694 | Telephone Equipment | 1082S, 1082 | n.a. | Unauthorized attestations found on the market |
T8 15 01 63581 695 | Telephone Equipment | Luxia 155T, Luxia 255T, Luxia 355T | n.a. | Unauthorized attestations found on the market |
T8 15 01 63581 693 | Telephone Equipment | Pallas 105T, Pallas 205T, Pallas 305T, Pallas 155T, Pallas 255T, Pallas 355T | n.a. | Unauthorized attestations found on the market |
T8 14 12 63581 692 | Telephone Equipment | Luxia 150, Luxia 250, Luxia 350, Luxia 155T, Luxia 255T, Luxia 355T | n.a. | Unauthorized attestations found on the market |
T8 14 12 63581 690 | Telephone Equipment | Pallas 100, Pallas 200, Pallas 300, Pallas 150, Pallas 250, Pallas 350 | n.a. | Unauthorized attestations found on the market |
T8 14 12 63581 691 | Telephone Equipment | Pallas 100, Pallas 200, Pallas 300, Pallas 150, Pallas 250, Pallas 350 | n.a. | Unauthorized attestations found on the market |
T8 14 09 63581 687 | Telephone Equipment | Lila 105T, Lila 205T, Lila 305T, Lila 155T, Lila 255T, Lila 355T | n.a. | Unauthorized attestations found on the market |
T8 14 09 63581 686 | Telephone Equipment | Lila 100, Lila 200, Lila 300, Lila 150, Lila 250, Lila 350 | n.a. | Unauthorized attestations found on the market |
T8 14 07 63581 685 | Telephone Equipment | Manta 100, Manta 200, Manta 300 (PP with Buzzer), Manta 150, Manta 250, Manta 350, Manta 2501, Manta 2502, Manta 2503 (PP with Speaker) | n.a. | Unauthorized attestations found on the market |
T8 14 06 63581 684 | Telephone Equipment | Avena 479 | n.a. | Unauthorized attestations found on the market |
T8 14 06 63581 683 | Telephone Equipment | Avena 479T | n.a. | Unauthorized attestations found on the market |
T8 14 06 63581 682 | Telephone Equipment | Avena 439T | n.a. | Unauthorized attestations found on the market |
T8 14 06 63581 681 | Telephone Equipment | Avena 439 | n.a. | Unauthorized attestations found on the market |
T8 14 04 63581 680 | Telephone Equipment | BM300 | n.a. | Unauthorized attestations found on the market |
T8 14 02 63581 671 | Telephone Equipment | MD83321, MD83640, MD83670, MD83671, MD83672, MD83673, MD83674 | n.a. | Unauthorized attestations found on the market |
Z10 13 01 30906 003 | Valve | 1oo3 Safety Control Block | WELLAND & TUXHORN [W&T] Flüssigkeit Kontrolle GmbH Gütersloher Straße 257 33649 Bielefeld | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber manipuliert Forged certificate: holder manipulated |
11103038 | 24" LED BLU-TV m. DVD | LED 2411 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
11103036 | DVD Mini Combo | MS 1131DVD | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
11103039 | DVD Porti 7" | DPP 1105-070 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
11103044 | AM/FM Radio CD Player | BB 1101(SW) | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
11103045 | 24" LED BLU-TV m. DVB-T | LED 2410 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
11103047 | DVD/TV-Porti | DPP 1126-070Twin | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12023076 | DVD Mini Combo | MS 1131DVD | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12023077 | Portable DVD/TV system 10.1" | VP118 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12023078 | DVD/TV-Porti | DPP 1126-070 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12033079 | DVD/TV-Porti | DPP 1135-090 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12033080 | Radio Alarm Clock With Mood Light | CR 125 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12033081 | DVB-S2 SETTOP BOX | SB 1250HD | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12033084 | DVB-S3 SETTOP BOX | SB 1150HD | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12033085 | Design Speaker System | AH121 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12033087 | Design Weckradio | CH122 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12043093 | Projection Radio Alarm Clock | CR 107 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12063107 | 31.5' LED-BLU TV | Sydney | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12063109 | 21.5' LED BLU-TV | Portofino | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12063113 | DVD-Porti Twin-Set | DPP 1111-070Twin | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12063114 | DVD/TV-Porti | DPP 1226-070Twin | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12073129 | 23.6" LED BLU-TV | Melbourne | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12073130 | Radiorecorder | RR 1330 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12073131 | Boombox | BB 1320 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12083136 | 21.5" LED BLU-TV | Hobart | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12083137 | Portable DVD Porti system 7" | DPP 1205-070 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12093140 | Portable Sound Machine | AP123 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12093141 | Portable Sound Machine | AP124 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12093142 | Portable DVD-Player 7" | DPP 1305-070 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12103144 | Stereo Boombox with CD/MP3 Player | BB 1322 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12103145 | AM/FM Radio CD Player | BB 1201 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12103146 | Electric Kettle | CWK121JB | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12113151 | Radiorecorder | RR 1330 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12113152 | Boombox | BB 1325 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12113153 | 9" Portable DVD/TV-System | DPP 1335-090 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12113155 | 10" Portable DVD/TV-System | VP128 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12113156 | Design Bluetooth Headphone | AP130 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12113158 | Design Bluetooth Headphone | AP131 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
12123161 | Hair Dryer | HD-1200W | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
13073176 | CD+G Karaoke Player/Radio | KP 12-04 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
13073177 | Radio/CD Player with sing-Along | BB 12-03 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
13073178 | CD+G Karaoke Player/Radio | KP 12-04 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
13073179 | Radio/CD Player with sing-Along | BB 12-03 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
13073180 | Portable DVD/TV-System | VP128 | Wellon Far East Limited. 2510B, 25/F., Skyline Tower, 39 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Hong Kong | Gefälschter Prüfbericht: Bericht ist frei erfunden Forged test report: Report is totally fake |
G2 11 02 50440 013 | Diagnostic Ultrasound Systems, Electrocardiographs, Fetal Dopplers | n.a. | Wellton Electronics Co., Limited (manufacturer) Unit 04, 7/F, Bright Way Tower No. 33, Mong Kok Road, Kowloon Hongkong People`s Republic of China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber und Fertigungsstätten manipuliert Forged Certificate: holder of Certificate and Facility(ies) manipulated |
Z1 12 05 93347 001 | Outdoor fitness equipment | n.a. | Wenzhou Bole Fitness and Entertainment Equiment Co., Ltd. Yangwan Industrial Zone, Qiaoxia Town Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Inhaber, Produkt und Testberichtsnummer manipuliert Forged Certificate: Certificate Number, Holder, Product and Test report number manipulated |
Z1A 08 08 72085 001 | Hammock Hängematte | 205-A4-G | Wenzhou Xiangda Handicrafts Co., Ltd. Zhong Jie Village, Hu Wu Town 325615 Yue Qing City, Zheijiang Prov. People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Fabrik, Parameter, Prüfrichtlinie, Text, Prüfberichtsnummer, Gültigkeit und Datum manipuliert Forged certificate: Number of certificate, Factory, Parameters, Testing terms, Text, Test Report number, Validity and Date manipulated |
EX8 15 06 81512 014 | High Efficient Energy- saving Explosion Proof Light | Exd II C T6 RFBL-105 RFBL-162 RFBL-165 RFBL-161 | Wenzhou Recen Lighting Electrical Co., Ltd No.6 Yong He San Road Shenhai Industrial Zone 325600 Yueqing City Zhejiang Province People's Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Produkt, Modelle, Parameter, Text, Prüfberichtsnummer und Datum manipuliert Forged certificate: Number of certificate, holder of certificate incl. its address, Product, Models, Parameters, Text, Test Report number and Date manipulated |
Q1N 15 06 70302 002 | Design and development, production and distribution of packaging material for medical devices to be sterilized | n.a. | Winner Medical Co., Ltd. (Holder of certificate, Facility) Winner Industrial Park, Bulong Road, Longhua, Shenson City, China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber samt Adresse, Fertigungsstätte samt Adresse, Scope, Normen, Gültigkeit und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: Certificate holder incl. address, facility incl. address, scope of certificate, standards, validity and date of issue manipulated |
G2S 07 05 62722 001 | Latex Examination Gloves, Nitrile Examination Gloves | n.a. | Wintex Industry Co., Ltd Korean Industrial Zone, Fenghuang Town Zhangjiagang City Jiangsu Province China. | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller, Produktkategorien, Gültigkeit und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer, product categories, validity and date of issue manipulated |
Z1A 11 08 74317 008 | Portable chain saws with combustion engine Gasoline chain saws | TM4500, WT5200, TM5800 | WINTOOLS INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD Room1104,Huayuan Evolution Building, 639 North Jianguo Road, Hangzhou, 310004,China. | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber, Modelle und Parameter manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder, Models and Parameters manipulated |
Q2N 10 08 74504 001 | Production and Distribution of Nonwoven Face Masks, Surgical Gowns, Nonwoven Overalls, Nonwoven Caps, Nonwoven Shoe Covers, CPE Gowns | n.a. | Wuhan Vanjoin Import and Eyport Co., Ltd. A-3, Building No. 6, Advanced Business Park, Gutian 2RD, Qiaokou District, Whan 430075, Hubei, China, P.R.C. | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Inhaber, Fabrik, Parameter, Gültigkeit und Datum manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder, Factory, Parameters, Validity and Date manipulated |
N8 13 07 84383 011 | Luminaires for tunnel lighting (Tunnel light) | FY-S002, FY-S003, FY-S004, FY-S005 | WUHU FENGYUN ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO LTD WEIER ROAD WUHU MECHANICAL INDUSTRIAL ZONE 241000 WUHU ANHUI People's Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Herkunft der Fälschung unbekannt Zertifikatsnummer, Produkt, Modelle, Parameter, Prüfberichtsnummer und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: origin of forgery is unknown Certificate no., product, models, parameters, test report no. and date of issue manipulated |
N8 13 07 84383 031 | Luminaires for street lighting (Street light) | FY-L004, FY-L005, FY-L006, FY-L007, FY-L008, FY-L009, FY-L010, FY-L011, FY-L012, FY-L013, FY-L014, FY-L0155 | WUHU FENGYUN ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO LTD WEIER ROAD WUHU MECHANICAL INDUSTRIAL ZONE 241000 WUHU ANHUI People's Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Herkunft der Fälschung unbekannt Zertifikatsnummer, Produkt, Modelle, Parameter, Prüfberichtsnummer und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: origin of forgery is unknown Certificate no., product, models, parameters, test report no. and date of issue manipulated |
N8 13 07 84383 008 | Luminaires for garden lighting (Garden light) | FY-Y002, FY-Y003, FY-Y004 | WUHU FENGYUN ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO LTD WEIER ROAD WUHU MECHANICAL INDUSTRIAL ZONE 241000 WUHU ANHUI People's Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Herkunft der Fälschung unbekannt Zertifikatsnummer, Produkt, Modelle, Parameter, Prüfberichtsnummer und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: origin of forgery is unknown Certificate no., product, models, parameters, test report no. and date of issue manipulated |
N8 13 07 84383 014 | Luminaires for indoor lighting (Indoor light) | FY-B002, FY-B003, FY-B004, FY-B005, FY-X001, FY-X002, FY-X003, FY-X004 | WUHU FENGYUN ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO LTD WEIER ROAD WUHU MECHANICAL INDUSTRIAL ZONE 241000 WUHU ANHUI People's Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Herkunft der Fälschung unbekannt Zertifikatsnummer, Produkt, Modelle, Parameter, Prüfberichtsnummer und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: origin of forgery is unknown Certificate no., product, models, parameters, test report no. and date of issue manipulated |
Z2 09 10 62085 012 | Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules | CN120-36P, CN125-36P, CN130-36P, ... | Wuhu Zhongfu Industry Co., Ltd. Machinery Industry Park, Wuhu, Anhui PRC (wrong) | Gefälschtes TÜV-Mark Zertifikat Counterfeit TÜV-mark certificate |
G2S 09 11 71160 001 | Wooden Tongue Depressors, Wooden Ayre Spatulas, Cotton Tipped Applicators | n.a. | Wujiang Yongcheng Wooden Products Factory Shuanglong Road, Meiyan Town 215225 Wujiang City People´s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Gültigkeit und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: Valid until date, date of issue manipulated |
Z1A 11 11 78624 001 | Abschleppstangen Tow-rods | BS-01-002, BS-01-003 | Wuyi Baisheng Tool Co., Ltd Tongqin Industrial Park 321201 Wuyi, Zhejiang People`s republic of China | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat: Parameter wurden manipulier Forged GS-Certificate Parameters were manipulated |
N8 13 07 74093 004 | Lighting chain (Christmas Light) | LJ-1060-1, LJ-1060-2, LJ-1090-1, LJ-1090-2, | Xiamen Xieer Lighting Co., Ltd, Unit U7/F, Rihua Building, No.8 Xinfeng Second Road Torch Park, Torch Hi-Tech Zone, Xiamen City PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Inhaber manipuliert Forged Attestation of Conformity: Holder of Certificate manipulated |
G2S 08 09 64733 002 | Latex Examination Gloves, Latex Surgical Gloves, Vinyl Gloves, Nitrile Gloves, Latex Condom (For single use) | n.a. | Xinran Medical Products Co.,Limited (Manufacturer) No.169 building, Chengbei Road, Beiyuan Industrial Zone Yiwu City PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany Xinran Medical Products Co.,Limited (Facility) No.169 building, Chengbei Road, Beiyuan Industrial Zone Yiwu City PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller, Produktkategorien, Gültigkeit, Ausstellungsdatum und Fertigungsstätte manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer, product categories, validity, date of issue and facility manipulated |
68.401.19.2105.01A 68.401.19.2105.01A 68.401.19.2105.01E | Stick blender | 42899, 42899A0, SSMK 150 A1, 42899**(*=0-9 or A-Z or blank) | X.J. Group (HK) Limited 7/F., Building 7, Shatoujiao Free Trade Zone, Yantian Shenzhen China | Gefälschte Prüfberichte: Berichte sind frei erfunden Forged test reports: Reports are totally fake |
68.401.19.2105.01B 68.401.19.2105.01C 68.401.19.2105.01D | Stick blender | 42899A0, SSMK 300 A1, 42899A1, SSMK 150 A1, 42899**(*=0-9 or A-Z or blank) | X.J. Group (HK) Limited 7/F., Building 7, Shatoujiao Free Trade Zone, Yantian Shenzhen China | Gefälschte Prüfberichte: Berichte sind frei erfunden Forged test reports: Reports are totally fake |
68.401.19.2105.01F | Parts of hand mixer | 42899A0, SSMK 300 A1, 42899A1, SSMK 150 A1, 42899**(*=0-9 or A-Z or blank) | X.J. Group (HK) Limited 7/F., Building 7, Shatoujiao Free Trade Zone, Yantian Shenzhen China | Gefälschter Prüfbericht Projektnummer, Muster und Modell manipuliert; Eintrag 005 Dichtungsring und dessen Prüfergebnis nachträglich hinzugefügt Forged test report Project number, sample and model description were modified, item 005 sealing ring and its test result were added |
G1 16 12 95448 001 | Diagnostic Ultrasound Systems | n.a. | Yafed Technology Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer, Facility) 204#, Build C, 13# Lianhuachi East Road, Fengtai District, 100071, Beijing People´s Republic of China Wellkang Ltd (EC-Representative) Suite B, 29 Harley Street London W1G 9QR United Kingdom | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Hersteller samt Adresse, Fabrik samt Adresse, Gültigkeitsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: Certificate number, manufacturer including its address, facility including its address, validity manipulated |
G2 17 12 02927 002 | Digital Thermometers, Blood Pressure Monitor, Infrared Forehead Thermometer | n.a. | Yancheng Kellyunion Import and Export Co., Ltd. (Manufacturer) Building 2, No. 17 Yandu East Road, Xinhe Street Chengnan Distict 224005 Yancheng, Jiangsu People´s Republic of China Weerapon Phiwphun Paper Factory (EC-Representative) 055/111 Rayong, Pluak Daeng, Lahan Thailand | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: EC-Repräsentant inkl. Adresse manipuliert Forged certificate: EC-Representative within its address manipulated |
G2 10 09 74269 002 | Orthodontic Bracket, Orthodontic Bonding Orthodontic Band, Orthodontic Buccal Tube, Sliding Hook, | n.a. | Yangcheng Foreign Trade Corp.,Ltd (Smile-Medical) 12 # Yanhe Road 224005 Yancheng, Jiangsu People's Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller, Produktkategorien, Gültigkeit, Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer, product categories, valid until date and date of issue manipulated |
Z1A 10 01 39721 051 | Foot-operated tire pumps | LJ-10100-1, LJ-10100-2, LJ-10120-1, LJ-10120-2, | Yongkang Jinwei Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. Dushantou Industrial Zone Yongkang, Zhejiang, China 321306 (wrong) | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat, falscher Inhaber, falsche Modellbezeichnung Forged GS-Certificate, wrong licence holder, wrong model designation |
E8N 10 12 16467 122 | Fritteuse Electric Deep Fryer | LJ-10180-1, LJ-10180-2, LJ-10240-1, LJ-10240-2, | Yongkang Pino Industry & Trade co., ltd No. 161, Iizhou North RD. Yongkang, Zhejiang China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat : Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Produkt und Modellbezeichnung manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate incl. address, product term and model-designation manipulated |
G1 05 05 54496 002 Q1N 05 05 54496 001 | Kondome Condoms | LJ-1030-1S, LJ-1030-1C, LJ-1050-1S, LJ-1050-1C, | Yun Hai Co. Ltd. (wrong) | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, falscher Inhaber Forged Certificate, wrong licence holder |
Q2N 05 10 57255 001 | Production and Distribution of TPE Gloves, CPE Gloves, LDPE Gloves, HDPE Gloves, LDPE Aprons, LDPE Sleeve Covers, CPE Shoe Covers, CPE Mattress Covers, CPE Gown | n.a. | Zhangjiagang Deyi Plastic Product Co., Ltd. (holder of certificate and facility) Xiashi Village Fenghuang Town Zhangjiagang City China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse, Fertigungsstätte, scope of certificate, Gültigkeitsdatum und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate incl. address, facility, scope of certificate, validity date and date of issue manipulated |
Z1A 04 08 48098 007 | Trampolin trampoline | LJ-10256-1S, LJ-10256-1C, LJ-10300-1S, LJ-10300-1C | ZHANGJIAGANG HAITIAN NETTING INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD. NO.8,Yuefeng Road,Provincial Development Zone,Jiang Su province, China 215600 China | Gefälschtes GS- Zertifikat : Zertifikatsnummer, Zertifikatsinhaber inkl. Adresse und Modellbezeichnungen manipuliert forged GS- certificate: number of certificate, holder of certificate incl. address and models manipulated |
G2 05 03 55161 002 | Disposable PE Apron and PE Glove | LJ-10128-1S, LJ-10128-1C, LJ-10150-1S, LJ-10150-1C, | Zhangjigang Futeng Plastic Gloves Co., Ltd (Manufacturer) No. 164 Shuanglong Road, Fenghuang Town 215614 Zhangjiagang People`s Republic of China Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Hersteller, Produktkategorie, Gültigkeit, Datum und Fabrik manipuliert Forged certificate: Manufacturer, Product Categories, Validity, Date and Faclitiy manipulated |
68.760.14.298.01 | DIGITAL MULTIMETER | M92A, MAS830, M830D | ZHANGZHOU HUAYI ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD NO.4 Jinling Road, Jinfeng Industrial Zone, 363000 Zhangzhou, Fujian PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschter Prüfbericht Forged test report |
P6 04 12 53358 002 | Warnwesten High visibility warning clothing | D01T | Zhejiang DaoMing Reflecting Material Co. Ltd. No.001 Yingbin Rd.3rd Xiangzhu 321313 Yongkang, Zhejiang PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Wiederholte, gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Parameter manipuliert Repeated, forged attestation of conformity: parameters manipulated |
Z2 06 02 58825 001 und/and P6 04 12 53358 002 | Warnwesten High visibility warning clothing | D01T | Zhejiang DaoMing Reflecting Material Co. Ltd. PRC-321313 Yongkang, Zhejiang (wrong) | Gefälschtes TÜV-Mark Zertifikat sowie unrechtmässige Nutzung des Bumusterzertifikates Counterfeit TÜV-mark certificate and unauthorised use of the type examination certificate |
G2S 10 02 42464 010 |
Einwegkunststoffpinzette, Einweg Vaginal Speculum
Disposable Plastic Forceps, Disposable Vaginal Speculum | n. a. | Zhejiang Gongdong Medical Technology Co., Ltd. Beicheng Industrial Area 318020 Huangyan PRC | Gefälschtes Zertifikat, gefälschte Gültigkeit Forged Certificate, forged validity |
E8A 14 12 90782 001 | Bicycles with electric drive PEDELEC | 3TDQ05Z, TDL06Z, TDN12Z, TDE01Z, TDE02Z, TDE03Z, TDE042, TDF01Z, TDA01Z, TDR20Z | Zhejiang Jiajieshi Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd. Xinshi Industrial Park, Deqing county PRC | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Modelle Forged certificate: Model manipulated |
Z1A 00 05 36280 003 | Allzweckböcke General Purpose Frames | BV-26 | Zhejiang Jinhua J.G. Tools Manufacturin Co. Ltd. Houyuan, Luodian PRC-321021 Jinhua City, Zhejian Prov. | Gefälschte Zertifikatsnummer, falsche Modellbezeichnung, Kenndaten und Ausstellungsdatum Wrong number of certificate, model designation, parameters, Date of issue |
Z1A 06 12 49493 003 | Schneeketten Snow chains | KN 3,5 (series) | Zhejiang Pujiang Yongli Chain Co., Ltd. 86 Banban Dadao, Pujiang 322200 Zhejiang PRC | Ausstellungsdatum und Gültigkeitsdatum manipuliert Date of issue and date of validity were manipulated |
P6 05 14 54823 003 | Warnwesten High visibility warning clothing | (wrong) SS101 | Zhejiang SunShine Reflection Material Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Changchen Industry Area 321300 Yongkang Zhejiang PRC (wrong) | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung gemäß PSA Richtlinie, falsche Modellbezeichnung Forged declaration of conformity according to PSE directive, wrong model designation |
G2S 17 12 02824 002 | Irrigation Syringe, Oropharyngeal Airways, Nasopharyngeal
Airways, Rectal Catheters, Sterile Latex Examination Gloves, Sterile Urine Bags, Sterile Urine Meters, Sterile Lap Sponge, Sterile Gauze Swab, Alcohol Swabsticks, Alcohol Prep Pad, Brush-Sponge, Sterile Absorbent Cotton, Sterile Non Woven Sponge, Wound Plasters, Adhesive Wound Dressings, Sterile Vaginal Speculums for Single Use, Disposable Nasal Speculums, Disposable Tongue Depressors, Disposable Umbilical Cord Clamps, Disposable I.D Bracelets, Disposable Endometrial Suction Cannulas, Disposable Ear Checker, Plastic Forceps, Disposable Dressing Kits, Disposable Surgical Pack, Surgical Drape, Surgical Gown, Face Mask, Cap Splint SAM, Cervical Collar, Decompression Needle, Surgical Packs, Head Immobilizer, Thermal Insulation Blanket | n.a. | Zhejiang Vansun Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. 22-1-1 Floor, 035 Building No. 555, JuXian Road, High-Tech Zone 315042 Ningbo, People´s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Produktkategorien manipuliert Forged certificate: Product Categories manipulated |
G2 17 12 02824 003 | Disposable Syringe with Needle, Auto Disable Syringe
with Needle, Retractable Safety Syringe, Hypodermic Needle, Infusion Set, Blood Transfusion Set, Burette Infusion Set, Insulin Syringe, Scalp Vein Set, Latex Foley Catheters, 100% Silicone Foley Catheters, Suction Catheters, Stomach Tubes, Feeding Tubes, Nelaton Catheters, Yankauer Suction Sets, Endotracheal Tubes, Reinforced Endotracheal Tubes, Laryngeal Masks Devices, Oxygen Mask, Aerosol Masks, Multi-Vent Masks, Non-Rebreathing Masks, Tracheostomy Masks, Nasal Oxygen Cannulas, Latex Surgical Gloves, Sterile Surgical Blades, Disposable Scalpel with Plastic Handle, Blood Lancet, Lubricating Jelly, Disposable Gynecological Sets, Disposable Cervical Brushes, Disposable Cervical Spatulas, Sterile Gauze Swab with X-Ray, Sterile Lap sponge with X-Ray, Individual Wrapping Packet, Dressing Sets, Warrior Elastic Band CAT, Cest Seal | n.a. | Zhejiang Vansun Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. 22-1-1 Floor, 035 Building No. 555, JuXian Road, High-Tech Zone 315042 Ningbo, People´s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Produktkategorien manipuliert Forged certificate: Product Categories manipulated |
Z1A 05 01 48098 007 | Trampolin | B-6285 | Zhejiang Yongkang Tian Xin Fitness & Relax Equipment Co. Ltd. | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat Forged GS-Certificate |
AL 00 09 39828 001 | Fun-Roller | Mod. N-I, N-J | Zhejiang Yongkang Zhenjuan Machine Make Co. Ltd. | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat, falscher Inhaber, falsche Modellbezeichnung Forged GS-Certificate, wrong licence holder, wrong model designation |
G2 07 11 61915 834 | Sterile latex surgical Gloves, Non-woven Face Mask, Plaster of Paris Bandage, Medical Tape. Latex Examination Gloves | n.a. | Zhengzhou Concerone Medical Supplies Co,.Ltd. (manufacturer) No.59 Huayuan Road, 450008 Zhengzhou City PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (EC-Representative) Eiffestrasse 80 20537 Hamburg Germany | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsnummer, Hersteller inkl. Adresse, Produktkategorie, Gültigkeitsdatum und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: Number, manufacturer within its address, Product Category, validity date and date of issue manipulated |
Q2N 07 10 34827 132 | Sterile latex surgical gloves, Non-woven Face Mask, Plaster of Paris Bandage, Medical Tape. Latex Examination Gloves | n.a. | Zhengzhou Concerone Medical Supplies Co,.Ltd. (holder of certificate) No.59 Huayuan Road, 450008 Zhengzhou City PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA Zhengzhou Concerone Medical Supplies Co,.Ltd. (facility) No.59 Huayuan Road, 450008 Zhengzhou City PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Zertifikatsinhaber, Fertigungsstätte, Scope of Certificate, Berichtsnummer, Gültigkeit und Ausstellungsdatum manipuliert Forged certificate: Holder of certificate, facility, scope of certificate, test report no., validity and date of issue manipulated |
Z1A 06 11 59745 006 | Food warmer | CCW-111 CCW-112 | Zhongshan Boyang Electric Co., Ltd. Middle Xingpu Road, Hunagpu 528427 Zhongshan PRC - Guangdong | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat, falsche Produktbezeichnung (richtig: Elektrische Kaffeemaschinen) Forged GS-Certificate, wrong product designation (correct: Electric coffee makers) |
N8 12 05 63064 050 | Adaptors (Switching Power Adaptor) | LTD-12E(IC) | Zhongshan FuDO Transformer Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Beside Automobile Accessories City Zhongjiang Highway Entry, Dongsheng Town 528414 Zongshan, Guangdong People`s Republic of China | Gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung: Modellbezeichung manipuliert Forged Attestation of Conformity: Model manipulated |
Z1A 06 01 55148 001 N8 06 01 55148 002 | Niederhubwagen Pallet carts | (wrong) AC 25 AC 30 | Zhongshan Niuli Machinery Factory Xinfeng Middle Road, Hunag Pu Town 528429 Zhongshan City | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat, gefälschte Konformitätsbescheinigung gemäß Niederspannungsrichtlinie, falsche Modellbezeichnung Forged GS-Certificate, forged declaration of conformity according to low voltage directive, wrong product designation |
Z1A 11 03 75453 002 | Electronic refrigerators (Wine cooler) | BW-15D, BW-20D, BW-25D, BW-35D, BW-35A, BW-50D, BW-50A, BC-50A, BW-25D2, BW-35D2, BW-70A, BW-70D, BW65-DD, BW-55DD | Zhongshan Yehos Electrical Appliance Co.,Ltd Nantou Town No.3,Jianye Rd Shenghui South Industrial Zone 528427 Zhongshan City,Guangdong Province PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Modelle manipuliert Forged Certificate: models manipulated |
N8 11 03 75453 003 | Electronic refrigerators (Wine cooler) | BW-15D, BW-20D, BW-25D, BW-35D, BW-35A, BW-50D, BW-50A, BC-50A, BW-25D2, BW-35D2, BW-70A, BW-70D, BW65-DD, BW-55DD | Zhongshan Yehos Electrical Appliance Co.,Ltd Nantou Town No.3,Jianye Rd Shenghui South Industrial Zone 528427 Zhongshan City,Guangdong Province PEOPLE`S REPUBLIC OF CHINA | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Modelle manipuliert Forged Certificate: models manipulated |
Q1N 15 07 65156 001 | Design Development, Production, Disposable Infusion Set, Sterile Insulin Syringe, Blood Transfusion Hypodermic Needle, Scapl Vein Set, Disposable I.V. Cannula, Sterile Three-way Stopcock for Single Use, Disposable Dental Needle, Serile I.V. Infusion Set with Burette Set, Urine Bag, Blood Collection Tube for Single Use, Urine Bab, Latex Surgical Glove, Latey Oxygen Mask, Oxogen Nasal Cannula, Drainage Tube, Suction Connection Tube, Stomach Tube, Nelaton Cathters, Rectal Trachesto | n.a. | Zibo Eastmed Healthcare Products, Co., Ltd. Chuangye Yujing Plaza, West 5 Road, Zhangdian District Zibo City, 255000 Shandong Province People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Nummer, Inhaber, Fabrik, Produkte, Berichtsnummer, Gültigkeit und Datum manipuliert Forged certificate: Number, Holder, Facilities, Scope, Report Number, Validity and Date manipulated |
G1 15 10 65156 002 | Disposable Infusion Sets, Sterile Syringes, Blood Transfusion Sets, Sterile Hypodermic Needle for Single Use, Intravenous Infusion Needle for Single Use, light-resistant infusion sets for single use, infusion sets with micro- filter for single use, infusion sets with flow regulator for single use, extension line with flow regulator for single use, infusion sets with PVC DEHP free for single use, Intravenous Cannula for Single Use | n.a. | Zibo Eastmed Healthcare Products, Co., Ltd. Chuangye Yujing Plaza, West 5 Road, Zhangdian District Zibo City, 255000 Shandong Province People`s Republic of China | Gefälschtes Zertifikat: Nummer, Hersteller, Prüfberichtsnummer, Gültigkeit und Datum manipulier Forged Certificate: Number, Manufacturer, Report No., Validity and Date manipulated |
Z1A 09 04 69739 001 | Roller Scooters | CD1001 | ZION INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. DIAMOND BUILDING 1208 SHANGCHENG AREA HANGZHOU, ZHEJIANG CHINA | Gefälschtes GS-Zertifikat: Inhaber manipuliert Forged GS-Certificate: licence holder manipulated |
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