Quality Methods in the Product Life Cycle
Achieve a profound understanding of the different phases of the product life cycle and associated quality methods.
Understand the benefits of quality methods and know when and how to apply them.
Combine and use quality methods in a meaningful way.
- Phases of the product life cycle
- Role of quality methods in the life cycle on the basis of a case study
- Higher-level methods
- Phase-based methods
- Definition
- Design and development
- Qualification
- Pre-production
- Series production
- Use
- Disposal
- Validation vs. verification
- Quiz
Would you like to learn about the methods and tools applied in quality management? You have heard about various quality methods, but do not know when, why and how to use them?
Would you also like to be able to differentiate between the concepts of product validation and process validation and understand how they are separate from verification?
This e-learning course will guide you through the entire product life cycle – starting with the first idea for a product or service, continuing with the delivery to the customer and support during use, and closing with the disposal process. Quality management is responsible for selecting and implementing suitable methods, tools, measurements and inspections throughout the entire product life cycle. The goal of this e-learning course is to understand and apply these concepts.
Online. Self-paced eLearning course.
System requirements
Supported browsers include:
- Chrome
- Safari
- Internet Explorer
- Firefox
Additional requirements include:
- A high speed internet connection will provide best results.
- An email address is required to register for courses.
- Microsoft Media Player or equivalent is needed to play audio and video files.
- Flash Player is used for content and interactive learning. If necessary download and install Flash Player to ensure proper operation of course content.
What is included with the course?
Each course will include access to e-learning content, quizzes, and proof of completion. Additional resources may also be included and this will vary by course.
Can I pause the course and log in to it anytime?
Certainly. The course allows the learner to take a break and return to it within the defined access period (typically 365 days).
Are there any quizzes in the middle of the course?
Our e-learning courses are designed to promote interaction between learner and content and often include quizzes. Quizzes are designed to help understand where successful learning has been achieved, and where opportunities for additional review exist.
Can I get a refund if I cancel my enrollment?
Refunds cannot be provided once a course is activated. Please be sure to review course information prior to activation.
What happens if I don’t finish the course within the access period?
The standard access period is 365 days to allow sufficient time to complete your course.
If you have questions, or require assistance, you may reach us at [email protected]
To learn more about TÜV SÜD, please click here.
If you are unable to purchase online please contact our team today at [email protected] or (978) 573-1997.