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In this fourth episode of our Asset Integrity Management (AIM) series, Mr. Dominic Alton, discusses the topic of Acoustic Emission Testing (AT) with Mr. Hermann Schubert, Head of Digital and Continuous Inspection, Division Industry Service, at TÜV SÜD. Through this episode, Mr. Schubert, introduces Acoustic Emission and explains how it is used in smart inspections and industrial asset health monitoring.
- 02min 55sec – What is Acoustic Emission Testing (AT) and why AT is fascinating?
- 04min 18sec – Pathway to becoming an AT expert
- 05min 24sec – Increasing relevance of AT as an Non-Destructive testing (NDT) technology
- 06min 27sec – Why should industrial plant operators advocate for AT adoption?
- 07min 26sec – Strengths and limitations of AT
- 08min 10sec – When is AT the optimal choice for NDT, and how AT is used with other NDT testing methods?
- 08min 55sec – Most prevalent assets subjected to AT & Factors contributing to asset examination
- 10min 47sec – Country-specific regulations of AT
- 11min 52sec – Connection between AT and other areas of Asset Integrity Management (AIM)
- 13min 12sec – Future of AT
- 14min 18sec – Mr. Schubert’s experience as an AT expert
- 14min 48sec – AT and sustainability
- 15min 55sec – Tips for engineers and plant operators entering the industry
- “Acoustic Emission Testing´s allure lies in its ability to capture the dynamics of materials in real time without disturbing ongoing operations. Imagine observing the heartbeat of industrial assets, like pressure pipping and pressure vessels, detecting deterioration changes before they escalate and become a catastrophic failure.”
- “The increasing relevance of Acoustic Emission Testing is rooted in its unique capabilities to offer more safety to industrial installations. Traditional NDT methods often rely on periodic assessments, which might miss subtle changes in material behaviour. AT on the other hand, offers continuous monitoring, providing real-time insights into structural integrity. This shift from reactive to proactive maintenance is invaluable in preventing failures and optimizing asset performance.”
- “AT is commonly applied to a diverse array of critical infrastructure within the chemical and petrochemical industry, including pressure vessels, reactors, columns, and storage tanks. These assets undergo acoustic emission testing due to their vulnerability to stress-induced anomalies, including corrosion, material fatigue, and structural degradation.”